
God answered my prayer about Diabetes Type 1.
Just read, you'll flip out, I promise.

This is the Community chatroom for the Daily Audio Bible family.
<Chris has entered the zone>
<Chris> hello
<illys has entered the zone>
<illys> Hello!
<illys> Which number do I call for making phone messages of prayer requests and good news?
<Chris> how are u?
<illys> Really really good, and really sleepless.
<illys> thanks for asking ;)
<Chris> ummm go to the contact section of DAB i think
<illys> Can do..
<illys> Maybe I can get you guys to carry on the news to the forums?
<Chris> are u a member of the forum?
<illys> Yes, I have several posts in the women's forums and general forums.
<illys> .. maybe I had best simply do so there.
<illys> It's really, really good news. :)
<illys> I'll just go start. Have a good afternoon over there, it's 10pm here.
<Chris> im glad would you like to share with me
<illys> Yes
<Chris> ?
<illys> I am a type 1b diabetic who has had a very rare form of cancer in the left wrist that resulted in an amputation below the elbow, and open-chest surgery to remove metastecized tissue from the chest wall.
<illys> I have been suffering heavy seasonal effective disorder every winter in the Danish northern latitudes, where winter soltice is only 5 hours of sunlight, and every Summer soltice is 5 hours of night.
<illys> I am from Virginia, and I have been in denmark 8 years now, about to become a citizen.
<Chris> good
<illys> My amputation and open chest surgery happened in 2003, half a year after I arrived here.
<illys> I am now 29, and I have a family history of fighting between my mother and father. My mother is heavily mentally ill.
<Chris> im sry
<illys> God finally answered my prayers for a cure for my diabetes.
<illys> go ahead and take a look, it's 2:41 mins
<Chris> great!
<Chris> ok
<illys> done?
<illys> Oh.. the user list has dissappeared. I wonder if I lost you. I'll just continue on the forums if you're not available any more.
<Chris> that good
<Sandra has entered the zone>
<illys> Anyways, I went on to learn about D3 at
<Chris> im here
<illys> And it turns out that D3 has binding sites at 2,700 thousand places in the human genome related to all major diseases in the western world.
<illys> In the us the FDA doses are reccommended at 400 international units per day. It's the same here in denmark
<illys> The reccomendations of the vitamin D council after their body of research and work with patients is 5,000 iu to 10,000 iu of D3 per day for any effect
<illys> And I made the link between all forms of diabetes being a severe Vitamin D deficiency. Namely D3 protects the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which is my case. It also allows cells to metabolize glucose from the blood, which is the case of
<illys> Adult diabetes.
<Chris> hhmm
<illys> Also, D3 has major functions in the brain, sharpening cognetive functions and general well being. A 50,000 ie dose of D3 on sunday was enough to start a rush of relief and sleepiness for me. First I tested 10,000 ie to see if it was safe, and later in the
<illys> day, 40,000 ie to complete the bolus dose my system needed.
<illys> Since then I have been on 10,000 a day.
<illys> My earlier bone tumor was caused by a lack of D3, which the body carries to a tumor in the formation of many blood cells around the tumor to kill the malformed tissues.
<illys> A proper high dose of D3 is enough to up the body's immune system to destroy at least 17 types of cancers.
<Chris> wow
<illys> D3 is formed in the skin when you are in full sun. Freckles are the spots where it is generated, and 20 minutes naked in midday sun produces 10,000 ie in your body.
<illys> Most of our population is in the sun only sparingly.
<illys> D3 is also heavily linked to cardiovascular disease and autoimmune disorders such as muscular distrophy and wasting diseases.
<Sandra> So what you're saying is that we have Adam and Eve to thank for all of these ailments since we'd all be walking around naked in the sun if they hadn't eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
<illys> D3 works in cooperation with the skeleton and skeletal muscles to store vitamins B, C, K and all the important minerals. It is the one key to use multivitamins effectively, where as otherwise they have little effect.
<illys> Haha, let's not go making what ifs, Sandra. As CS Lewis had Aslan say repeatedly in the chronicles of Narnia, that is a story we are not told.
<Sandra> I don't think it's a what if...I think God made His intentions obvious.
<illys> We are in our own story, and God is the author. ;) Walk with his guidance and you'll be a major character. Anyways, I digress.
<illys> He so totally did!
<Sandra> He intended to walk in close fellowship with us.And our nakedness was nothing to be ashamed of because we hadn't fallen yet.
<illys> Anyways, since I started self-dosaging with D3 my blood glucose levels have been normalizing, and I have been upping my intake of protiens so that my system will produce more IGF1, the main protien generated by the liver for the creation of new cells.
<illys> I have had to cut down slowly bit by bit on my basal insulin to compensate for my body normalizing itself.
<illys> I'm getting muscle shivers at night while my skeletal system is upping it's nutrition stores.
<illys> D3 deficiency is linked to Osteoperosis and weakness in the elderly.
<Sandra> I'm afraid I don't have much to contribute on a discussion about vitamins.Have a good day, guys.God bless.
<Sandra has left the zone>
<illys> Namely when out of the sun in prolonged periods, the body must increasingly take nutrients from the bones and muscles to take care of itself.
<illys> hehe, poor lady. I'm just pouring it out.
<Chris> its ok i do not know much about it but it is very intersting
<illys> D3 deficiency is also linked to poor diet, as the body uses nutritional stores from the bones in order to form fats and recover from blood sugar fluctuations.
<UKSteve has entered the zone>
<illys> Sugar peaks in the digestive tract at 5 to twenty minutes, and white flour at an hour, whereas the insulin produced lasts for three hours. The sudden abscense of the energy the insulin released results in insulin shock for the body.
<UKSteve has left the zone>
<illys> So under insulin shock, one has mood swings and must take in more carbohydrates to make up for the loss, which is why folk have sugar cravings.
<illys> at a 60% to 80% carbohydrate diet, westerners are putting themselves under constant nutritional distress, as D3 and all important nutrients are required to metabolize simple carbs into fat.
<illys> So..
<illys> I started to begin with in a family with D3 deficiency with a mother with bi-polar schitzophrenia that became worse and worse the worse her D3 deficiency became.
<illys> My father was a networking specialist at HP, and he was suffering D3 deficiency too. His frustrations and lack of energy to continue with my mother's worsening problems led to an escalating issue of spousal abuse, despite church counseling and being to
<illys> church every sunday in Virginia.
<illys> After diagnosis of diabetes at age 16, I had a bout of insomnia that put me in the psyciatric ward for 12 days while they regulated me with heavy sleep medications.
<illys> 50,000 ie of D3 would have reversed my diabetes and insomnia at that time, with daily supplementation.
<illys> My tumor in 1999 occured in the head of the left ulna, where my body was weakened and draining skeletal deposits of nutrients to keep me alive between infrequent exposure to the sun.
<illys> I had surgery to remove the head of the ulna, but the cancer cells remained in the soft tissues, and it was operated away again, removing some of the nerves at the root of the thumb, but not effecting the fingertips.
<illys> I ended up marrying a christian in denmark who I met in 1994 in a chat room, the first person I ever spoke to. He was a jerk at first, but I commiserated with him, and when his second oldest brother died in 1995, he poured out his heart to me. A friend in
<illys> college later took him to small church meetings, and he became a born again believer. Denmark has small, denominationally-independant curches, with a close network of non-professionally educated pastors. Our little church is pretty close to an ecclesiastia
<illys> or a 'councel'.
<Chris> cool
<illys> In 1999 he announced to me that he'd fallen terribly in love, and after calling the non-christian boyfriend I'd been dating to split off immediately, my future husband sent me a picture of himself, and he looked entirely like the nonchristian I had been
<illys> dating. It came to my mind of the prayer I had made earnestly with my dad for a guy 'like my dad but not too much so'.
<Chris> i hate to interupt but i need to go
<illys> Ok chris, Do look for it on the forums
<illys> god bless!
<Chris> ok i will and i will be praying for you
<Chris> take care bye

Anyways, God has placed me in a country where the medical community is so organized and in good communication that the importance of D3 will spread like wildfire once the results of my self-care is documented in my medical journal and shared freely. I am treated at the main center for diabetes research at Odense University Hospital, and I was treated by one of Europes' leading oncologists for my cancer because of it's rarity. Once the right people get the news, treatments are going to be revolutionized.

I think I am one of the only people putting the knowledge about D3 deficiency in Diabetes into practice to date. The head research article for Diabetes and Vitamin D3 Deficiency Syndrome is here: doi:10.1016/j.ecl.2010.02.013 - just copy it and put it into your browser to get access to the PDF, it's quite thorough.

I'm video logging my progress in danish along with dosage notes and basal insulin rates as I go. Four days, and loving contact from God through the holy spirit in prayer.

Namely in 2002 the small group from Rivers of Fire in england felt a calling to go to Denmark and prophecy for the country. They visit different churches and communities in different countries as they are led to by the Spirit in preparation for an outpouring of revival.

My husband and I wanted very much to be prayed for, as we both suffer (ed) from depression and general ill health. My hubby's father passed away of lung cancer three years ago, and it brought my husband to further difficulties. Please pray heavily for him to be bold and revitalized in the Spirit, as he's my partner in life.

When Peter prayed for us he said we would be prophecying. Prophecying is giving a good word that speaks right into a person's life for their benefit, whether it be the good news of the gospel, news to help their health, or an insight from the holy spirit that will touch the life of the person you are speaking with, even though the insight is not related to your own knowledge of the person.

Bringing the health news and proof of concept (myself) around is going to open many doors for speaking events and sharing the good news of the gospel. Scientific proofs of the flood and the creation of adam and eve by God is something I enjoy wholeheartedly, and apologetics is a fun point hubby and I sometimes end up speaking about with our local non-christian friends.

Both of us have not been attending our church for a year, but with a blessing of good health, things are changing for the better.

You can read on Rivers of Fire about their history of visits to the individual countries and communities by date and land, and learn about Peter and the people God is using around him for bringing our news of upcoming spiritual blessings God has meant for the small places and people He wants to use.

I am filled with joy as the summation of my sufferings is revealed to be an overflowing of blessing for my close friends and those I will have the chance to speak to.

Please research D3 at and judge it for yourselves, and bless God for his plans for our world. Science and medicine is a wildly wonderful topic that will interest many, both non-believers and believers at all stages of their spiritual walk with christ.

Thank you, DAB, for nourishing my spirit through some of my darkest, most sleepless months the past few years. Pray for our little home and our little church, and this healing God is giving.

On my homepage you can read my full summation of the treatment and cause of Diabetes type 1.
illys 01/05/2011 16:12

Replies: (page   1   2)
Jake Van Horn 01/06/2011 00:58
I'm happy for you and your husband. God is truly faithful in all things. I'm praying with you guys.
illys 01/06/2011 23:55
An email to my mother (the one that has been so terribly mentally ill throughout her life)

:D I am so glad to have that loving letter from you. I have been in the Word for several days now. Te revelation God has blessed me with on my diabetes has made me cleave to him, and my prayer and communion with Him in the spirit has been very intimate.

I am very glad that you are quite fine after that 10,000 dose. I wish I could have been there to give you a big hug, much support, and my hand to squeeze yours. Namely D3 is what keeps our metabolisim, brain, skeleton and inner organs healthy, and a base dosage at the proper levels gives your body the ability to burn the fat you have been longing to get rid of for years. Simply continue the D3 dosage as you are now, and enjoy the effect that God's gift of health and peace brings. The revelation of the importance of D3 is not just a drug craze or a radical obsession, but it is God revealing an important fact about our very inner being:

Adam and Eve were made to live naked in the sun. At twelve hours of beautiful sun in the wonderful Garden that our Father created, they would have made in their bodies 600,000 natural units of the D3 prohormone cholecalciferol in their bodies a day. Then they sinned, and covered up. Our Father had to change their genetics and begin the law of therodynamics (that all energies break down into lower energies), because as the generations before the flood showed, wicked people living for long times only kill, maim, and plan more and more evils against eachother.

Our genetics changed again at the flood, because God sent a catastrophe to wipe out every single wicked man, woman and child from the face of the earth, as He could not bear the blood, tears and suffering that His creations were releasing on eachother. They lived off of only plants, without the need to eat meat, because the world was different then. Dinosaurs lived side by side with people, and animals were not afraid of people; they were made to love, obey and live WITH people.

The major influence bringing people to utter wickedness was the population of the Angels fallen from heaven living on the earth. The angels chose to live there because Lucifer thought he was more beautiful, important, and holier than his Creator, and he rebelled. God even gave Angels free will, because He wanted his creations to love him. When He created Adam and Eve, Lucifer was even darker in his heart, because he didn't like the special relationship God had to the new creatures made out of Flesh and Spirit alike.

The Angels have bodies too, but live on a different plane of reality than we do, and our ability to see and hear and interact with them is removed by the taint of Sin. The Angels that followed Lucifer down to earth were following their own will, instead of God's will. The ultimate and worst sin, and the one that started it all, is called Hubris- saying 'I' and doing 'my own' will instead of doing what God wishes to do- and the christian walk is in fact the learning to communicate with him in our minds, and to listen to him intimately, so that instead of saying 'I', and doing 'my own' will, one says 'We' and asks first, 'What do you advise/want me to do, daddy?'.

The protiens are so important to our bodies because after the flood God allowed our genes to mutate down into the state we are today. My theory is that the flood was caused by a Supernova in the sky that devastated the Earth, by removing protective layers of the atmosphere and exposed it. Supernovas release Gamma Radiation, the single biggest mutator of genes anywhere. Those energy waves are released only by dying stars, and their levels of radiation continue heavily for several years, at least a thousand while passing through our solar system after the initial shockwave that comes from the dying star. You can read the slow degeneration of the length of lifetimes by reading in genesis about life after the flood. God made sure that we had accurate and precise records in writing, so that we would KNOW that all this is true. The entire history of what has happened before and after the flood is in our very genetic structures, and was proven by the Human Genome Project.

So understand, the revelation of D3 is a blessing directly from God, and it is the start of the waking of the Church. It is news that every church and every faithful man, woman and child of God can carry forth happily and share with others to bring LIFE to a dying world, in both the physical and the spiritual sense, because NOBODY wants to die of cancer, mental illness, wasting disease, autoimmune disorders or any such thing.

God has prepared our climate and our world for this. It is much colder and harder now to get the sunlight to our bodies, and most people sunburn in the sun because D3, the natural protector against sunburn, is not present in their bodies. But the sun's low activity is caused by having less sun-spots on it's surface... our climate change is not from pollution and waste, but God's Will In Action. He is in control of everything, and He is our loving and intimate father.

You cannot get D3 in the shade, because you need the ultraviolet rays of the sun on your skin to make more of your own. the ultraviolet rays are part of the visible light falling on the ground from the sun, and birds and many animals can actually see them because their eyes are different than ours. The reason you feel so good in natural light and out in the sun is because it is the best source of light and the enviornment that God created us to live in.. not the caves and man-made structures that we all hide in to survive now that our society is based upon money. The global economic downfall is because of the wickedness that people are doing because their bodies and their minds are dying, dry like a desert without the natural nutrition of the sun or the Son in their lives.

The sound of rain is thundering in the distance, and God's rain of Grace is heading towards the Church, to wake her up and prepare the Bride. Get into the Daily Audio Bible every day, and simply listen to God's rain fall. I will help you and Bessy to clean up her computer and speed it a little so that you can use Itunes to get the broadcast every day, and rejoice as scripture is fed to you every morning or night.

Thank you for your prayers for me and Marina. She needs the prayer that the doctor will act based off of what is happening to me and the papers of the reccommended treatment in order to save her life, not drug her up like happened to you because of the ignorance of before. God has not wanted me to pressure Finn with the news of the right treatment, because His plan for it is better! Our Doctor needs to realize the importance of what I put on his desk.

Jesus is coming in Love, in Power, and in Healing, in preparation to take up his true Bride. I do not know how long until then, but right now is the time for the Healing and Awakening for believers everywhere. The witness of my life is strong, and the witness of your life is strong, and the best way to make friends is to tell the truth, share truths, and love according to Jesus' principals. That is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, just like Douglas Adams poked fun at in 'the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.

The reason you lost so much weight overnight on your first dose of D3 is because you were already doing everything right to loose the weight. you needed just the key to help your metabolisim on the way to what you want to do. Your longing is for your healing, and God is at work with and in you. Listen to him about the need to eat protien- we cannot get the health we need from plants alone, like most are right now from grains like rice and wheat like everybody else is right now. He told Noah and his family to kill the animals and eat them because Noah's genetics changed, and every generation after him had changed- without the animal protiens and fats, our cells cannot reproduce and multiply properly.

I am on no depression meds right now except Ozepaxam/Alopam, and it is very temporary.
In fact my only problem is that D3 keeps healing the inside of me, and I am more and more sensitive to the insulin I take from my pump, and I can only lower the insulin a tiny bit by tiny bit, until I need it no longer and am healed inside. Diabetes is one of the strongest forms of D3 deficiency, and my cancer happened in the bone because of it. So.. for now I must deal with the slow lowering of my supplemetal insulin, until my healing is complete. Having too much insulin in my body makes it harder to sleep, as every day is a new level of sensitivity and lessons about how to take care of my body very precisely.

God my father and Jesus my lover and savior is walking hand in hand with me right now, and my spirit praises him for every step.
I do not like the ozepaxam/Alopam because it makes my thyroid glands a little swollen, but it is necessary to protect me from the stresses of mood swings from the increasing insulin sensitivity. I bless God for the tiny, tiny role He is guiding me in, in his big plan for our World.

"The world is but a stage, and all the people in it merely players." - William Shakespere

The benefit of being a child of God is that He is the director, and allows us access to the Script(ure).

I'll seek the peace of God, because I need it so much right now! My body is in recovery, and my head aches a bit from having a little bit too much insulin every day. Jesus is my healer and my physician, and I am -trying- very hard to listen to him intimately through these days! I love him so much, and we trade hugs when I am in prayer/meditation/communion with him. My healing is not physically visible, but happening on the inside, just as yours is.

I love you momma, and I am so happy you are watching over me too, with grace and advice from everything you have already learned in scripture and your walk with Jesus. In some ways you have been even more mature than me these past few years.


illys 01/06/2011 23:59
To Sandra from the chatroom: I am sorry I did not get to speak more to you on the Chat room, I have been.. understandably preoccupied. I am going to say a little prayer for your blessing, because everything you said was very true, and you're my sister in Christ. Even your few words were beautiful!
illys 01/08/2011 00:51
Day 5 update on progress and a message for Frank, the prayer request on Jan 7th

Incredibly weak for lack of sleep, too much insulin in my body in comparison to the sensitivity my body is having, and have not had D3 levels reported yet in email or any blood results other than the latest HBA1C. Latest was 0.076.

Pray, please pray for me! I'm going to ask to be checked into the endocrinological unit of my hospital for monitoring and adjustments through the rest of the recovery.

I love you all,
KNock-kneed in denmark.
illys 01/09/2011 17:32
Week 1 completion and thoughts

My resolve remains, that the revelation of how to take care of my body and maximize healing will hold true, and what the Lord has told me to do, is what I’ll do.

All week I’ve been subject to this and that opinion of how much D3 is right, what blood levels of it are proper, etc, etc, and even with the aid of a doctor in email correspondance, the science is still behind the faith; very much behind, in fact, as Doc James sent: New Institute of Medicine Reccomendations on Vitamin D.

I struggled yesterday as I found on 5,000 iu of D3 in the morning that at 13.0 mmol/L of blood glucose I did not have the same response to the rise in blood sugar as I did on 10,000 iu a day. While I was indeed more congenial and relaxed, it was also the day that I had first best started recovering from my sleeplessness and the low-level insulin shocks of the night, which have been adjusted for , according to the current dawn and sunset times, which my pre-D3 basal rates were always set for. I always had better glucose control in the winter due to anxiousness from lack of sunlight and D3 in the body, and worse glucose control in the summer, failing to adjust for the highly fluctuating sunlight and activity levels; these things cannot simply be adjusted for based upon insulin alone, as Diabetes is a Deficiency.

The major factors the latest IoM study has been based upon a population with very low D3 intake and a birdfood diet; levels of protein and vegetable matter intake in the general population is much, much too low, and the main source of food is grains, which do not contain the building blocks of new tissues of all types- nerves, muscle, skin, adipose tissue (I believe that’s muscle? No, it’s fat! Actually, the insulating tissue surrounding body organs. And that absorbs insulin, with D3 as a factor to break it down and build it up.. interesting!). In general, I support the Paleo Diet for general health and healing; it maximizes all the nutritional items that work well for the body, and removes the core of the problem; an agricultural diet.

Birdfood. You’re all eating birdfood, and suffering from it. Birds require high amounts of carbohydrate for their muscles- they are, more or less, all muscle, requiring it for flight, bursts of energy to flee predators (like my cats), and in general to store fat as insulation for winter and power for migrations.

As human beings God has created us to live off two things; first fruit, in the Garden, and when we fell, we had to start farming to sustain ourselves. See Genesis 3:17-19 [show]. Thus high carbohydrate intake is absolutely necessary to maintain energy levels and, as it describes, struggle to work the soil for your food.

High protien content was also a part of the diet of our ancestors after the flood. Farmers have lived off both herds wild game of all sort, as necessitated after God changed our genes at the Flood. Our lifespan was cut short, as in Genesis 6:3 [show], to a maximum of 120 years, as indeed some do still today. We call them centinarians, who to us are a great wonder! However much there is debate over ‘it must be in their genes’, there is also a simple truth; most of these people simply have eaten healthy, and spend much of their time in the sun doing what they like to do, just having fun using the bodies God gave them.

Our sedentary lifestyle is certainly against how God created us to live and play and word and thrive in the outdoor world.
illys 01/09/2011 17:45
Oh, Brian, It hurt so much to hear about the diabetic man loosing his eyesight! Oh PLEASE, SHARE THIS NOW! >O<
I know everybody wants proof in a scientific world, but.. but..
I'm crying for the fact that this news isn't out yet.
PLEASE listen to what I emailed you, PLEASE share it, PLEASE!
It weight so much on my heart, I'm praying for it every _day_, when I listen at night, I pray at _night_, I want this message spread to my hungry, thirsty, needing brothers and sisters!

I'm not trying to sell anything, I'm not trying to advocate fanaticism, I'm not trying to ...
It's so painful to be the first one to feel the drops of rain and see all my family in christ still suffering in so much drought. It's so hard to wait for God's timing for the news. It's so HARD! I rejoice in Jesus' work in my body, and wait for the news to reach everybody else, my heart BREAKS every night with it in listening to prayer requests.
illys 01/09/2011 17:50
Miracles and wonders is something that the modern church believes is a thing long gone. I tell you no, it is not long gone, as I’ve had first hand experience with rather a good few! However, you’ll have to seek out that category of documentation as I get the chance to revamp this Blog.

As the diet and ‘prescription’ I’m following is radical, so too is the Holy Spirit radical. Science is a matter of curiosity, investigation and reasoning, and is a matter of knowledge, and Medical Science is a matter of using tried and tested methods and drugs to result in a form of healing.

The healing methods of Christ, there opposed, involve the Creator’s intimate knowledge of both our genetics, our makeup, and our history, as he is intimately involved in our very creation. And the ‘proscription’ I was inspired to follow in the revelation of His spirit just simply works.

My insulin sensitivity is very high: Currently 1.6 at sensitivity, and with a carb ratio of 8 carbs to one mmol/L of blood glucose; it is highest after the Sunday dose of 50,000 iu
My metabolic rate is most certainly upped by high doses of D3: At every 10,000 dose I have increased bloodflow, salivation, heartrate and sweating.
My healing processes are accelerated: Cuts, cracks, scrapes and pimples are disappearing very quickly.
The diet works: I’ve lost about 6-7 kilos in the past week.
Meat is the base of my diet instead of carbs, it's broken down for making more tissue.
The weight loss is radical, but balanced: Building muscle mass is part of the deal. I am aiming for muscle-building with exercises, and not simple laziness. Protein is also the building blocks of muscle. Upping metabolism gives mania-like symptoms, which my mother is horridly worried about, but it is also related to her knowledge and history of mental health.
The D3 dosages are appropriate to my fat levels: A proper dosage is necessary to maximize both the healing of my Beta Cells, my pancreatic nerve, and the damage wrought by diabetes over 14 years.
The diet is a fasting diet: Low-caloric intake is essential to weight loss, balanced with healthy nutrition. A fasting diet on carbohydrates is detrimental to health, especially if using D3 dosages, as it wastes the muscles instead of building them! That is the reason for the reports of renal and tissue damage at high D3 dosages; Protien intake MUST be high to prevent these results, and carbohydrates retrained from, to avoid the conflicts of D3 consuming fat and then simply adding it again. Tissue damage occurs when you are not taking in protein and nutrients adequate enough to keep up with the metabolic processes going on.
Secrecy: Jesus’ work within is a Gift, not a privelage, not a right, not a personal sacrifice, not a curse, not a self-cure. Self-doubt is also a doubt in Christ. Christ’s works are absolute, while relying upon our own experience and fears are faulty. The world does not heal absolutely and cannot, as they have no knowledge of Christ. Christ is the Warrior King, the great healer and redeemer, the rightful king of the world and the cornerstone of the faith. What he is doing is an inner working, and not an advertisement to flash about like a Los Vegas casino sign that says “Find Healing Here!” In my excitement over studying and realizing that the facts of what Jesus wants to do in my as an answer to prayer I flaunted the findings and healing properties left and right. The Spirit produces hope, the Flesh produces doubts and fears, and many of us simply are lining in the flesh, after what our experiences and body tells us is right or wrong.
illys 01/13/2011 09:07
Ended the fasting and exploration at day 10, my doctor hit pretty hard on me for not getting a baseline test with him first, and to benefit anyone in denmark, this has to be done in conjunction with a doc for documentation and study.

It clearly helped my glucose control and insulin sensitivity, but I had no experience in how to handle it.
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