Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

Why do American Christians love war?
Please forgive the title of this topic. I don't think most American Christians love war, yet I would have a hard time calling them "anti-war." It seems strange to me that followers of the Prince of Peace are not known for actively opposing American foreign interventions.

So, I guess this leads me to three questions at the moment.

1. Am I wrong to think that most American Christians are apathetic or even supportive of most current American wars, and, if not, why are they?

2. Am I wrong to think that Christians should be anti-war (or at least adhere to the doctrine that violence can only legitimately be used in self-defense)?

3. Why is it the case that American Christians often actively support war-mongering politicians?
Tate 10/16/2012 03:04

Replies: (page   1   2   3)
TRWord 10/16/2012 16:35
I see this as a legitimate question except I don’t agree with the distinction of “American Christians.” I think it’s fair for you to ask the questions why do Christians of all nationalities go along with positions that so absolutely oppose what Jesus taught?

You are not wrong to think that Christians should be anti-war, but Christians should be anti-greed and anti-hegemony as well.

The fact that Christianity today bears no resemblance to what Jesus taught cannot be pinned on Americans alone. This is true for almost all of Christianity regardless of the state.

The simple answer is, Christianity today is not subject to what Jesus taught it has morphed into something that allows a multitude of ills.
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