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Four Streams Virtual Class
How did folks like the virtual class this year? I found it pretty good for my walking times. It reminded me a lot of the class from last year. I particularly liked week 2 and week 4 this year.
Tom B 08/10/2012 17:00

Replies: (page   1   2)
Craig from Illinois 08/11/2012 11:27
I thought it was a decent program. But since I've already read books and listened to the other recordings of John Eldridge, I couldn't get passed that idea that "Four Streams" was a re-packaging of all his old stuff. His old stuff is good, but personally I didn't come away with anything I had not heard before.

I'm still a bit skeptical of his take on what spiritual warfare looks like. But that's his own perspective and I respect that. Often I am criticized as not being "spiritually strong" because I have a differing perspective. I'm weirded out by John's hyper-sensitivity to the dark forces and foul spirits. But then again, I thought the part on Holy Spirit was pretty good. I think that is a neglected and misunderstood area of our experience. He is hyper-sensitive to the HS too, but he seems to have better balance in that area.

Tom B 08/13/2012 08:40
I had some similar reactions but I have not read as much Eldridge. I am finding it helpful to me to ponder and pray about spiritual warfare.
Leslie 08/18/2012 07:02
I liked the counseling one. Craig, me too, I get weirded out also with the hyper-sensitivity, but I also got quite a bit out of all of the podcasts. I appreciate the repackaging thing, its a great free resource.

Tom, I also liked 2 and 4. Even though I am a woman, it's helpful for me to listen for many reasons. :)
Ray 08/19/2012 15:31
I'm always encouraged by the way John speaks of a personal relationship with the Lord. In session 1, about 15 minutes in, he talks about how discipleship programs tend to be "old covenant based." It stuck me that that is what I hear. In general, "things are bad, work harder on this or that behavior." I love how John lifts it to "walk with me, learn from me." I guess I'd like to really get that going better in my life so I can hear, "I'll get you home, go for it."

I suspect if you step back and look at it, you are being encouraged to work harder at whatever is going on in your domain and walking with Jesus is the only way not to burn out.

So, do you have a conversation going on like John describes? Do you hear things like, "preserve the lines of communication." Do you think it is category to be considered?
Craig from Illinois 08/19/2012 21:18
Good point Ray. I am answering "yes" to your question. It's not at 100% yet. The daily conversations are more frequent and much more productive then ever before. My conversations with God use to be guilt & shame reactions. Now I can honestly say that I converse with God with the perspective that He is my loving Father. I respect God and I accept His will to love me and I to love Him. I am a son of God, Jesus and you guys are my brothers/sisters and their Spirit counsels my souls' journey. It doesn't get any better!
Helga 08/19/2012 23:23
Sometimes if we hear someone speak, we just do not find at that point really connected with what the speaker says. We even feel a bit dissapointed but I think that often there are so deep hidden issues in our hearts that Words spoken just do not find any meaning. Then I go to God and say, Lord "is there anything You want to tell me"? Sometimes it is just something not for your heart at the time but for someone you could encourage and who needs these Words.
Ray 08/20/2012 06:38
Yes, Helga, he does have plans to make us useful to the kingdom. I've seen him do that, shown me things for others. It's pretty amazing when that comes together, cause it clearly isn't me doing it.

I walk with him, but I struggle to hear words or know who is speaking. John doesn't go into what that looks like very much, perhaps it is too difficult. He spoke of David getting fine detail of how to fight in 2 Sam 5:23 so David inquired of the Lord, and he answered, “Do not go straight up, but circle around behind them and attack them in front of the poplar trees. Do we get stuff like that in the inner heart? "...when listening to a still small voice that exists inside of us, it can be hard to discern when it is our own thoughts speaking or the voice of God speaking." This reviewer of Dallas Willard's Hearning God says where I am. I fight to know who is speaking.

The other day I was riding my bike and I was testing my wings and I asked, should I go the long way? On a bike it is hard to linger so I took the turn to go long. From the start I doubted it was right. It didn't "feel" right. Should I turn around? Should I turn around? I couldn't shake it, but I didn't hear anything. On the next turn a policeman stopped me. This is very unusual, since it is a bike trail out in the woods in the middle of nowhere. Seems the Vice-president was in the area and so I couldn't use the bike path because it crosses a road his limo would use. I smiled at God's sense of humor, sending a big shot to my sleepy little town to tell me which direction to ride my bike. He's such a joker sometimes.
Tom B 08/20/2012 08:41
Thanks Ray. You made some great observations.
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