Need Encouragement?

DAB Teacher Support Group :)
Hey fellow DAB family teachers,

I, as well as many others, called in to pray for James, the teacher in LA. James, I pray that things are progressing for you and your students after you've come back from break. God is with you and he loves you and your students.

I heard the woman from Columbus calling into the podcast today mention that all of us teachers in the DAB should get together online to hash through our journey of faith as teachers, a roller coaster for all of us, I'm sure.

Maybe there is already a thread on the forum for us (let me know), but if not, I wanted to start one. Maybe we could discuss teacher-specific things prayerfully, share stories, pray for each other, et cetera. Maybe at certain times we could meet up at the chat room.

James, you're not alone. Teachers, you're not alone.

As for me, this school year is my fourth year as a teacher. I went straight into teaching in a poor school after finishing college, and just this past year I've moved to Virginia where I've found a teaching job in a private school.

Teaching has been, by far, the most difficult thing I've ever done, but God has totally reformed my heart and soul through all the challenges of teaching. Teaching with God involved has definitely torn me from the love of myself.

So, James and other teachers, I love you all and I know we're here for each other and we're not alone.

Matt 01/27/2011 08:54

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Jenna in Austin 01/31/2011 06:10
Hi Matt! What a great idea for a thread. I'm also a teacher, have been for almost 10 years. Talk about a roller-coaster ride... Right now it's Monday morning and I'm not really looking forward to going into work today. But I try to keep reminding myself that this is where God has put me and by serving my students I am glorifying Him!

James, we are praying for you. You are not alone, as Matt says.

Hang in there teachers! We can do it!

Matt 01/31/2011 09:30
Good to hear from you Jenna! I had that same feeling this Monday morning!

My plan for my first class this morning just went down the tubes. Just tanked. It wasn't a great plan in the first place, but even what was planned didn't work out. I'm sure others have had the same experience, maybe even today!

Let's pray that the Holy Spirit can lead us to trust him whenever everything gets messed up.

God promised that if we trust in the Lord, we can't help but bear fruit for him.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (New International Version, ©2011)

7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.
8 They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”

Take care everyone,

Jenna in Austin 02/01/2011 06:15
Hi Matt! Sorry your plan didn't work out... That happens to me ALL THE TIME! lol! Today I'm praying for just plain ole motivation because we have a nasty cold front blowing through right now and I teach in a portable building so anytime I need to go into the main building (to make copies, use the restroom, etc) I have to walk across a parking lot. And with the blowing arctic front and rain that is not going to be fun.

On a side note, I just found out last night while watching the news that a former student of mine was arrested for vandalizing cars. I saw his mugshot on the tv screen. I feel just awful because when this kid was in my class, he was the sweetest boy. I'm sure he must be terrified and he is definitely in need of prayer, so if you all could add him to your list, his name is Andrew. He made a mistake, like we all do, and I know God loves him nonetheless.

Matt 02/01/2011 15:17
God, free Andrew from negative thought patterns and lies and give him opportunities to live a good life. Help all the teachers throughout this big storm, snow days, unsafe icy schools and stir-crazy students. Help us trust in you and reflect your glory that isn't threatened by weather.
Leslie 02/01/2011 15:48
Hey Matt! Hey Jenna!! Am I too late!! :-/ ??

Matt I love those verses you posted. And Jenna, I am sorry to hear about your student. So glad you both posted. We are out for ice today, so I am planning and reading about learning theories to try to come up with new ways to go present content and structure to my classroom..

I don't have access to technology very easily. Do either of you use it much in your classrooms?

Jenna in Austin 02/01/2011 17:19
I had a "God" moment today! My student, Andrew, who I saw on the news yesterday, well, I probably haven't seen him at school in months (we have over 2500 students) and today I literally ran into him in the hall! God knew he was on my heart today and I was even thinking about how I could find him and talk to him and smack there he is!!!!! Wow, our God is so amazing! Anyway, I told Andrew to please come by my room so we could chat and that I was praying for him. He was so appreciative. He told me that he wasn't directly involved with the crime, that it was more of a "wrong place, wrong time, wrong crowd" type of thing.

So yes, more prayer is definitely needed. Thank you so much Matt for your prayer for Andrew. It means so much to me.

No Leslie you are not too late! Teachers unite! lol!

Regarding technology, I have decent access to it. I have a projector that is linked to my computer so I can use the internet and show video etc. I also have a document camera which is awesome. This is the first year that I am using these technology tools. Up until this year it was the old overhead projector... yuk!

Matt how was your day today? I have to admit that I lost my patience with one of my classes today when only 7 out of 28 kids did their homework. I was so discouraged and disappointed, but I feel that I failed them because I reacted harshly and without taking time to think about my reaction. Alas, tomorrow is another day (and I don't see them tomorrow because we do block scheduling, so I will see them on Thursday again).
Matt 02/02/2011 09:36
Hi, Leslie! Glad you posted! I have used technology at various levels throughout the years. Sometimes I've used the internet for students to complete activities (but that wouldn't work in class with the students I teach now; they suffer from a bit of media overload). I've used class websites to share information with students (I use but other teachers I know even use myspace or facebook and bring their class right into their students' worlds. I pray that your ice days bear good fruit.

I'm so glad you ran into Andrew, Jenna! I love how God works things out in ways we couldn't possibly have planned. That is important for me to remember in teaching, because the prevalent teacher mindset is geared to backwards-planning, making sure things get "covered," and doesn't really leave room for God.

My days have been alright. I have learned in the past few months to relinquish a lot of control to God. When things get out of control, I ask myself two questions. "What do I want?" Then I can think about all the things I want to control or complain about. Then I ask, "God, what do you want?" Then I can think about his priorities. It's really freeing.

I'm currently battling this nagging feeling that I should change jobs. Although the reasons are complicated, I find myself reacting to things that happen during the school day by saying to myself, "This is why I need to teach somewhere else." I've prayed about it and I know I don't need to over analyze and I can trust God to guide me, but this questioning is like a knee-jerk response that I'm trying to get rid of. It's a waste of time for me to always be in judgment.

Jenna, I have totally been in that situation: frustrated at students (or maybe at myself), reacting, then feeling guilty. I've learned that students are very capable of forgiving.

God bless your school day.

Jenna in Austin 02/03/2011 07:56
Thanking God for a two hour delay for school today! I needed the extra sleep... Have a blessed day my fellow teachers!
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