Need Encouragement?

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P S 01/01/2011 19:14
cal-texan 01/02/2011 00:38
Praying for you Kat. Give all your troubles to the Lord and He will give you peace in return. Hugs, Kisses and Big Smiles to you. Happy 2011.
Estrellita 01/03/2011 09:51
PS: Beautiful song! It brought to my mind a Word from the LORD I got once(at devotional time), and I'd like to share it with Kat:

My child, your life is as a weaving. Beauty will not come to you by joy alone. Life maybe tortuous at times. I fashion what pleases Me. You may never know why certain experiences come. It is enough that my hand brings them all.
My Grace is not limited by sorrow and difficulty. Indeed it shines like a strand of gold mixed in with the black of grief. My hand moves with infinite love, and I am creating a pattern of intricate beauty.
Never be dismayed. The end will bring rejoicing for both yourself and Me. For you are my workmanship created in Christ, even in His mind before the worlds existed. Doubt not, for my Will shall be done. Col 3:15

feistykat 01/06/2011 19:50
Thank you all for your sharing some encouragement with me. It does mean a lot to know that others are listening and that I'm not alone in this. Everything is manageable when there are others helping to carry the burden (or helping me let go of the burden and let the Lord carry it).

I'm still struggling - there's been a lot of ups and downs in so many aspects of my life lately and it's hard not being constantly stressed out or feeling down and defeated. Even things that should be simple - like sleep - have been a struggle for so long, and it's been worse lately.... but I think the getting worse part is something that needs to happen before it can really get better.

Right now I have a lot of big decisions to make and being completely sleep deprived (and not having really seen any friends since before Christmas) isn't helping me find my perspective. I don't even really have the energy to think about the small things let alone the big, urgent stuff.... but that's me trying to do it on my own and forgetting about just how much of this stuff God is willing to carry for me.

It's amazing - not even a week ago God gave me a clear message that showed me just how much He loves me, and how much He really doesn't want me to give up on things He's asked me to do that don't seem possible (how am I supposed to be in South America in two weeks when I don't have the money to buy groceries or pay my bills, and I don't have a plane ticket yet?) I KNOW that God can make it happen, that if this is truly His will and I'm faithful in what He asks me to do, that nothing can stand in my way. He keeps showing me that this is what's meant for me, He's provided miracles right when I needed them that still do amaze me..... but yet give me a couple of days and I'm right back to thinking how none of this makes sense, how I'm just too tired to do any of this right now, and how practically there's just no way that it can work out. Is my faith really so easily swayed? I feel like I'm being tested in a way, and I guess I want to just not study the test so when I fail I can say it's because I didn't try. What if I put all of me into this and it doesn't work out??

I've made such a mess of things over the last year and yet God continues to provide and be faithful, and I continue to doubt that He'll do it "one more time" or that He'll do something bigger with my life NOW..... like I think He should wait until I have things sorted out before using me and giving me experiences that could change my life and the lives of others.

I'm too tired to change lives.... how selfish is that?? I've been "too tired" to even log in here most days, which is silly because this is one place where I can find my strength again.

Hmmm... just rambling here I guess... have been awake for over 24h now and just desperate for a few hours of good sleep tonight so tomorrow perhaps I can think a little bit more clearly and start facing the scary things God wants me to do.

Thanks again for all the support and encouragement - it really does mean a lot! :)

April 'nvcatlover' 01/06/2011 23:48
Kat, Still Praying! God will never give up on you and neither will we!
God Bless, April
Tom B 01/07/2011 06:11
Kat, I'm praying for rest and restoration for you. I'm thinking about the 23rd Psalm as I write this.
Teressa 01/07/2011 09:32
Hi Kat! I'm still praying for you. The Lord brings you to my remembrance often. The scriptures that just came to mind as I am writing is "Be still and know that I am God." and "I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord." May the Lord richly bless you in all spiritual blessings.
Calico 01/07/2011 12:09
Kat, I love your long posts :-)

So expressive, and so well-shared.

Let me also add my prayers and supportive friendship to these brothers and sisters here. Fellow Canadian, eh!

Praying with you,

Tom B 01/13/2011 07:01
Kat, how are you doing these days? I was just thinking about you and wanted to say hello.
Tom B 01/19/2011 06:56
Kat, I'm praying for you today. I pray that our Lord will fill you up with hope and joy as you go about your day!
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