Daily Transcripts

1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17 ~ Romans 1:1-17 ~ Psalm 9:13-20 ~ Proverbs 19:4-5
Today is the 12th of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you. It’s good to be back home. Great time that we did have at the Ichthus Festival up in Kentucky. Grateful that that wasn’t mega-travel. That was just several hours away so that’s cool. Good time. Enjoyed visiting with some of you. We’ve got a brand new shiny week that we get to unpack and unfold together just waiting to be written. The story of our lives rolls on. The story of the Bible rolls on. We’ll read from the New International Version this week.

Introduction of a New Book:

Okay. As we begin this new week, we have the privilege of beginning a new book. We’ve finished the book of Acts yesterday, which brings us to the book of Romans which is the first letter of the apostle Paul that appears in the New Testament. Most Biblical scholars would agree this is his crowning jewel. This is Paul’s masterpiece, his most influential, his greatest work.

Paul wrote this probably from the city of Corinth where some of his greatest missionary work had been accomplished. It was probably written in the mid 50s AD. We get a little glimpse of how these letters were passed around. How they were hand-delivered. When Paul finished the letter he sent Phoebe, probably from the church in Cenchrea, which is just outside of Corinth, to hand-deliver the letter and make an introduction to Paul. Of course, as a Roman citizen, Paul had a passion for his people. He couldn’t wait to visit Rome, but he had other business to attend to before he could go there, the first thing being a trip to Jerusalem where, unfortunately, his plans took a turn. He was arrested. He was kept in captivity for several years. We’ve just gone through that story.

Paul does make his way to Rome. He makes his first trip to Rome as a prisoner. The church in Rome wasn’t planted by Paul. We don’t actually know who brought the gospel of Jesus Christ to Rome. But, the most weighty speculation is that someone or a group of someones who were there in the upper room or around that first initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost probably carried the gospel back to Rome and then the church was established from there.

The central thing, the theme of the book of Romans we’ll find is righteousness, our need for it, to be righteous, the righteousness that the work of Christ offers, and our obligation to live into that, as righteous people. Romans orients us to God, who he is, the work of Christ. It shines a mirror back in our faces and shows us who we are without the work of Christ. No matter how benevolent or generous we’ve been, no matter how good we’ve been, how loving we’ve been, without Jesus , it’s all filthy rags.
May we, as we begin the letters of Paul, enjoy one of the greatest doctrinal works we have in all of Christianity as we enter into the book of Romans.


Father, we thank you again for your Word as we do most days. How can we not? What a gift. What a friendship you’ve offered to us through the counsel of your Word and your Holy Spirit’s power to plant it deep into our lives yielding crops that bring the kingdom, not only into our lives but spilling out over into everything that we touch. That is our desire, to be your good ambassadors in this world representing you honestly, truthfully and powerfully. As we move into this new book of Romans, as we move into this new week, we invite your Holy Spirit to come, speaking truth to us, deep truth, deep down at the level of our identity, continuing to change us irreversibly by the power that only comes from you. Come Jesus, into this week, we pray in your precious and holy name. Amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is home base. It’s the website. It’s where you find out, like I say every day, what’s going on around here. Of course, what’s mainly going on around here is just some of the summer travel to the festivals. This week, we’ll be travelling to Minnesota in a day or two, heading up to the Sonshine Festival for this weekend where I’ll be speaking on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing some of you again and seeing some of you for the first time as has been the case during this summer festival tour. Looking forward to seeing you in Minnesota this weekend. Then, there’s a week off between that and the final of the festivals which is Creation Northwest which takes place in the Tri-Cities of Washington the weekend of the 31st of July. Looking forward to seeing you there. Then, next up on the calendar will be the Heartbeat of Plymouth. I’ll be speaking at the Penn Theater in Plymouth, MI the 15th and 16th of August. Hope to see you there as well. In fact, I hope it’s more than a hope. I look forward, if you’re in that area, to seeing you when we get there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at the website, www.DailyAudioBible.com. There’s a link in the upper right-hand corner. I thank you, profoundly and deeply for your partnership here in the summertime. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

If you have a prayer request or a comment, there are some numbers, depending on where you are in the world that you can use.
1. If you're in the Americas, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.
2. If you're in the UK or Europe, 44, 20-3608-8078.
3. If you are in Australia or that part of the world, 61, 3-8820-5459.
4. And if you are in South Africa, 27, 21-300-2728 is the number to call.

That’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayers and Praise Reports:

Hey everybody, this is Pelham in Cullman, AL calling. I haven’t called in a little while. I just kind of listen until the Spirit taps me on the shoulder and says, “Hey buddy, now I want you to call.” So, James R., you called. You just lost your father. You just found out about it when you called in. This is the 9th today. You’re on my heart, man. I’m praying for you. I lost my father almost 9 years ago. He was a cardiologist and he died of a heart attack instantly at 53 years old. I had just almost completed a yearlong drug and alcohol rehabilitation program and my relationship with him had been restored. Life was really just, felt like I was kind of just starting life. We were going to football games. That’s what you do in the South with your dad, we were going to Auburn football games and I just lost him, all of a sudden. I got a phone call from my mom saying your dad died. It’s tough. There’s no solution to death. I want you to know that I’m praying for you and that the Lord is with you and he’s working something new in you. Man, that’s how death happens. It’s sudden. It doesn’t make any sense. But, your Dad is in a much better place. You will see him again one day. Your job now is to fight to make it to that throne room by just loving those around you. But, right now, we’ve got to get you strong again. It’s tough. Man, you’re on my heart. I’m praying for you. Molly and I are getting married on August 15th, it’s like 34 days away. Come on. I’ve been doing it. Thank God. I love you.

Yeah. Officer Joe, this is Blind Tony. I love you. I love you. There is a very refreshing transparency to the way you walk. I love you very much. Welcome back. Brother from Beijing, China, oh man, it was so wonderful to hear your voice, to hear your call. Know that God will supply all your needs according to his wonderful riches and glory. We are joining with you in solidarity. Thank you for calling. The brother that lost his father, man, I feel you. I feel you, you know? That is a tough scenario there. Very deep, but you know what? There’s no sorrow that Jesus can’t feel. There’s no sadness that he can’t heal. All things work together according to the Master’s will. So, no matter what you’re going through, remember, the battle’s not yours. It’s the Lord’s. Okay, and you will be victorious. Okay? My sister goes into surgery this morning, y’all, for a hip replacement. We got up early this morning and I talked to her long-distance before she went into the surgery. We’re looking for positive results there. I had my surgery yesterday. The doctors said I have corneal edema. He said, “You know what? We might have to give you a cornea transplant.” It’s not going to help me see any better, but it will …

Hello everyone. God bless you from beautiful New Jersey. This is Jay. I’m calling for Shannon or Sharon from Texas. I’ve been in sales before, my sister in Christ. I understand the struggles that you’re going through. I’m going to give you three tips. First, focus on the Word of God whenever you begin to communicate with someone. That will always keep you rooted and grounded. Two, read the book of Proverbs. Proverbs has a lot of helpful scriptures that will help you with speaking with people who are being foolish. Also, whenever someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them. Be blunt about it. Be bold. For example, when I’m at work and someone begins to talk to me in a way that’s ungodly, I will tell them right away, immediately. I don’t appreciate your language. Or, I don’t appreciate what you’re saying. But, in sales, it’s a little bit more tough because sometimes you’re dealing with customers. What you can do is change the subject. For example, if someone says to you, “You look beautiful.” You could change it and begin to talk about the local baseball team or the local football team. You do that enough times and eventually they’ll get the hint. Some people can be a little more aggressive than others. There’s some other tactics that you can find on Google if you type in avoid flirting or deflect flirting in Google. It will really, really help you. I pray that you just focus on God’s Word. I thank God for your new job. Amen. God bless you. Have a great day.

Good morning, DAB family, Walt from Charlotte. James, teacher from LA, I heard your call today, the 9th of July. I am praying for you. Praying that God would comfort your heart and assure you that your father is in his arms and that your father knows how much you loved him. He understood that you were with your family. But, there’s no negativity in there. I just pray that God will give you closure. I pray that God will give you wisdom as you’re trying to close things down and the financial responsibilities associated with your father’s death. I pray that God will just, the Holy Spirit, I pray that you will just comfort him right now in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, I pray your peace that surpasses all understanding, oh God, that you will give him calm beyond understanding. Lord, cover him with your love, he and his family, oh God. Provide money from places that he does not expect to be able to take care of the financial aspect of his father’s passing. James, I’ll continue praying for you. Janet, from Tennessee, I prayed for David's complete healing, for your sister’s husband to come and be reunited with your family. Archie, from Ohio, I pray that God’s will be done in your life and your heart is in the right place. Blind Tony, I love you so much. Thank you for your poems late on July 7th. We love you. Daniel Johnson Jr., you are my brother. I’ve listened to you for the longest time. Congrats on your God birthday. I’m praying for your father. Father God, I pray for all of the listeners who I have not mentioned, oh God. You know them by name. I pray that your power, oh God, your love, the power of love, oh God will be poured into their hearts even as their listening to this, Lord. God, you be glorified through their trials and their temptations. God, you be glorified in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Brian and Jill. We love you guys.

Hey guys, Pastor Gene from Bradenton, FL. Super behind, as always. Wanted to comment on Mike from Michigan’s call from June 5th about how you were commenting on Mel’s call and how the DAB friends were downtrodden and then we started listening and we started being encouraged. The Lord lifts us up. You are absolutely right. That is exactly how I started when I contacted the DAB. Not being able to open my Bible. Too depressed to pray. Little by little the Lord used the ministry, Brian and all of you guys to lift me up. I can echo your thoughts, Mike. Let’s pray. Father, I pray for Chrissie from ¬¬¬¬the Philippines. I bless her. I am praying for the individuals that she’s ministering to in jail and all of them that she’s ministering to. I’m believing that you are going to use her and that you are going to open doors where doors are closed. Bless my sister and strengthen her. Bless my sister, Michelle, the military wife. Father, help Andrew find his place in this world. Help my sister as she deals with her three babies and deals with autism because we know that when her children were knitted together in her womb you were there and you have those kids in the palms of your hands. Father, I thank you for the extravagance of your love in Moesha in China. I bless Fern. I believe for a miracle in their lives. Father, I am thanking you for the victory in my sister, Annette’s dad’s medical situation. I thank you for April and I pray that her husband will find that job. I don’t know what the results are, but I am believing that somehow you are going to provide. Finally, I thank you for my sister Kat. I continue to pray for Dillon and Joseph. Love you guys. Pastor Gene from Bradenton, FL.

Hi DAB family, it’s Sheila from Massachusetts. I’m calling in, specifically today, to pray for James R. James, I heard your call. I heard you say your father passed. I could hear the pain in your voice. I heard so much guilt and doubt and reservation that you hadn’t seen your father since 2010. It’s so hard when we have torn obligations. It sounds like you were doing what you needed to do. I just want to say, let go of your feelings of guilt. God loves us all. Love transcends time and space. Just because you weren’t with your father doesn’t mean he didn’t feel your love and know that you loved him. So, please, focus on the joy of your father knowing Jesus. That’s amazing. I love his saying that I don’t know about all this religious stuff, but I know I’m a Jew who loves Jesus. Praise God that we can transcend religious boundaries and love the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Your father sounds like he was an amazing man. Just from that statement alone. I’m sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you that you can experience some peace and some joy in knowing that your father knew Christ. Again, just remember you don’t have to be with someone for them to know how much their loved and how much they are cherished. You were supporting your wife and you were where you needed to be, hadn’t seen your in-laws for years. Move forward in peace, brother. You’ll be in my prayers. God bless.

Tamarie 07/13/2015 00:07