October 09 - TRAFFIC

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Alison Parker 11/03/2009 00:41
Dear Brian
I think I made my latest donation in response to your month end podcast before the specific giving arrangements were made available, would it be possible for this money to be shifted over to be used in this work? By the way it was great to meet you last night. I will tell my folk about our gathering last night and about how God can create real Christian community in ways we never imagined just a few years ago. God bless you mightily.
Brian Hardin 11/03/2009 17:29
Alison. Yes.
punkrawkpunk88 11/03/2009 22:23
Good podcast. Although, I am only 10 minutes into it. But that was enough for me to pause, and finally check out the donation section of the website. It is very well done and easy to setup. Thanks for that. I am going to continue listening now :)
Alison Parker 11/04/2009 00:18
Thanks, Brian
That is great. I am praying that we will soon steam past the target you have set us.
UKSteve 11/04/2009 05:37
I don't know why I should be surprised, but I just did what Brian suggested, and googled human trafficking and the name of my sleepy little town in England... which it turns out is thought to have links with brothels trading oriental women for sex in London and Birmingham. Turns out it really is closer to home than you think.

And I posted this on the men's forum, but I think it's worth adding this to Brian's point that pornography use is often linked to sex trafficking:

Thanks Brian.
Julie Parmenter 11/04/2009 16:25
I listened to Brian's month-end review this morning and I just can't get it out of my head. I feel sick that such tragedy exists in the world today. I feel so sorry for the women and children who are in slavery but I also feel sick for the men who put and keep them in bondage. There was a book by Frederick Douglass, who was a slave in the U.S. during the 1800s, written after he was freed. He described not only what slavery did to those people who were slaves but also what it did to those people who owned slaves. The whole process of owning another human was so soul-damaging that it destoyed the people who did it. He said that sweet church-going men and women became tyrants and just wretched miserable people. So today I have been praying for the souls of the men who have become so damaged that they would enslave another person. I am praying that the Lord will heal them and lead them out of that life and into redemption.
Jo 11/05/2009 22:05
It is truly amazing to me that such atrocities continue to be perpetrated on our children. It was especially painful for me to listen to.
Millynne Brown 11/08/2009 13:15
Thank you for encouraging us to listen even though this is truly one of the hardest things I've ever had to wrap my head around. I have been aware of this for quite some time now and have had several friends who are involved with trying to rescue women and children out of this horrible nightmare -- but even at that it's been just so difficult to process. I think hearing you speak about this just confirmed some things and is helping me shake the "it's so horrible I just want to bury my head in the sand" syndrome that I had had for awhile.
Will continue to pray about this and also listen for what I'm supposed to do besides just pray.
angeltrain 11/08/2009 15:47
Human trafficking is the embodiment of evil on Earth. I am grateful that Brian is leading us in the fight against it. Count me in. My family will donate $100 to help. I am interested in helping in any way possible. Please Brian, what else can I do? This issue hits so close to home for my family.
JohninVegas 11/16/2009 10:24
I just listened to Brian's review last night. After fighting off tears and the urge to grab my guns, my wife and I decided to donate - the amount is not important, the gift is what counts. Just as i was logging on to givve this morning, my wife came to me with a news piece about a child being sold into prostitution by her parents in North Carolina (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/11/15/national/main5662087.shtml?tag=cbsnewsLeadStoriesAreaMain;cbsnewsLeadStoriesHeadlines). Brought Brian's message home and made a terrible situation even more real and immediate.

God gave us free will and these predatory people represent the exact opposite of the nature God infused into us. We have all been abused in some way - psychologically, financially, betrayal, many ways. There are many faces of evil but the abuse of one's free will, the theft of volition, and thereby direct opposition to one's path home has to be one of the most grievous sins. I cannot imagine being in this situation and we cannot tolerate it. we can't fix everything, but one standing calls to many. God bless you Brian. I'm in; please join in.
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