iPhone APP discussion

Considerations for Android Phones
The iPhone is hugely popular, without a doubt. However, there are more phones available, on a broader spectrum of networks, that have the capability to run the Google's mobile operating system, Android.

Are there any talks about creating an application for the Android environment? Since it does not have to go through a review process, it could probably be introduced in pieces. I had imagine a start of simply streaming the Windarm Prayer Room.

I have a Motorola Droid phone, and would be willing to be a guinea pig. I'm not much of a programmer, especially in this area, or I would try to work on something myself.
Matt Zeglen 01/04/2010 18:28

Replies: (page   1   2   3)
Brian Hardin 01/04/2010 19:18
We'll see. We're watching to see how the iPhone App does. It covers about 80% of the mobile users of the DAB. If the platform takes hold we'll certainly look at it. We've talked a bit about a Blackberry App but are still watching and waiting.

Servant-Ken 05/23/2010 12:39
I would be interested in an Android App myself (I am abandoning Blackberry) and would be willing to investigate a third party application that the stream can be imported into.
Jason Carpenter 05/27/2010 11:12
Same here. Android is getting huge, it'd make sense to have an app for it as the second largest app store and not just only the largest (the iPhone).
Servant-Ken 06/10/2010 20:42
Ok Android people. I got Windfarm Prayer Room to work on Android.

I downloaded a program called 'Radio' or 'StreamitallRADIO' and inserted the address for the pls file,

There were a couple other things I had to do (which I can't recreate) but then it worked.

The program costs 3.99 from the Android app store.
Servant-Ken 06/10/2010 21:19
Instructions for listening on Android
After downloading and paying for Start StreamitallRADIO ($3.99 from App Store)
Open Internet Browser and enter
Select Listen from the top of the page (will have to zoom in)
This will launch Windfarm Radio in StreamitallRadio

I am running this over WIFI as not to raise my usage too high. I am on Verizon which is unlimited (really it does have a cap)

I have not tested on Verizon 3G yet.

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