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your good heart
The other night the RH folks gave away a podcast, "The Good Heart."

It is really something. In the sound byte at the link, John refers to a testimony given to him where a man told him that the discussion holds a message the man had been seeking all his life.

I gotta say, I was up all night with it and have some of the same feelings. It is the idea, expressed very well, that Jesus did not come JUST to cover our sins. He's got more going on beyond that. When you look at your life through this prism there is something very empowering that goes on, very encouraging to stand up. I can't do it justice on my own. I wonder if anyone went through it and would comment. Maybe I'm just being silly and sleep deprived, but I don't think so.

I suppose these ideas are not received well in some communities. I might write my notes here if anyone is interested, just to have them somewhere public.
Ray 05/12/2010 07:48

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Kelley 05/12/2010 10:15
I will listen to the link a little later, but just wanted to drop a note to encourage you to leave your notes, always. You always inspire me for one thing, and I am a firm believer in leaving a marker at the places where God has interracted with us. Both for our own sake, as memory stones, and for the sake of others. My sister once told when I was fussing about feeling like things huge in my heart being largely ignored by others some very wise words... she said obedience in the small thing, planting each seed given, changes the very air of the kingdom in ways we will never see. If you have been given a seed, plant it.
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