Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

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Ted C 04/11/2011 06:20
I would go with number 3 above.

Sexuality is a gift that we all have. I believe God gave us loving and logical boundaries when He prescribes in His Word that it is to be between one man and one woman in a life-long marriage covenant. If a person cannot control their sexuality they are like a city whose walls are broken down. A lot of times people who struggle controlling their sexuality will struggle with money as well; it comes down to a self control issue. That's not to say there isn't forgiveness and grace. It is to say a person will have a hard time of it if they don't come around to God's Word eventually.

Sexuality is the gift; we can exercise it however we want to with our wills. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "homosexual". I believe there is simply homosexual behavior. To say God created a person liking members of their own gender would be the exactly like saying God created someone to be pre-disposed towards children, or animals. In fact, many who believe in homosexuality believe in and argue on behalf of the rights of others to have relationships with children and animals. If sexual expression isn't simply a behavior but is a God-created identity, why not?
Bibleman 04/13/2011 09:04
I have heard some nasty things said about homosexuals among the evangelical crowd, even if it wasn't "intended" that way.
At large, "gay people" are regular friggin' people in so many ways. As David Wayne Lackey said, we're all sinners, and homosexuality is just an example of that. It's wrong, but I would condemn the modern conservative evangelical church for focusing on it with a magnifying glass. It comes off as vestigial homophobia, really.
Again, however, homosexuality is wrong, it is a sin.
Just my two cents.
Sarajane8 04/15/2011 20:45
Can I say in an inoffensive way: None of the above,: Read the word and know that this is an abomination to the Most High and do NOT be conformed to the softly approach of today. We are now reading accounts that remind us of WHY Christ came to save us from our sin. We must NEVER hate the sinner however we MUST HATE the sin and purge the sin from our midst. I have a gay relative and I love her to the bone. She is NO doubt of my love for her however I hate her sin, pray for her and let her know the boundaries.
Who are we to judge why a person has feelings or tendencies? Is being gay worse than adultery or being a thief? Both destroy lives and create chaos.
I say HATE the sin but Pray and love the sinner
Much Love, Live Long and Prosper

Mrs.C 04/17/2011 09:42
Friends, I want to say this with love. We are all sinners and are born that way. We Christians think we have the authority to reject gays. In fact, we might hate them. I did. Until I found out my son was gay. Do you think he chose this? Who wants to be despised, ridiculed and constantly told you are going to hell? I say to you that I love my son. Nature plays tricks in the womb and if you hate gay people, take a deeper look in the Bible. God loves my son. I do not doubt it. I have been divorced. Every day I force my husband to commit adultery just by being married to me. As Sarajane said, my life is an abomination to the Most High God. The Bible is clear. Sarajane, my son is not destroying lives and bringing chaos. People who hate him, though, are.
Ted C 04/17/2011 10:50
With all due respect Mrs. C, in the case of divorce Scripture makes an exception for the case of adultery, and who has not committed that with their eyes? It's a very messy issue. In the case of homosexual behavior, it is an action rather than a state of being. I don't hate any person. All sin separates from God - homosexual behavior or white lies. And all of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. The path back is believing in the sacrifice of Christ, and making Him Lord of our lives. That means repentance from wilfull sin when we recognize it.
Marcie in MO 04/17/2011 15:56
The Bible also says that telling a lie is an abomination to God.[Proverbs 12:22]
Craig from Illinois 04/20/2011 18:15
As followers of Jesus, we are commanded to deny ourselves. There might be 100 different ways that looks. Many times following Jesus means that my own desires, my natural inclinations, even my own biology is crucified. But as Bruxy says... "biology doesn't determine destiny".

Personally, I don't have the burden of crucifying homosexual desires in my life. However, there are other sexual sins and temptations that I do have to crucify. Even though I was born with these heterosexual desires, biology doesn't determine my destiny as a Christ follower.

Mrs.C 04/21/2011 06:01
All these are words that I have used to judge this situation, as well. Friends, my heart breaks with the thought of a gay person coming to this forum and having the same slammed door as he or she gets from the church. Folks, I have lived this. I have been you. I have judged and had all the answers. It's easy, isn't it, when you have not personally experienced either being gay or having a gay child. Unless you have, may I please in humility express that you don't have all the answers. Neither do I. One answer I do have: God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

I give you the words of a Twila Paris song:

I know the answers, I've given them all.
But suddenly now, I feel so small.
Shaken down to the cavity in my soul.
I know the doctrine and theology,
But right now they don't mean much to me.
This time there's only one thing I've got to know.

Do I trust You, Lord?
Does the robin sing?
Do I trust You, Lord?
Does it rain in spring?
You can see my heart,
You can read my mind,
And You got to know
That I would rather die
Than to lose my faith
In the One I love.
Do I trust You, Lord?
Do I trust You?

Craig from Illinois 04/21/2011 07:27

The spies that were sent out to trap Jesus made this observation.....

Matthew 22:21 "The spies said to him, "Teacher, we know that you teach the truth about what God wants people to do. And you treat everyone with the same respect, no matter who they are."

This is a two part observation made by people who's profession was to make observations!

1) Jesus TEACHES the TRUTH about what God wants people to do.
2) Jesus TREATS everyone with the same RESPECT.

As Christ followers; how are we doing with imitating these qualities of Jesus?

***** Mrs. C... welcome to the forums. I haven't read much about you or your story but I like your passion regarding this topic. I have a feeling this thread may be heating up. Please continue to share even if it becomes too emotional to bare. Your comment "my heart breaks with the though of a gay person coming to this forum...." is unfortunate.

It's an unfortunate comment because this forum is a place filled with loving and growing lovers of Jesus. It's an unfortunate comment because my heart breaks when a loving, un-condeming, non-judgmental group of people are criticized for imitating Christ by teaching the truth as Jesus did. It works both ways.

I hear Christians teach the truth without respect. (Some teach lies without respect too) But I also see gay-sympathizers blinded to the truth and unnecessary antagonistic to the message. Neither poles are healthy.

Calico 04/23/2011 19:20
Hi all,

Thought to add this in, as something I memorized and keep in mind:

"We live, then, as a community that embraces sinners as Jesus did, without waiving God’s righteousness. We live confessing that God’s grace claims us out of confusion and alienation and sets about making us whole. We live knowing that wholeness remains a hope rather than an attainment in this life. The homosexual Christians in our midst may teach us something about our true condition as people living between the cross and the final redemption of our bodies." - Richard B. Hayes

Just been thinking-on,

Praying with you,


"To say 'Jesus is Lord' is to say a) You’re the one who has the right to tell me how to live, and b) You show me what God looks like and how he wants me to live." - Bruxy Cavey
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