Need Encouragement?

I know God loves me, and I have love from family and friends but I been open to finding real love for a long time now and I prayed I been telling God "I'm ready". I'm happy how I am single but I just want someone to share my life with. Everybody is always telling me, Stef your young your fine. I'm 25 yrs old and Im ready for Love. I thought I finally found someone last month but I was wrong. I understand patience is a virtue and God's time is the best but for some reason I feel like its never going to come. I been doing alot of things to stay super busy and its been working but when its time to go to sleep I think about it again. I kind of told myself today just give up Stef but not too sure if i meant it. Holding on to my faith. Anyway can you guys pray for me that God has favor on me and brings this to me 2011.
Stefy 01/15/2011 22:40

Replies: (page   1   2)
Stefy 01/15/2011 22:41
What else do I need to do?
Davidwayne Lackey 01/16/2011 22:17
Seek first the Kingdom. You need do nothing else. All other things will come in God's time. I know this sounds trite but it is true. The real problem is one of focus. As you have admitted when you say your not sure you have given up yourself. It means your focus is on yourself and not on what God wants. When the time is right, and you are properly prepared, you will meet the right match for you. In the mean time ask God what He would like you to do for Him today and make God your first priority instead of your wants.
Stefy 01/16/2011 23:52
Wow!!!! You just told me the truth. Never once have I thought to Seek first the kingdom...let alone did I know what it really means. David, I say this with tears in my eyes because I know my focus has been totally wrong now.
Im sorry God
David I Thank You Greatly.
Thank You
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