September 2010 - Which Way Do I Go?

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coltross 09/07/2010 00:02
I listened to this last night.... and I prayed while you were praying. Almost immediately I was on the ground crying and I could feel God taking away all that guilt and shame. I have never felt God like that before and it knocked the breath out of me. This message impacted me the far. Thank you so much!
Brian Hardin 09/07/2010 00:36
Praise the Lord for that Coltross. Thank you for sharing.

scottyiserv 09/07/2010 04:59
I've listened to this talk 2x's already. I was one of the ones who needed to hear it badly, for I have held on to not forgiving myself for some choices that I made and were made around me since I was 16 (I am now 50). Like the person who posted before me, I prayed the prayer along with you Brian, and felt the tears run down my face and the sobs of being set free shake me to my very soul.
Thank you for this talk Brian, and for letting the Holy Spirit use you so powerfully in my life.
Take care,
Brian Hardin 09/07/2010 11:52
Thank you for sharing that Scott.
Barrie (Guest) 09/09/2010 09:30
I've also listened to this twice. It came to me at a point where God just stepped in. It was like water and bread to my hurt of hunger. I was going for a hike, and wanted to load up my ipod with DAB, my hikes are a way where i can experince God and listen to His voice, while seeing His beauty.

As I was walking and dealing with things inward that have been going on outwardly...I was in tears and smiling at the same time. When we got to the 2nd prayer on the trail deep in the woods i just knelt down and put all the things that were listed out there...i realized that when it was over the sun was shining down on my hot, I knew something happened. I still don't know what, but it continues.

After this 3hr hike i was going to my dad's. He knew I was hurting and something happened. He prayed over me and with me, and I cried and cried. There were massive sob's of uncontrolling release....with my dad standing there hugging me, knowing all i've went through. I can't explain it but i was so blessed...and so thankful.

Thanks for sharing everyone. I'm glad that together as a family we experince our Gods love and the courage of you Brian to know and bring this forward. Thank you so much!

Love in Christ
Helga 09/09/2010 22:41
Brian when you read the bible or speak about a topic it is sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to him. Your words of wisdom just dig so deep into my heart and soul and I am forever thankful that you stay so humble. Only Jesus' word in you can do such marvelous things.
Tracy (Guest) 09/10/2010 01:01
I love this place!
Jai 09/10/2010 22:56

Amazing! I too have listen to this 2 times and once again, it felt like you were talking right. at. me. It brought about such a sense of peace and calm to listen and to pray along with you. Thank you so much for this and everything else you do!

Oh! And would you mind listing the songs from this recording?

Love you all!
Brian Hardin 09/11/2010 00:13
All songs played on month end talks are on the show page. You can get there by clicking the graphic on the home page OR go to COMMUNITY and then MONTH END TALKS and pick the talk you want info on.

Repa (Guest) 11/12/2010 11:52
What kind of talk (date) are Coltross and Scottyiserv talking about that they were listened to. I need some healing in my life, so please, I need that kind the help these men received.
So where can I go to listen the talk and the prayers that these men are talking about.

Thak you for what you are doing.
God Bless.
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