Restored 2010

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Kris 05/17/2010 18:36
Wow..It has be re-thinking about the first sin Eve and the apple, and just how utterly final that one sin was. If Jesus had not excepted the cup how totally impossible it would be for man to ever have a chance at eternal life. I had to face it that no matter how hard I try I'm going to sin. How blessed we are that we are loved so much that we have a way to get forgiveness. His love for us is so big I just can hardly wrap my head around that.
Tina 05/18/2010 20:31
I was very taken a back by the first chapter. I had never thought about the things that this chapter brought up. I thought though there would be more conversation/lecture going along with the text as opposed to reading of the text.
refuge5 05/19/2010 07:09
I am very excited and hopeful for what this will do in my life. Thank you so much DAB for making it available!!
John 05/19/2010 12:03
As one who has been a follower of Jesus Christ for many years, I find the first chapter a refreshing look at God's redemption plan for me, us. I think the author has beautifully written the redemption story. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
John Wilson 05/19/2010 12:20

I had downloaded the podcast on the 16th and had listened to it that evening while at work. I was touched at that time, especially when it was clearly explained in my life for the first time at how Adam and Eve died spiritually when they chose to eat the apple and commit sin. I mean I had known and been taught that they had commited sin by the act of disobeying Gods will and eating the apple. But I do not remember being taught the distinction of the physical being and their being spiritual alive as one with God..

I just downloaded the pdf file (ebook) that is available here on the DAB resources page.. I read ahead from where the podcast ended, because it was so interesting and fulfilling. I was amazed at what happened and how I felt while reading and praying.. I will not divulge anymore, because it is really something.. At least it was to me, and I know that we will be getting to it in the future podcast's.

Thank you Brian for bringing RESTORED to the podcast

Greg R 05/19/2010 20:18
Is anyone else experiencing an unusually concentrated attack either emotionally, relationally or vocationally after starting the study?
deborah 05/19/2010 21:02
Greg this has happened to me as well. Neil explains this in future chapters. Just try to stay focused and realize that the enemy attacks us in different ways and the attacks often escalate as God brings us closer to Him and the light of truth.

I too was very moved by this first chapter even though this is the third time I've gone through Reatored. For the first time, the original with the reprocussions of spiritual death made sense. Seeing the result of pride, the cost, the truth death of the soul, and the contrast of Jesus being the only one born into the world both physically and spiritually alive just finally hit home. It was an ah ha! moment. This adds new meaning to His sacrifice.
Kris 05/20/2010 13:58
Greg, if you mean chills up and down me and the feeling that my life is getting ready to really change for the better, YES.
Ryan McKinney 05/20/2010 21:30
I began to feel empowered by what the teaching is talking about. When he discusses the Spiritual Death of Man in the Garden of Eden it begins to all come together. For years I have just glossed over how mankind was condemned and have never been told about the difference in Spiritual Death and Physical Death.

The fact that there are two different kinds of death also brings to point that their are two different kinds of life. Knowing that I have been physically alive for my entire natural life but Spiritually Dead I can feel the power welling up within me to really live with purpose. So often I hear about people that are full of vigor to do "something" but they just don't know what that "something" is. I have been that person and to some degree am still that person.

I know it sounds kinda weird, but most Truth does when you first hear it. I guess those are signs of awakening. I'm looking forward to the rest of the class.

I think it is important that we all pray for each other to have strength in Christ and be on the lookout for the enemy. He (the enemy) will NOT like this awakening, this restoration and I like that.

So PRAY for strength in Christ for us all to fend the enemy off.
Craig from Illinois 05/20/2010 22:20
Great analysis Ryan! We're breaking some Worldview strongholds! ADVANCE!

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