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power of fasting
For all of you going through a hard time or need to make a difficult decision, I'd like to remind you about the power of fasting. I used to say "fasting isn't for me", but I've been going through some personal issues recently, and God put it on my heart to try it. I was blown away by how quickly the Holy Spirit started speaking to me during my fast. I feel so much closer to God and very happy that I did it.
***Note - If you are called to fast, please be safe. Here is a good article to prepare for your first fast:
carol 08/14/2014 12:24

Replies: (page   1   2)
Grace 02/04/2015 13:17
A preacher said "When you Fast, You Last" & 'When you Pray, You Stay." When you fast, so is your spirit - connecting with the Lord - very powerful, Agreed. Fasting are sacrifices and offering before God for certain situations in your life. Fasting is the hard work behind your prayer, it works. I never had the holy spirit speak to me during a fasting, but I did have prayers answered rather quickly. But, It's not easy to give up food or drink for anyone for days or weeks. And God knows that, he takes notice and listens attentively. Best advice. A pastor/ priest/ or preacher should know you are fasting, so they can help with prayer. Great, Great advice!
soniya sharma 09/27/2022 08:06
  your post is very helpful and motivational, thank you very much

soniya sharma 09/27/2022 08:07
your post is very nice, Thank you for sharing this type of post with us.
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