Need Encouragement?

Feeling really down, stuck in a rut of working hard for what reason, looking for some fun that helps the Kingdom and to get connected again , been isolated for so long, feeling like I have no friends at all, which isn't true but it feels that way.... The phone weighs 10,000 tons I can't bring myself to call anyone back as it all seems like too much work.... I'm a mess, just coming up for air after a grueling closing of the books in 2010.... Now have to re-start tracking even more things this year, it all seems such a drag.... Need some renewed zeal and enthusiasm in my life, anybody looking of ra sailing partner in Rhode Island... Had to give that up due to finances about 8 years ago, I really miss the water, it is in my jeaneology, however I can not afford to do it for myself anymore.... Ok that would be fun, but what I really need I think is a renewed sense of purpose and some Kingdom assignment.... I feel like Jesus must be very dissappointed with me as being one who burried the talents in the ground rather than producing Kingdom fruit from Him using me through the Talents He gives to reach and touch others for Him.... Sorry for the pity party..... Prayers for renewed purpose and zeal and ressurection power would be greatly appreciated...Thanks Rick in Rhode Island
RAHope4All 01/20/2011 08:28

Replies: (page   1   2)
Davidwayne Lackey 01/22/2011 01:14
Praying for you Rick
Jake Van Horn 01/23/2011 02:51
I'm praying with you Rick.

Dude, I would totally go sailing with you but considering the commute from the west coast, I'm going to have to take a rain check :)

"He came so we could have life and have it more abundantly". Your right on by saying "you need a kingdom assignment". There is no life like life in Christ. You don't have anything to feel sorry about my friend. We all need encouragement.

Kris 01/23/2011 14:42
Praying for you, Rick.
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