Daily Transcripts

2 Kings 9:14-10:31 ~ Acts 17:1-34 ~ Psalm 144:1-15 ~ Proverbs 17:27-28
Today is the 26th of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It is great to be here with you again from the road at the Creation Festival in Pennsylvania where I am participating today a little later. So looking forward to that, but what I'm really looking forward to right now is the scriptures washing over us, kind of pulling us out of whatever is going on and centering us in God's Word.

So we’ve been reading from The Voice translation this week and it is still this week, so we’ll continue to do that, moving forward in 2 Kings today.


Okay, we see a new king in Israel today, Jehu, and we see the king of Judah and the king of Israel, former king of Israel both die today. Jehu is unbelievably zealous in cleansing the land and all of this happens between Samaria and Jezreel.

Today the Phoenician princess, Jezebel, who is infamous to this very day, she who killed the Lord's prophets and went on a rampage to try to assassinate Elijah meets her end exactly as it was prophesied, thrown down from an upper floor in Jezreel.

Jezreel is another of those places that is not often visited, that is not often seen and yet it is remarkable in the things that happened in and around there. Jezreel sits on a mound, in the shadow essentially of Mount Gilboa where Saul, Israel's first king, Jonathan his son and his other sons lost their lives in battle to the Philistines much earlier. Jezreel became this prominent city because of its access to the trade routes, sitting right there in the valley. It was a prominent city even though its most famous stories are the darker stories. Jezreel has been excavated a number of times and it is an ongoing excavation even now, but because of that, there is not a whole lot of access. So even if you go visit Jezreel, you can’t really get into the city, into the areas because they are all being dug in trenches and they are active, but it is a beautiful site. It is a beautiful location, gorgeous in fact. We did have the opportunity to go there and actually kind of capture more of its essence in a way that you can’t by foot and that is from the air. Until I got back into the United States after this last trip to the Land of the Bible in Israel and was able to kind of dig into some of that footage did I even realize how spectacular the history is and how it is preserved underneath the ground. So before too long, we’ll be looking forward to making some of this available.

What about today's proverb? I mean, gosh, sometimes the proverbs, like I say many times in a year, speak truth so plainly and so concisely that you really can’t look away, you can’t “yeah, but…” and then start inserting all these circumstances where that doesn’t apply.

Those with knowledge know when to be quiet and those with understanding know how to remain calm.

If we could just bite our tongue, keep quiet, remain calm, what would that do in our lives? What would it do if we knew when to be quiet and how to remain calm? That alone, just that alone is huge. Imagine the revolution that could happen in relationships and in lives if that one sentence were heeded. It is one of those proverbs that you want to write down on a piece of paper, put in your purse, put in your wallet to carry around with you and plaster or tape it up on your mirror. It is something you want around you to be constantly reminding you.

Those with knowledge know when to be quiet and those with understanding know how to remain calm.


Father, we need the help of your Holy Spirit to heed this proverb. We’re simply not always capable of it, even if we’re mild mannered. We’re not always capable of it on our own. We become reactionary instead of proactive, a decision is made on the spot and it is sometimes the wrong one instead of deciding in advance we are people of knowledge and understanding, we are people led by your Holy Spirit, we will know when to be quiet, we will know how to remain calm because we are connected to the source of life and that is you. We are connected to what you are doing in this world as your body, so we don’t just go off on our own, but we need the guidance of your Holy Spirit. We are simply not able to navigate this on our own, which is appropriate because this is how we are made. We are made to work in collaboration with you. So we invite your Holy Spirit. Come, give us knowledge and understanding and help us pause in the quiet moment before we react to something to hear your voice. We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website. It is home base. It is, of course, as always, where you find out what is going on around here. What is going on around here is road life, this summer tour around the country to the different music festivals. So we’re here in Pennsylvania at the Creation Festival. If you’ve ever been to a summer music festival, they are huge, they are a sea of humanity, they are epic, they are hot and sweaty, they are all the things that something like this would be and I'm enjoying it and looking forward to participating in the Shock and Awe Show today and getting back on the bus back to Nashville tomorrow just for a few days before heading next weekend up to the great state of Maine and the River Rock Festival.

The other thing that is kind of on our calendar is the Daily Audio Bible Long Walk. I’ve been talking about that for the last few days. July 7th is the day we always do this. You know what? If you’ve been here for a few years or whatever, then you probably participated in some way and have taken a long walk. Oh, if it would just be something we would do every weekend or every day, but The Long Walk is just what it sounds like, a day to go take a long walk with God, to actually put into effect everything that we’ve done for the last 6 months together, to walk with God, to orient ourselves to him fully and just go for a walk with our best friend where we can really, really have the time and space to say all the things we need to say and give him the time and space to speak back. It is a day to actually do what we say we do, walk with God. Go somewhere beautiful. Walk with God.

What is so lovely about this is that we just say take a picture. You can probably have your phone with you or whatever. Take a picture. Shoot a little video, whatever, wherever it is that you are and then post it in at the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page, www.Facebook.com/DailyAudioBible. Then all of a sudden we have this beautiful mosaic, these little tiny windows into each other's lives. That is fun. It's just a blast. If you’ve done this on one of the previous years, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If this is your first year, you’ll see. It's a blast. Walk with God on the Daily Audio Bible Long Walk 2105.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at the website, www.DailyAudioBible.com. There is a link in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

As always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.

That’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello DABers. This is Sheldon, Blessed Like Me from Charlotte, NC. Of course, our lives are going to be filled and flooded with prayers for Charleston. We have to lift up prayers for the body of Christ. We can make a big impact ourselves on the world if we ourselves begin to break down color barriers and start seeing each other in the Christian body as just one. If we begin to do that, then we’ll do more than we could ever do by making political stances, making potshots, comments, whatever on social media. We can do more with just harmony within the Christian body if we within the Christian body start seeing each other, black, white, Indian, Jamaican, all colors as just Jesus followers. If we just do this within the body, then our impact will be great and grand. We can do it. This is what we will do. So I’ll begin by praying. Dear Heavenly Father, we need you right now to come in the midst of all the turmoil, all the hatred that is going on in the capital areas in the veins of people in America, Lord. We need you to intervene. We need you to do a great work within the households of the faithful. Reframe our minds, put us in a new category of living and thinking, Lord. We need your power. We need your might. We need your abilities. We need your creativity, Lord. Let our hearts become yours, let our walk become yours. We love you and we thank you, Jesus. We thank you, Jesus, for it already being done. We stand in agreement in Jesus’ name. We love you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello, this is Chris from Belfast in United Kingdom. It is Tuesday the 23rd today. I'm just ringing in reply to Shannon, I think it was, in Seattle. She was talking about her problems of her house, worries there. Shannon, if you just leave it all in God's hands, he will do it before you. Just leave it in prayer up to him and he will come through. He has something there in store for you. It may not seem like it now. It maybe worries you, but just leave it with him and it will all be revealed to you. I'm confident in what the Lord has for you. Family, the rest of the family here, could you please pray for me? Something that is going on in the minute in my life with my son who I have fallen out of contact with for a long time now, I think about 10 years, when he was only a baby. About 2 years ago I got back in touch with him and I'm trying to rebuild our relationship. I said a lot of sorrys to him and we’re trying to put things right. I don’t know whatever mistakes I’ve made, I messed up and seem to have upset him somehow. I just really need prayer for that, just to soften his heart and to just to get him to forgive me and to give me wisdom in how to deal with it. He is now a teenager and I just need wisdom and to know how to deal with this situation. That is not to say I'm not going to keep messing up, because I probably will because that…

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I'm calling from Boston. I'm just reaching out because it has been a hard 3 months. My daughter started off, her name is Keisha, she is 15 years old, she started off with suicidal thoughts, now she is cutting herself and just __________. We’ve been in and out emergency rooms and hospitals. She loves the Lord and I have my church family and friends praying for her, but it just seems like I need some more. I also need a lot of support. I realize I can’t carry this by myself, even though others have been praying with me. I just need more. I feel like I need to reach out. So I'm calling you guys. I’ve been listening for a year. This is the first time I'm calling. I just need my daughter back. She is back in the emergency room. The other day she tried to start a fire in the house, so I don’t even feel safe with her at home. I am praying that God delivers her from this depression and anxiety that she is going through. Thank you so much and I love you guys. Bye-bye.

Hello everyone and good morning. God bless you. This is Jay from New Jersey. I'm calling specifically for Jason from the Los Angeles area. Jason, my brother, God bless you. Praise God that you didn’t make that decision to end your life. I want you to know, my friend, that you are not alone. I sound like probably the happiest guy in America every time I call, but I too suffer depression. One of the things that helped me is the Word of God, reading it, studying it, understanding it, constant, constant prayer. Also I had to physically and mentally deal with something that happened in my past and my parents were dead, so I wasn’t able to forgive them upfront. I physically wrote a letter of all the things that they hurt me and I needed to forgive them for, drove to their graves and got out of my car and stood on their graves and read to them this letter of forgiveness. I meant it in my heart, I meant it in my mind and I meant it in my body and it really helped. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. Also it helps to have a good support system as well. My wife does not suffer from depression but she does understand that when I get into those states, there are certain things that she can do that will help to get me out of it. Number 1, it's the Daily Audio Bible. For example, Sunday I sat in a dark room thinking about killing myself and was posting some very dark things on Facebook, even changed my profile picture to all black and guess who comes trotting into the room with Daily Audio Bible playing? And all I could hear was the Daily Audio Bible family praying. So if you need help, send me an email. It's JamainePipps@gmail.com.

Hi, good morning family. This is Cherry C., cherry pie. I'm calling for Ann. Ann, I'm calling on your daughter's wedding. If you all remember, I went through the same situation with my daughter last year, September. Go to the wedding. I'm not going to tell you it is going to change her attitude towards you, but go to the wedding anyway. Do it for yourself. Go to the wedding as the parent, as her mother. Go to the wedding, enjoy yourself as much as possible, and leave the rest to God. I went to the wedding. Yes, I felt very uncomfortable but I went anyway to be that mother for her. Things are getting better. Actually, she spent her birthday with me in June. June 6th was her birthday, so she didn’t know how to say, “Hey mom, I want to spend my birthday with you.” Sometimes, you know, if your daughter reaches out to you, take a chance and grab that. Grab a hold of it because sometimes they don’t know how to extend themselves. My daughter just turned 35, so she didn’t know how to say herself, “well, just come on up.” We spent the whole weekend together. It was great. Things are getting better. It's not perfect, but it is getting better. God is moving, so be encouraged. Go to the wedding. You might feel some kind of sort of way. I did. But go anyway and God be with you. I hope your daughter has a beautiful wedding and you all enjoy each other. Also, calling on the girl, I don’t know her name, but she was calling with her sister and her family, she felt very uncomfortable. Been there, done that. I have a t-shirt. Can put it on and wear it. I went through the same thing with my family. Didn’t speak to them for 5 years because of my mom's death and a lot of stuff happened. But as God always has the victory, we are now very close. We see each other a lot more. Things have changed, so hang in there with this family. The devil is __________. God wants the family to be together. I love you guys. You have a beautiful and awesome day.

Hello Dabbers. This is Dawson from the Chicago area. A woman called in today whose policeman husband died about a year ago and she is going through a lot of changes and she has daughters who support her __________ and friends who are coming against her and she has a new man in her life. I understand the judgment and people can be mean, even so-called good people. You're on my heart. A man called yesterday. I believe his name is Jason, struggling with depression. His beautiful wife and a couple kids and just has this depression that is bringing him to despair and causing a whole lot of pain. Been there, done that. I understand that. Man, it __________. Father God, lift up Jason to you. He is a man who seeks your heart, Father. He is a man who needs strength and peace in his life, even in the midst of depression, Lord. If it not be your will for him to take that depression, I know that you are capable to walk with him through that as he walks with you, Holy, God. Lord, take that depression. Lift that depression. Make a way for him, Father God. It is so difficult to walk in depression. We can get judgment too, especially when we’re believers. People don’t understand, you know, that depression is just oppressive and it is there and it doesn’t mean that we’re not believers and we don’t love God. Father God, give him the strength to seek you and know you. Give him the power to walk in your peace and your love, Father, wherever he is at, in the midst of depression or without and let him know you are God and you are mighty and you are good. Almighty God, precious Holy God, in Jesus’ holy name, I pray. Amen.

Tamarie 06/26/2015 11:34