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Santa and Jesus
Hi all,

It has been awhile!! Have a read of an interesting article on Jesus and Santa.

What do you think?


rhysy 12/01/2013 23:16

Replies: (page   1   2)
Lanny Carlson 12/02/2013 00:07
Don't forget that Santa Claus is a cognate of Saint Nicholas, a Christian saint known for generosity to the poor. We have perhaps forgotten those origins and may have corrupted it - but haven't we often done the same with Jesus?
rhysy 12/02/2013 05:05
Hi Lanny,

I'm not sure if you had a chance to read the article, but you will find that the Santa promoted today is far from the St Nic of old. I wrote another article on St Nic last year. Enjoy - http://soldierofkurios.blogspot.com.au/2010/11/what-2-santa-dutch-sailors-and-coca.html

Regardless of St Nic, Jesus is number 1!! He is God! St Nic didn't create me, or die on a cross for me, or be resurrected after 3 days. I don''t mid if his history becomes blurred as Jesus is the main thing.
rhysy 12/02/2013 15:55
Should Christians use Santa as the provider of joy at Christmas time? I guess that's the premise behind the article.

What are your thoughts? And, following on from Lanny, how close is the current 'Santa' to the St Nic of old?
Catholica 12/03/2013 13:43
In my house we practice the Santa myth but when the kids start asking questions, we let them uncover the truth for themselves and then we explain everything to them. However Santa only comes around once a year, and we practice our faith day in day out in almost every activity in which we take part. Sunday mass is the center of our lives. Our house has many pictures of Jesus and crucifixes. We pray before bed and meals every day. We read the Bible every day at bedtime together. We homeschool the kids with curriculum that doesn't relegate faith to the sidelines. We teach them true history that hasn't been secularized.

These kids of mine know Jesus. And santa still has room in this equation. The problem isn't with the santa myth, per se, but rather with the lack of many families making Jesus the center. When Jesus is made the center, everything else is just a practice that makes their lives enjoyable. And we were meant to live not only in the spirit but also in the world (but not be of the world). Things are good, in moderation. Too much focus on things will lead a person into sin. But enjoying the treasures that God provides us too little leads to danger too; rebellious children who end up rejecting God. We were given the world to have dominion and to be living life with God right now. The focus should be right-ordering our lives around God. Once we have that, then the rest are just little joys.

I personally love seeing the joy and feeling of Christmas surprises brings to my kids' life, and I don't see it as a negative for them. There is no confusion between Santa and Jesus.
rhysy 12/03/2013 16:08
Catholica, how can you reconcile the message of 'Santa' and the gospel of Jesus. Santa promotes self righteousness and self dependence, whereas the gospel of Jesus is dependent on Christ. Don't you think you are sending mixed messages to your kids?

Secondly, I'm a school teacher. A few years back, a child came to me, very upset. I asked what was wrong. They responded by telling me they had learnt that Santa doesn't exist. They then explained to me how they began to doubt what their parents had taught them about Jesus, as their parents were also convincing about Santa. Ok, there is evidence for Jesus and not Santa, but essentially, you are lying to your kids; stirring up mistrust (something to consider.

Picture this: "Hey kids, a big fat judgemental man will visit us tonight and give you presents for being good; here is the evidence". A year later... "sorry kids, yes, Santa is a lie... yes, I have been lying to you and I fabricated all the evidence; but hey, Jesus exists, look at all our pictures of him around our house". Great message to send your kids.
Lanny Carlson 12/03/2013 18:38
Andre, I appreciate your reasonable comments, and am sorry rhysy seems so uptight and judgmental on this subject. I know where he's coming from; I've been there myself. I attended a very liberal seminary in the 60s, and I remember how some hung Santa in effigy on campus. I understood the sentiment, but something inside me saw this as overkill (pun intended). At it's worst, the Santa myth can be a servant of materialism and greed. But at it's best, the jokes about coal in stockings aside, the Santa myth is one of grace. No child really believes they have been good all time, and Santa gives gifts they could never deserve but are given because of Santa's love for children. In that sense, instead of approaching Santa with a "Bah!humbug!" Why not use it as a bridge to the deeper truth of God's unmerited grace and God's unlimited love for all god's children! Rhysy, please take a deep breath, chill out, and enjoy the season in all its dimension s.
rhysy 12/03/2013 20:36
Lanny, if preaching Jesus over some fat guy in a suit is bah humbug, then I'm the biggest humbugger in town :-P I just don't see the point of having Santa. It's a lie. You're lying to your kids. It takes away from Christmas.

Grace, Lanny, my dearest friend, is that God stepped out of paradise to come and give his life for sinners. The greatest gift of all. When I give my daughter a gift this Christmas, I will explain that her mum and I are giving this gift because we love her, just like our creator and Father loves us.

The fat guy can stay in the North Pole for all I care!!
Lanny Carlson 12/03/2013 21:08
That's fine. I have no problem with that. I just wish that in the spirit of Christ you would be less judgmental and refrain from impugning the motives of others.
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