Need Encouragement?

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Leslie 07/29/2010 10:13
You are turning yourself around and God is with you....that is where it all starts..making the turn...

Lord, I pray for our friend and his family to be able to see Your grace and You in all the circumstances. I ask for wisdom, healing and direction in this beginning especially. I pray for open communication. I pray for protection from the other person and all that has happened. I pray for broken bonds between our friend and the other person. I pray for counsel for this family in Your word and with Your people. Oh Lord...make them whole again...In Jesus Name we pray...Amen...

Turning to Jesus doesn't guarantee easy roads, it may get harder, but it does guarantee hope freedom and new life! It's something we contend for every single day...We need the armor and His word written on our hearts...I have been down this road and my marriage ended...He went for her. So I understand how hard it can get and how God will be there for in these times when you reach for Him.
Helga 07/29/2010 23:36
Praying for you.
Rebecca 07/31/2010 08:43
Adultery is a despicable act to commit against your wife. You have broken the covenant made between you, your wife and God. There may not be a "happy ending" because of the sin you committed against your wife. You elected to bring another woman into the marriage bed...and you have severed the cords of intimate trust that you shared with your wife. Why it happened goes back to the garden of Eden...self! Your selfish acts of wanton rebellion will have a life long cost attached to it. Your word has been corrupted. Your deeds will not be trusted. Your role as husband has been forever changed. Failure to guard your heart and the heart of your wife has led you deep into a relationship that dishonors and displeases God. Believe me, brother, you have yet to feel the remorse of your sin.

Heavy words of rebuking? You had better believe it! Unless you fully repent of your sin, you will face a life of continued heartache and remorse. I speak from experience...and if these words of chastisement drop you to your knees and cause you to repent fully and sincerely before God, you will be banished to an eternity in Hell...separated from God forever. That is the price you will pay for a moment of lust and flesh. Doesn't seem worth it, does it? Let's be certain, deal with the root of this sin put yourself and your happiness above the very essence of your wife and your covenant with God. Deal with your "self" first. Repent. Go before God with your sin and shame.He will forgive your sin and begin the reconciliation process immediately. But do not misunderstand His forgiveness for "understanding". He will never understand the sin of adultery.

Adultery is a shame that you will carry in your heart forever. Be careful of the woman who would steal your affections from your wife. She is diabolical, thieving, absent of love and loyalty. She is out to suck the very life from your eternity. Run from her as fast as you can.

I realize that this commentary may be read as harsh and judgmental, but I stand on the truth of God's word. God's word provides clear warnings against adultery. Read Proverbs 5, 6 and 7. The words cut through all of the psycho babble of the new age philosophies and it deals with the heart of a spouse who commits adultery. Proverbs 6:32-33..." But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment, whoever does so destroys himself. Blows and disgrace are his lot, and his shame will never be wiped away"

I will be praying for you and your wife. I will be praying that you will forever walk away from the woman who has deceived you. She does not love you. She hates herself and she hates you. She will be your eternal ruination if you do not severe the relationship.

I do not apologize for these words. Take them as they are intended. Words of rebuke and reproach are instruments of God's mercy...take on wisdom, hear these words and act accordingly.


Mark Cole 07/31/2010 09:31
I have wondered how to counsel people who have committed adultery both online and in real life. One really good resource on this matter is I would encourage ibmcoc to read what this site says about adultery. Psalm 51 also comes to mind where King David was in the same situation that you are in. It is true that adultery is a great sin and that we are all great sinners. It is only by the grace of God that we are saved and in many cases the marriage cannot be saved. It is a grave situation like Rebecca is saying.I would encourage you to take to heart Psalm 51:17

Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.

Your marriage may not be saved, but this is really about you and God. My prayer is that you will be saved and live with Jesus forever and that I will get to meet you and that we can become friends!

I thank you for your forgiveness which is available and I thank you that your grace is sufficient to restore marriages and to fix the hurts that are caused by unfaithfulness. I pray for your mercy on all of us. Lord, I thank you for ibmcoc's heart to seek you and listen to your word in the Daily Audio Bible and to seek out godly counsel on how to proceed. I pray that you would give him grace to make Psalm 51 his prayer and his true heart cry. Lord fill him up with your truth and your wisdom and your love.
In Your Name,

Helga 08/02/2010 23:36

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5;16
Ibmcoc I am so glad that you had the courage to tell us about your marriage and that is why we are here, we need to help one another in prayer and I know that Jesus heals the broken hearted and I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in your marriage will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Leslie 08/03/2010 14:00
I agree with Helga....I am so grateful for your prayer request and for your realness. I have been through this myself and have spent much time saying no to bitterness anger and rejection in my life. I have spent more time with Jesus because of this in my life. More time for Him to work in my heart. I believe He understands us and our sin that is why He died for us. Because He knew we would walk away at times in our lives. And He knew we would need a savior, friend and Almighty God to take our baggage off our hands. I pray things are hopeful for you. I pray that God is leading you to the places He wants you to be in your heart and mind. He is still God in all this. He never changes. You are still loved by Him and He still can use you in ways you can't even imagine....Keep walking strong.
Rebecca 08/03/2010 17:03
All...the act of adultery devastated my Christian marriage. God doesn't understand the sin of adultery. I didn't understand. My former husband did not understand. My children did not understand. My pastors did not understand. Adultery is a very serious sin...because it involves a vow made to God and to a spouse. I speak from my heart because I have been mending since 1997. The mending is not instantaneous. The tsunami that was unleashed on my family was life changing. I no longer have a husband. I no longer have a partner in life. I surrendered all of that for one moment of passion. God has walked me through the fire...that I started. The realness of this is this family will go through very serious agony and pain because he was in a weakened condition. I have forgiven myself...but I will never soft soap the truth. Adultery is a despicable thing to do to the one you love. Yes?

God does love lbmcoc. For our sin, Jesus died. For our justification, Jesus rose again. And God can use him in mighty, mighty ways. But, the road to redemption will not be easy. There will be many tears. There will be embarrassment and shame. Separation and restoration. There will be repentance and forgiveness. There can be all of those things that God has promised...but there has been a weakening in the armor that was never intended. And, there may be a divorce that God never understands.
Helga 08/03/2010 22:11
Rebecca I understand you totally and also how you feel. My one friend had a child from another man before she married and she told me once that her sin everyone could see, whereas so many of our sins no one sees. I understand how hard the road will be for Ibmcoc and especially his wife and family but Isaiah 50:2 Is My hand shortened at all so that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver?

The answer is NO. God’s hand is not too short to save. Nothing is impossible for God. No one is unreachable or unredeemable. No one has gone too far from the grace of God. No one. God does have the power to deliver. He does have the power to forgive and save… If you need that grace and forgiven3ess, a clean start, don’t worry that God wil turn you away. He wont. He will take away your sin and show you his love and make you new.
Lord Jesus heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds.
Kelley 08/08/2010 00:29
Jesus thank you that you are GRACE AND TRUTH. Truth without grace is brutal and deadly. I would ask that as YOu walk into this sitation, there would be plenty of both. None of us goes without falling, if not this sin then another. None of us goes without being wounded by someone who has fallen. You are our Keeper. You are the One who loves us without condition. You are the One who knew us through and through and chose us anyway. It is You who can sort out the agony we make of ourselves and bring us through devastations and plant us fully in life. I think in so many ways, none of us really understand the beauty of mercy and grace until we have needed it ourselves. I was a wife who was cheated on, although I didn't know it until the last few months. I absolutely love the man who hurt me. I hope that God woos him with grace. He is held in my prayer and always will be. I do NOT think these situations have to bring doom. That is a choice. No one holds that kind of power over another. Hang onto God, whether you are the wounded or the wounder. Most people who fall into these sins are both. I love Helga's last words there, Lord Jesus, heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds.
Kelley 08/08/2010 01:02
Rebecca, we have talked before and it sounded like the church body around you did a great harm to your heart. You fell, and there was pain and torment everywhere you looked. Who was the one who helped hold you, and nurse you back to health? Where did you find eyes that looked at you with kind gentleness? who put the words in your mouth like Satan who stands before God as the accuser? Wherever you heard those words, even if it was scripture quoted without grace (Satan's favorite trick)put them behind you. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. And then go love another. All I hear in your words is unbelievable pain. Jesus, just hold Rebeccah so tenderly, coax it out of her clutched tight hands, and out of her scarred heart. A moment cannot be our undoing. Breath on this precious sister the breath of your life. Please Father. Grace.
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