The Fight For Life Virtual Class Forum

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Ray 07/11/2011 16:28
"a call of arms"...hmmm, yeah. THE call to arms, really, because it will become a way of life. I remember John said "grow up" in THOP. It's in this msg, also. Stand up and take the responsibility for your area of authority, as you walk with Him, or course.
skeffie 07/11/2011 18:30
I listened and it really resonated with me too, but I have a problem with 'breaking the agreements'. Ever since I was a child and into my adult life I realise I have made this agreement - "I cannot rely on anyone, everyone will let me down'. I eventually, finally found a man who I thought i could rely on and got married three years ago and since then he has constantly let me down and we are now in counselling as I feel trapped in a relationship that has let me down. I so want to break the agreement but to be honest it is true in my life - everyone HAS let me down, only Jesus hasn't. How do i break an agreement which is true? I don't feel i can trust anyone..they all let you down. I believe I shouldn't have married and then I wouldn't be feeling so depressed and powerless to change anything. My husband isn't a christian so doesn't 'get it' either. I feel I have made a big mistake and should have remained single and self reliant. I want to break the agreement but I just don't believe its not true....
Ray 07/12/2011 16:31
skeffie. I held off on this hoping somebody smarter would jump in. I want to be helpful here and it is a tightrope. You are in a difficult situation and I don't want to add to it, but I assume you want to get into it with others or you would not have been so open. It may be some tough going here, so I'll start slow.

First of all, how do we in general describe the nature of these agreements that harm us?
The reason I ask is I think yours assessment is off from how I would characterize them. I'll propose one aspect of the big picture, but there are probably others facets and better ways of saying it. I think of the agreement as statement/idea that we decide is fact. This idea is a lie, but it keeps a barrier in place between where we are and what we could be. That potential is something that could bring glory to our Lord.

What do you and others think? Did John describe what an agreement is? I don't remember.
I'll go back and check.

Let's work this together, folks. I'm not good enough on my own.
Helga 07/12/2011 23:37
I enjoyed the first class. If you listen with your heart, God reveals to each one of us something. The best part is if you talk about where you think you made agreements you could be on the road of recovery if you let God deal with you. None of us can look deep into one another heart, only God knows our deep desires but He wants us to speak to him about anything. I never realized that I made agreements of any sort but listening to the first class made me dig deeper into my life. I asked God to reveal to me what He wants to tell me and all I know what the first class did in my life is:
God gave a women so much "power" that the devil hates us so much and that we have to guard our hearts and with the help of God we are able to do that. But we have to be sooooo careful not to mis-use our "power" and think we are something better. What I also realized is when satan approached Eve, how she got convinced by his smooth talk and we today have to really guard our hearts, minds and will.
Inacam 07/12/2011 23:49
This class has been a blessing for me. I was in tears during the prayer time and God showed me very specific things (aka demons) I had to renounce.I feel God's freedom.
However, since I listened to the class, I have also felt a big deal of spiritual warfare in my house. I had demonic visitations and dreams. Even my son came last night to the room because he had a very dark dream. I'm just praying and fighting.Is this normal?
Kelley 07/13/2011 04:07
I've been meaning to post to this thread for a couple days now. I won't post my own stuff in this post, but wanted to talk to you, Skeffie. Where John is talking about "agreements" I think he is talking about letting the enemy speak something into our own life that we go on to believe and live as though it is true. We can even make it true if we keep living out of that belief. You are making a statement about other people, not about yourself, which isn't really what John is addressing. You say you believe that other people will always let you down. This IS true. But it is not part of your identity. We are all human, we let each other down all the time. You will let yourself down too. Your agreement might be that this happening means you are a victim, or that maybe you have a right to be bitter. The agreement is YOUR reaction. For me, I know that everyone I love is as human as I am. Good days and bad days. Character flaws. Times of heroic faith and times of cowardice or fatigue. When it happens it doesn't bother me much. The agreement you have is that this should not happen to you. Or that it is unusual that it happens to you. Does that make sense? It will happen and does happen to everyone. We are in this together. We are human. We cut each other slack and we keep following Him choosing to love. Anyway, I don't know if I explained this well.... But the agreements John is talking about, to me, seem to be things that we've agreed with him about OURSELVES, not about other people. Lord, please help this begin to make sense to Skeffie, and rescue her from feeling victimized by other people's failures. Empower her. Show her the truth about her own agreements. Set her free. Jesus thank you for Your love that seeks a way. Amen.
Kelley 07/13/2011 04:45
It hit me how to say this more clearly.... When we think other people should not "let us down"... in fact we are saying "You need to be a slave to my expectations." In a strange way this IS an agreement... because it has the underlying flawed belief in it that my expectations should rule other people's behavior and when they don't then I have been wronged. victimized. hurt. disappointed. bitter. Freedom is in realizing other people are free from my expectations and letting people off the hook, realizing what they do or don't do has no bearing at all on my true personhood and my walk with Christ. What they owe they owe to Christ. What I owe I owe to Christ. Having to please and appease someone else's version of what you should be and do is exhausting bondage. Even in cases of true betrayal, like abuse or one spouse cheating on another.... it isn't that "this always happens to ME" but rather that this is a world engaged in sin, and this happens... period. It happens often. It happens to others too. It happens.
Leslie 07/13/2011 09:38
I have found another agreement I didn't even expect this morning while listening to the podcast. I have not been vigilant enough in my own life and so then I cheapen my walk with God, because I am walking in unrecognizable wrong agreements. They can be so hidden I have found.

Helga I love what you said,

"God gave a women so much "power" that the devil hates us so much and that we have to guard our hearts and with the help of God we are able to do that. But we have to be sooooo careful not to mis-use our "power" and think we are something better. What I also realized is when satan approached Eve, how she got convinced by his smooth talk and we today have to really guard our hearts, minds and will."

This idea of power being used in the wrong ways...really struck me. And Kelley, your second post really struck me too. I am glad your wrote it out again.

"it isn't that "this always happens to ME" but rather that this is a world engaged in sin, and this happens... period. It happens often. It happens to others too. It happens."

This is huge to me and moving forward. My identity is wrapped in Christ, not in events or agreements. Period.

Can't wait till next session downloads. Blessings....Leslie
Cabingirl 07/13/2011 15:21
Inacam, I'd have to say what's going on is normal. You learn the tricks of the devil, and he's going to fight back harder. I finally had a chance to listen to the class today, and it's awesome! I learned so much. But ever since, I have been battling with depression and headaches. I'm praying and fighting along with ya. :)
Ray 07/13/2011 16:05
yeah, big sleep interruptions go with this territory. Really rough week in that respect this week for me. Pray all the more, give thanks to God, His love endures forever! I find that laughing at the enemy is helpful. Think about why you are laughing at them. They are wasting their time. The victory is won in Jesus.
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