Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

Oprah and the New Age Church
Posting on behalf of Catholica, who is off the boards for a few weeks.

This is a great video describing the prosyletizing that Oprah has done on behalf of New Age. I knew here beliefs were "out there", and I didn't realize how far out they actually are. Might be a good discussion point of you know someone who is a passionate Oprah follower.
Ted C 03/21/2011 15:37

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Joyce 03/21/2011 18:10
Thanks Ted for your post. The Meeting House also has a great podcast titled "Duped" which specifically addresses Eckart Tolle's book new Earth. Excellent podcast. Here's the site Once again thanks for the information.

Jenna in Austin 03/24/2011 21:37
Thank you Ted for this link. Wow. Watching that, seeing what is happening in the world today, and having read the Bible... It really seems like the end times, whether that means many many many years from now or just around the corner. In any case, I know NOT to be deceived, but the unfortunate thing is that there are SO many people out there who are seekers and they are being trapped by Oprah's charisma and charm. I was one of them not 5 years ago. Before I turned my life over to Christ, I was seeking something. I saw the episode of Oprah where she introduced Tolle's book and I actually went out and bought it. I think I read maybe 5 pages and realized it was total and complete crap (pardon my French). Thank GOD I then, maybe two or three months later, started going to a Christian church which lead me to Christ.

I really like how at the end of that video it says "turn off the TV and pray". Very good advice.

Sarajane8 03/29/2011 15:25
Hmmm..........hmmmm.......I really don't know what to say as in a strange way I understand what they mean in terms of one Consciousness. Of course it also conjures up images of Revelation and it shows how easily a lot of us will be decieved. I have too come into contact with some strange debats. Silent meditation is not weird at all. The Jealous bit was out of contexted as we know what this applies to.......hmmmm....very scary......indeed

We so must pray, pray for our young ones
Amanda 03/30/2011 11:49
Way to miss the mark Oprah!!

It amazes me that people who seem to be so intelligent just completely miss the mark. Her rational for leaving the church makes no sense. God is not Jealous of Her.

"You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other god." Exodus 20: 4-5

Furthermore ... had she done any study...
the Hebrew word for Jealous is Zealous. In the context of the Bible we find that the true meaning here of how God feels for us is that...

"God has a fervent desire that things should transpire as He desires, which is always in accord with His character."

I have to say this video sent chills down my spine and fire through my veins! I pray for this generation who is coming up in these ideologies that are base so closely to Christianity. I pray that the spirit of indifference be broken in my generation and the generation coming up that people may speak boldly the Truth!
Lanny Carlson 03/30/2011 12:45
I am not an apologist for Oprah Winfrey,
and I don't agree with everything she says,
but I do believe at least some of what she says
is taken out of context (always a danger with editing).

And I do agree that we have too often put God into a box,
forcing God to conform to our preconceptions
and our own doctrinal categories,
and that we do so often make God in our own image.

And why they political jabs at Obama?

And for heaven's sake,
what is wrong with a Department of Peace??

Discernment is always essential.

But I think the producer of this film not only has a fundamentalist bias
but a right wing political agenda
which also needs to be acknowleded,
and discernment also mean recognizing that.

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