Discussions on Prayer

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Kelley 05/12/2010 12:52
There are so many ways to pray! There is such companionship in it. It doesn't need to be official. You can pray many ways in the same day. Keith Green used to say "make my life a prayer." Very profound words. One of the ways I LOVE to pray when I am praying for others and not just talking with God is that people or situations that are a regular part of my prayers I go to a bead store and get a little bead, stone, gem, or bracelet charm of some kind that reminds me of the person or the situation. Sometimes I string them and work through them like you would a rosary, praying for each one in order, sometimes I just dump them all out in my lap. I love the tactile way of being able to hold it in my hands and offer it to God. And instead of feeling like I will "forget" and rushing through, I can linger over each thing, each stone representing a person I carry in my heart before the Lord. I think of the stones for the tribes of Israelites on Aarons chest peice. We ALL have people and situations we carry before the Lord. I need to get a stone for the DAB focus on human slavery. Another favorite way to pray for others is to turn on Windfarm or IHOP and go down our prayer list and just pray the words of the music over each person. These aren't prayers specific to what they have asked for, but I know God knows what they asked for, and I just hold each person before Him one at a time in the song. Sometimes I am moved to write a prayer response too, but usually not. Usually it is between me and God. I always use scripture as a conversaton with God too. Talking through each line with him. ugh. I'll shut up now. Prayer is so rich, so diverse, so amazing, GOD bending close to hear our words and our heart.... it is unbelievable!
Kelley 05/12/2010 12:56
I should mention that prayer is listening to Him too. Sometimes prayer is absolutely silent. It's a conversation, not a monologue.
barry 06/14/2010 04:35
your idea of the stones are a great idea, in fact, i go to one of the biggest churches, rick warren's saddleback church, last month they offered several issues to pray about, eg the thirsty, the needy, the orphans, the sick, hiv etc, w/ each issue you got a little tag to put on your key chain, w/ the name of the issue, i also have one from celebrate recovery on my key chain, when tempted to anger, rub the coin, i worked at a catholic hospital for a while, altho not catholic, i found the chapel there very peaceful, kneeling , listening to God speak to me, i asked the chaplain there, many ?'s , about catholism, as i'm protestant, i wanted to inquire about the idolatory thing, it was explained to me that the beads, the crucifix etc are , as you put it kelley, reminders , representing our Lord, not praying to a stone, but a prayer reminder, Pastor Rick suggested to us one sunday to set the timer on those fancy watches, let it buzz on the hour, and this would remind me to pray, as i nurse i would get so busy running around work, w/ pressures that are unbelievable, then every hour i would get a little buzzzzz, i could just close my eyes for a moment or two and let God know i love Him, and thank Him, for my eyes, for my abilities, even for the hardships, rambling, thank you all dab
Lynn 08/03/2010 07:29
I pray all of the time. When I am cleaning the house I am talking to God. When I take my walks I am talking to God. When I use to mow the lawn I would always be praying. I believe in the power of prayer.

Prayer for me is a conversation with God, asking Him for guidance, for more faith, to help others in need. Prayer for me is the love that I have for God and the love God has for me because He does listen and I truly believe that.

God Bless.
Jake Van Horn 08/04/2010 02:11
I'm with you Lynn. I love to pray as I live out life. Its funny you mention mowing the lawn. There's just something about mowing the lawn. I've been convicted of more things while riding a mower.
Opal 08/24/2010 02:39
I was soul searching tonight and asking God to help me with my prayer. I find that when I sit down to focus on prayer the enemy is overwhelming me with thoughts about anything other than devotion (groceries, work, laundry in the washer) I have been trying for daily for the better part of a month to give 15 minutes to the Lord without interupption but the enemy is making that so difficult both literally and spiritually that I decided to seek answers to how others pray successfully.

Kelley your idea of beads or stones was exactly what I needed and I can't wait to go to the craft store tomorrow.

Thank you God for bringing me here tonight and thank you to everyone else who has been here and shared their private time with God.
rickdakidd 01/30/2011 13:58
Just found this thread from last year and read through it. My prayer life has been slacking lately and I needed this to give it a boost. Thanks, Kelley for the ideas.

Hey everyone, don't forget "praying the scripture". This has been discussed here at DAB various times. If you ever have a hard time figuring out what to pray for, make sure you start reading scripture and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you or use scripture to praise God. He never gets tired of hearing it because He knows it benefits you more than Him.
mohayrix 04/15/2011 05:36
Paul said to pray without ceasing in Romans 1:9;1 Thessalonians 5:17;
2 Timothy 1:3. To me this means to continually pray and live our life in an attitude of prayer. I am learning in every situation and throughout the day, to pray about everything before making a move or speaking with someone. As I believe there are no rules to prayer. I am learning to pray in everything. I pray you have found this out by now. 500,000 blessings.
wade laws 09/18/2011 23:17
I talk to God sometimes bowing my head and sometimes I pray right at the moment I see the prayer request or I notice something I need to prayer about. I know when I have not prayed during the day because I am not as strong spiritually and I am not as able to resist things.
RaceGirl 11/06/2011 18:53
Interesting that I found this topic tonight. Prayer is something that I really struggle with. In 11 years as a Christian, it is something that has never been consistent for me. It's been pretty much non-existent the last 2 years. Now, when I try to pray, I feel like I have no idea what I am doing, that I am talking to the walls or that God is thinking something like "really, that's the best you can do?" I think my biggest fear is that He sees my heart as insincere. One of the reasons I think prayer has always been a struggle for me is because being raised as a Catholic, the only prayers we ever said were the ones that were written and approved by the Catholic church. Talking to God on our own was never even mentioned, much less encouraged.

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