Need Encouragement?

I am a widow, and need prayer
My husband committed suicide. It will be 4 years on Thanks Giving. I have 5 kids, but only 3 at home. I am more emotional this time of year. I had to put my youngest daughter into the hospital 3 weeks ago for depression and thoughts of suicide. I need direction, and the strength to do what God has planned for my life. I need to get up and support the family. I have some problems with short term memory,that I think is related to the grief, stress and depression.
Thanks for praying.

Sharilynbuckmaster 11/18/2010 15:31

Replies: (page   1   2)
Davidwayne Lackey 11/18/2010 16:28
Sara your post has touched me deeply. I am praying for you and all of your loved ones to feel the presence of God and know the peace that passes all understanding. To know clarity and be able to see the promise of everlasting peace that is to come for you and your children. A peace that will sustain you and your children through the hard times as well as the good. I pray that that peace is doubled in you and your children through the holidays when missing a loved one who went through so much hits home the hardest. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Helga 11/18/2010 21:22
Sara my heart goes out to you.
Lord Jesus your Word says, "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" (Ps24:4) I seek You this day, believe in that you hear the cry of Sara and that you will deliver her family from any fear or anxiety that threatens to overtake them. You said You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Flood them with Your love and wash away all fear, doubt and anxiety. Give them a sense of Your loving presence that far outweighs any fear that would threaten to overtake them. Thank You Lord and we praise you
Jake Van Horn 11/19/2010 02:00
I'm praying for you and your family Sara.
Estrellita 11/21/2010 17:39
Dear Sara:
I say Amen to Helga's prayer, and I really hope you are attending a church that offers Christian counseling; I've heard grief is healthy BUT requires lots of counseling, support, and prayer.
I will be praying for your family.
Calico 11/21/2010 19:23

Just today I saw your post here, and I am saddened at your lost, sister. I grieve with you.

It's going to be Thanksgiving this week on Thursday, and I would like to check in with you here on this thread. Will you please let us all know how you are doing on that day, or even the days leading up to or after the 25th?

Lord, Your children are precious to you. You know what it is like to have experienced the death of someone, and so You are able to resonate deeply with Sara's loss. I pray that as the time of the remembrance date of this loss draws closer, that the strength of Your strong right hand supports Sara in her grief. Continue to grace her with Yourself, Lord, and continue to fill her spirit with Yours, so that streams of living water might flow outward from her to her children.

You love Your daughter Sara, Lord, and I give you thanksgiving for what You are ALREADY doing in her life.

Please stay in touch with us, Sara,


Praying with you,

Calico 11/21/2010 19:24
sorry, that should read "saddened at your loss"

no edit button... :-/
Kelley 11/21/2010 20:53
Sara, I just heard about this post too, Calico pointed it out to me. You have touched my heart, my prayers are with you.
Kelley 11/21/2010 22:58
Sara, when Calico and I were talking over your prayer request I was saying something to him that he requested that I share with you. A lot of times during holidays that are heavily loaded because of grief and loss it really helps to make a plan. To talk to God ahead of time and know what you are going to do when, all day long. You don't have to stick to your plan, but at least you CAN move through the day without feeling at it's mercy. It's like sometimes we're like this little kid trying to walk in deep snow, and we just need a daddy to leave tracks for us and say "Here child, put your foot here." I'm hoping this day will have lots of tracks for you to step in, lovingly laid for you, and that you would feel cared for and kept and nurtured and cherished.
Sharilynbuckmaster 11/22/2010 10:17
Thank you all for your prayers, Love and encouragement. I have been so blessed by your kindness. One of the things I had prayed for was that God would send me friends, and people to love and care for us. He has answered that prayer through DAB. We have invited a lot of friends to come and spend the day with us on Thanks Giving. That helps us a lot. We have come a long way, by God's grace. I am meeting with a pastor today to talk to him about grief counsel. I think I have put off dealing with the grief so that I could make sure that my children were okay. Please continue to pray for us, especially my daughter Laura. Thanks for praying.
Estrellita 11/22/2010 15:36
Thanks for the update Sara. I praise my LORD!

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