March 10 - Advance-Making It Count For Something

God is good.
I thank God for the time he has given me. I ask God to help me make the best of what time he has left for me.
God made provisions in all living things upon the earth to be able to survive in a fallen creation. The ability to simply feel such emotions, past ones self and honestly be broken for others is just such a provision, the desire to stand and fight for those who are unable to fight for themselves. Or perhaps have given up the fight and have decided to just live with, and under, what ever may come their way. God says NO you stand and fight. Love and love well oh men of noble hearts.
Bear 04/12/2010 22:31

thumbtooth 04/13/2010 07:53
Bless you Bear. Thank you for the example you are showing in your journey.
Bear 04/25/2010 23:07
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a nobel and good heart who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Luke 8:15
This is what i cling to in times of doubt. Once we have been born again we are given a new heart. And this makes it clear there is such a thing as a good and noble heart. Our enemy never stops shouting his lies about our hearts and there for shouting lies about the work of Christ in us. We can and we must move out into this dark world and be the visible, tangible body of Christ to a dark and dying world. Fight the good fight as it where.