Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

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Amanda 03/30/2011 13:07

You are very right so many people put God in a box.
Yes, we do need to use discernment.
I really didn't pay much attention to the political statements.

It's the over all just of the video that I am looking at. Not only this video but others. Ones where she says... What about Jesus? there can't only be one way! I am looking at where she says that Good works gets you to heaven not Christ. I am looking at when she says God is a Feeling experience not a believing experience. I think we should not mix politics in this but look at this only in terms of the religious aspect.

If you feel that the producer has a right wing agenda... skip this video go to youtube and watch all the other videos that don't have a right wing agenda. You will see regardless of the slant she obviously has veered from the Truth. I pray for her because Jesus said in Luke 17:2 It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin.
We must use discernment always... check the facts with God's words.
Sarajane8 04/01/2011 13:22
Just found this on the net referring to the Oprah Sarga

"the word was misinterpreted in English. In Hebrew, the word was “zealous”, not “jealous”. In Hebrew, the word is canna (or qana, or kanai depending on the Hebrew translation) and it refers to a zealous feeling…the intense feeling of love towards someone. Doesn’t that make more sense? Our God has an intense love for us!

Very interesting this is why I say you MUST take it back to the orignal text to get a full understandingg. Maybe if she had researched what was on her heart and for Oprah it would not have been hard to set to the bottom of the matter. Whe would've found the answer. Oprah chooses to believe what she does because she wants to serve herself and not Jehovah.
Helga 04/01/2011 23:11
My son's love Eckhard Tolle, my one special christian friend has also turned to New Age and is just about to get divorced and what about the kids I always ask myself. It is heart breaking for me but all I can do is pray for them that God will reveal to them the truth. They know that I do not agree with them one bit.
Jesus let your light shine on those who are just not seeing you and take the veil off their blinded eyes.
gloria 04/02/2011 03:38
Where have I been --- I haven't heard any of this Oprah preaching!!! I have however, read Eckhard Tolle's book about five years ago before I became Christian. Searching for something I guess, but that wasn't it, and soon after I came to Christ. Last year Our Lord gave me insight regarding "The only way to be saved is throught Christ." I must admit prior I also had the idea other religions or new age nonsense was okay as long as you really believed. I must pray in agreemenat with Helga, "Jesus let your light shine on those who are not seeing you and take the veil off their blinded eyes."
deborah 04/02/2011 11:14
What Oprah and Tolle are selling is New Age Buddhism. Buddha insisted that there is no god, only truth, and that truth lives within oneself and must be sought after at all costs. The path to truth is therefore as diverse as humanity but must be followed to completion for peace, fulfillment, and harmony with nature (mother earth). For Buddha, man's "belief" in a god is a sign of a weakness and evidence of an errant mind, a state which is to be to be despised and avoided. Many people do not understand what Buddha taught. All they focus on is peace and harmony. Buddha was an atheist. So are Oprah and Tolle, and so are their followers, even if they do not realize it. God is a feeling for them, not a being. God is a state of existence, not the creator of the universe. So the New Church of this age now calls truth the light. Since we all are united in universal consciousness we are all god, all part of the energy of consciousness, and all part of the life force of existence. Understanding that concept, accepting it, and living it is the truth they seek - the knowledge and energy that is already in each of us. It is a feeling, a state of being, not a belief. Jesus is the enemy, not the son of an all-loving God. In rejecting Christ, they reject the very LOVE that they claim to seek! Well, if there is no belief then there is no faith, and it is all of works, which is in direct contradiction to Scripture. It is a lie.

The world system and its newly revitalized religion is so tempting because we ALL want peace. we all WANT to believe that man is good at heart - that some people just had it rough or were denied opportunities so that's why they do bad things or think bad thoughts. If only everyone had the same opportunities, we would all become the kind, peaceful, and gentle beings we were born to be. Man is basically good. But that is simply not true. This false religion has made god and truth all about man. It has man creating a god-myth for convenience sake. It has placed man at the center of all activity. All have the light somewhere within ourselves from birth. We just need to uncover and recognize it. This is false doctrine straight from hell. This is doctrine that denies Christ. This is doctrine that denies the need for salvation outside of man himself. I totally agree - DO NOT drink the sweet, delicious-looking koolaid, so sweet on the lips but bitter in the belly.

Tolle may not think about what happens at death, but he should. The experience of dying is mind-blowing. I pray he opens his heart before his time comes and it is too late. There is no time to contemplate death and the reality of God when it is time to die.

Oprah is a prophet of the revitalized antichrist religion of this world. She may not know it, she may not believe it, but that does not negate reality. She chose to turn her back on God because she was offended by a single word spoken from the mouth of one preacher decades ago. At least that is her story. I think it is a cop-out. She sought after truth for sure, but it was a truth that fit her story, the Oprah story she wanted to create about herself or was it the truth about God's story and Oprah's place in it. Pray for her. I do. I sent her a copy of Restored a couple of years ago. One of her staff members signed for it. I doubt she read it, but maybe her staff member did. Pray Oprah has a total change of heart and repents. Look at the millions of souls she is leading straight into the pit of darkness for eternity. This is heart-breaking. Truly heart-breaking.
Sarajane8 04/03/2011 03:46
That's interesting Debs, I didn't know that about Buddhists, but it seems to be so "trendy" here in the UK. Nearly every home decorating shop has pictures of Buddha and all of this holistic massage and meddication stuff is all the rage now.

We know it's coming so we MUST DO as Brian said for this year and RETREAT BEHIND HIM. Saints RETREAT.
deborah 04/03/2011 13:03
Yes, we are in the labor pains of the end times. Whether that is years, decades, or centuries away, only God knows. All "antichrist" belief systems are coming of age and becoming more prominent in society. They all have the same undercurrent though - Jesus is not God, there is more than one way to the Truth, and that Truth is not necessarily a god per se. It's all very trendy, but scripture warns us to not get sucked into the pleasure of this world, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life - the seduction of evil itself. We must run to God and stand (retreat) behind Him, and follow Him alone, now more than ever.

I was into Buddhism myself years ago. It seemed all so peaceful. Seeking truth, universal peace, and loving one another, learning self-discipline, and being based on goodness and virtue as core values - yippee! Sign me up! Maybe Jesus is in here somewhere too I thought. Once I realized what it was really all about (no god at all, man as the center, truth defined as what man finds in search within universal consciousness), I ran away as fast as I could. Looks pretty, sounds like heaven, but is atheist to the core.
Craig from Illinois 04/03/2011 14:23

Wow Deb.. your soul is well traveled!

deborah 04/03/2011 14:38
Craig, I've been on a life-long mission like so many others: searching for peace, love, and truth. It took me to a lot of dark places - buddhism, universalism, satanism, yoga (spiritual as well as physical), astrology, new age thought and alternative healings, evolutionism, existentialism, and dozens of "christian" denominations and cults. Some I got into deeper than others. I made a lot of mistakes. My search was sincere, but I was sincerely wrong. I thank God I finally found the Truth in Jesus alone. I thank God for his mercy. My story is only that of one person searching for God. All that matters is His Story. I only pray my experiences can be used for the glory of God.
Craig from Illinois 04/03/2011 14:54

The stories from your experience adds nuance and "flesh" to the strict definitions and text book writings of these religions and philosophies. I appreciate greatly your contributions and servant-like attitude. From what I know of you through the DAB, these are difficult things to write about. In fact they are a great sacrifice to your personal well-being.

I hope your contributions to these topics will ignite the DAB community into an examination of our heart by the influences of evil. May the Spirit of God purify our body, soul and mind.

This is a great lead in to the Neil Anderson "Restored" series that will be coming up later this year.
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