Daily Transcripts

1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32 ~ Romans 3:9-31 ~ Psalm 12:1-8 ~ Proverbs 19:13-14

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Today is the 16th of July. I’m Brian. Greetings from the north, the north – Minnesota – the Land of the Lakes. Good to be here with you. I’ve not even really been able to look around just yet, but I know I'm here, and so good to be here with you, participating in the Sonshine Festival. I’ll be speaking on Saturday and looking forward to that. Today is a very, very special day. I have some very, very cool things to share with you at the end, things that have been in the works for a couple of years, so stick around for that. But first, we center ourselves in the scriptures. So we’re reading from the New International Version this week and working our way through 1 Chronicles.


So the things that Paul is saying are things that we’ve come to hang our hat on in terms of our faith and our salvation. We’ve built Christian doctrine around these things, but if we kind of zoom back to the way that this is being presented to the people that it is being presented to, it is revolutionary thought, inflammatory thought, pervasive thought. Very disruptive stuff is being said here to a people that don’t see it this way and have never heard it this way. We have the benefit of a couple thousand years of pouring over this and so we read it now as encouragement, as doctrinal statements that, like I said, we hang our hat on, that we believe to be true, but it is very, very disruptive in its nature.

Paul is saying everyone can get in. It's not about how well you practice a ritual or how good of a façade you put around yourself in your religious demeanor. God isn’t looking there. He is looking beneath all that. He is underneath all of that. He is where you cannot hide. He can see into your heart and everything that comes from there is what comes out in your life. He is there. It is not the family you were born into or the ethnicity you have or how pious you are in your religious practice. These things are fine. They are good, but when they are done without the heart response, then they are just actions. When you are just claiming God because you were born into a godly family, that doesn’t make you godly. That is what happens in your heart.

This is available to anyone in the world because there is this new law that is underneath the old law or the law that we would understand that would modify and corral our behaviors. There is a law underneath that. This law called faith. It's not what abolishes the external law. It is what makes it make some sense. When you are abiding by the law of faith, then you are being invited into a life of righteousness which makes the external things fall in line. It is not outside-in. It is inside-out, which is the message of Jesus.

May we once again be reminded of this because, man, this kind of stuff we lose as fast as we can lose our keys. (Maybe you never lose your keys.) As fast as you can forget it. We lose it because we are constantly trying to find our identity compared to somebody else instead of compared to who we are – children of God.

So may we continue to dive deep into what Paul is telling us and kind of put ourselves back in a place where it is like we’re hearing this for the first time, where it is like the light bulb is going on – wait a minute, this is how it is? Because we know this intellectually, but we don’t always live into this. So may we continue to drink deeply and allow the Holy Spirit to come change us from the inside out.


That is our prayer today, God. We’re continually looking for you to reorder our external life so that the obstacles are removed, so that then we can work on some sort of interior life. You are saying it is the other way around. It is the opposite of that. It is inside of you outward. So come, Holy Spirit, once again at the level or our identity, to who we really are behind the mask, and continue the work of change, changing us, transforming us irreversibly. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

Okay, I have to talk to you about something, something that has been long in the making. Exhausting at times, frustrating at times, glorious at times and has now reached a point that there is something to talk about. A little over two years ago I was considering what it is we’ve become at the Daily Audio Bible – this big family wrapped all over the world, this community marching day after day forward through the scriptures, entering into a lifelong relationship with the scriptures, like something that doesn’t end.

That's the irony. Even as I began the Daily Audio Bible, I thought it was this one time thing. Like everybody is supposed to read the Bible, but it was like (I don’t know) for some reason I had it in my mind that it was one time. Everybody should read the Bible cover to cover. I didn’t realize I was entering into this relationship with the scriptures, a friendship with the scriptures, something that doesn’t end, something that isn’t one of those things you just check it off on a list and it is over. I’ve done that. It is something that actually feeds my life every day, feeds all of our lives every day.
The fact that we know that we are not alone as we take the journey through the scriptures has been the most beautiful thing, one of the most beautiful things of my life. Just to see community, a throng around the daily rhythm of the scriptures. A couple years ago I was thinking there is this beautiful community, there is that daily rhythm of the scriptures, could we all read the Bible together in a way that has never been done before? And I started thinking that through and the first seeds were planted for the Global Bible Read. What I didn’t know when it was the germination of the idea was just how much it has never been done before.
A lot of times, when you're looking at technology, you're looking for models, things that have been done that can then be modified into what you want to do, but something like the Global Bible Read was one of those things where the technology for this really doesn’t exist, not in any kind of cohesive way. So I started talking to some of the people that are involved in the programming of the Daily Audio Bible, at least all of the underpinning, the things that make all of this technology work, and just over the course of months, we kind of got some framework together and some ideas together. Then it stated to take shape, but just because it is taking shape doesn’t mean that it is together. So for two years behind the scenes we’ve been working on this Global Bible Read project. Frankly, there is a ways to go on it, but we have finally reached a place where we can really, really take this thing out for a test drive.

Probably by now in my explanation you're like okay, what are we talking about here exactly? What is this? So here's the dream – that we come together as a community, everyone contributing a verse in order that, as the world, we read the Bible in video form in a way that opens a small window into all of our lives, just like we do with the Global Bible Read, but we’re each contributing a verse of the scripture in order to make the complete Bible Although we’re not about to embark on the journey of trying to capture the whole Bible right this second, what we are going to try to do as the Daily Audio Bible community is to test all of the programming and the entire system and all the technology and we’re going to read that book of John.

So I'm going to give you a web address to go to in just a few minutes and invite you to contribute your verse. What we need is global participation. If you're in the United States, great. If you're not in the United States, great. Wherever you are, come and contribute a verse and what you will be participating in is literally something that has never… Let me back up here for a second so that I can make this point – something that has never been done in the history of the world – something that has never been done in connection with the Bible and in connection with this kind of technology ever.

It is pretty simple. This will take you a couple of minutes. What you’ll do is you’ll go to this web address and it will be fairly self-explanatory. You're going to pick a verse. You're going the lock that verse in and then you're going to record that verse and submit it. What we’ll be doing behind the scenes is making sure everything works and then we’ll take everything that we learned to put the finishing polish and touches on the Global Bible Read so that we can go after the whole Bible in community in a way that is remarkable.

There are 31,000-some odd verses in the whole Bible and we’ll have 31,000-some odd people reading the Bible verse after verse after verse and eventually it will be in a form where we can log onto a website and just allow those voices to play over us, but it is far beyond just the Daily Audio Bible. Even though this is our community and we are doing this, it will shine a spotlight on the Bible in a way that just hasn’t been done before.
It all falls in line with what I felt like the Lord was telling me not only when I started the Daily Audio Bible, but when I felt like he was saying ‘build a Windfarm.’ Those of you who go back that far… This comes from the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37 where the prophet Ezekiel is asked to call the breath of life from the four winds into dry bones that they might live again. So I feel like this is one of those pieces of that. We’re speaking the Word of God over and over in so many voices from so many countries, little windows into so many lives for those minutes as we constantly call out the breath of life.

I know I'm not giving you a lot of technical knowledge or technical instructions here. That is kind of on purpose. I'm not saying ‘here's what you do – go to this website, then do step A, then do step B and C.’ It is quite simple. We’ve worked really hard on the user interface for months, literally months and months and months. I'm turning it loose on you, my Daily Audio Bible family who I love very much. We’re about to do something that hasn’t been done before and I believe with all my heart before this is over we will have shined a spotlight on the Bible in a way that has never been done before and a way that reaches where we live technologically at this point in history in a way that hasn’t been done before and we’ll reawaken a desire for the scriptures in people's lives. I believe the Bible is the Word of God so I believe if you hear a verse of the Bible, God has spoken. You may not acknowledge it. You may not understand it, but God has spoken and when God speaks, things are created.
So here's what you do. Go to www.Beta.GlobalBibleRead.com and contribute your verse. There are a little over 800 verses in the book of John. You will not only be doing something, contributing a verse in a way that has never been done before, but you’ll be really helping us out in trying to stress this system. So wherever you are on this beautiful planet that God has given us to live in, I invite you to contribute your verse. Www.Beta.GlobalBibleRead.com.
Alright, I'm a little nervous. We’ve been working on this for so long, to say it out loud and say go do this, we’re going to do this now is like… I just have a knot in my stomach. A good one, an anticipation one. We’re going to do something! We’re just testing right now, but we’re going to do something that is unique in humanity. It has not been done before. So contribute your verse.

Alright, that’s it for today. If you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call. If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, of course, the Daily Audio Bible website is the place to go. That's it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:

Well hello from beautiful Cincinnati, OH. This is Daniel Johnson, Jr. and I wanted to call in with a praise report on my stepfather, Paul W., down in Texas. I got an update from my mom on Facebook that he is much improved today. This is a post from yesterday afternoon. For the first time there is depth to his voice instead of a whisper. The cardiologist and pulmonary doc both said that if he stays like this, he could come home on Monday. That would be Monday, July 13th, I believe it is. Or 12th, I guess. He has to keep coughing, practice walking to build up his strength and have no setbacks. It is hard to believe that one week ago we were all praying for him and he was fighting for his life. So thank you so much for all of your prayers. This has been a really rough time for my family in Texas. We had hopes to see them at the end of this month and it looks like that is not going to happen. We know now that it is not going to happen because of things going on with the family. Of course, we’re all disappointed that is not going to happen, but I have family here in Cincinnati, extended family that we’ll be able to see. But I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for my mom and my brother-in-law and the family that is there. God has definitely been doing something in their lives for sure, and I'm grateful for all of you for praying. One other thing is right now the all-star game is happening here in Cincinnati and with that comes the threat of human trafficking and other things like that, so if you all would please pray against all of that, the human trafficking that is going on, that people can be set free from that. I know there is a large effort for that here in Cincinnati right now. They’re calling for rain too, which is really one of those times in the summer where we like it to rain sometimes but not so much, so finding gratitude in all of this…

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. This is Greg from Fallbrook, CA. I called in a couple days ago. Today is July 12th. I called in on the 10th pleading for, asking for prayer, emergency prayer for my mother-in-law, Mary, in Apple Valley. She had become confused. She had signs of Alzheimer's. Her blood pressure was through the roof. She didn’t know who she was, where she was. She was admitted to the hospital. She had quit eating and going to the bathroom and it looked like her days were very numbered. I asked you guys to please pray with me and I'm calling with a praise report. I just found out today she woke up. She was lucid. Her head was clear. Everything was normal again. That is God! That is God! His healing hands! A lot of people, nonbelievers want to write it off and say oh, well, it is because of medication. No, this is God. This is divine intervention and only through family like you, my Daily Audio Bible family that we can reach out to our loving God and ask him to heal and he will do whatever we ask to heal and to touch and to reveal himself. And through this healing, I pray that he reveals himself to not only Mary, but to others to be able to see the miracle that this is. Family, listen, I’ve been praying for each and every one of you, especially the ones with the family issues. Satan is attacking families right now. He is trying to divide and conquer. We just need to keep our focus on the Lord. I love you guys. Thank you very much for the prayers. It has worked. God is great. God is the healer. Thank you.

Hi, my name is Ann. I'm calling from Washington State. I'm calling to ask for prayer for my husband, Chris. He is not a believer and I'm praying mightily that he will be able to see the Lord and who he is. We have 18-month daughters, twin girls, and they are a miracle, a gift from God. He says things like we’re going to church to be brainwashed. I'm praying that the Lord would open his eyes and that he would be saved and that my daughters would never remember a father who wasn’t in love with God and who wasn’t praising the Lord. So if you would pray with me, I would so appreciate it. Thank you.
Hi, this is Carlton, @exreverend on Twitter, the truck driver in Saskatchewan, and I called in to say Joe, I'm with you. Police officer in Georgia, we struggle with this. We struggle with lust. Lust is a fearsome, formidable enemy and 11 years ago it destroyed my ministry, destroyed a large swath of my life and left smoldering ruins of what had been a fruitful ministry. I'm just struggling along day to day and I'm finding that I am being attacked again so heavily right now, worse than I have in those last 11 years. So if anyone wants to lift up Joe and I and anyone else who is struggling with the issues of attacks of lust, it would be greatly appreciated. I am praying for deliverance, for relief, for help and support and standing with those who are in the battle with me. It is a struggle, but I'm leaning on my 12-step support as well. God bless us all and keep us in his grace and call us to his purity and strength and joy. Amen.

Hi family. It's Rumbii. Today is the 14th of July. I'm sorry I'm calling a little bit late, but I have an operation tomorrow on the 15th of July for some tumors that I have at the top of my leg. I'm praying for complete healing and health as these tumors are causing pain in my leg and that once they are removed I will be restored to full health. I also have been having constant headaches for the past four months and I'm having MRI scan too because there is a benign tumor in the back of my brain and I’ve also got undeveloped sinuses and all of these might be causing the constant headaches. Anyway, I'm asking you to lift me up in prayer for my complete health and healing and also so that God will provide a way for me to pay for all this. I have to pay for specialists and I really do not have the thousands of dollars required for me to pay for all this. I’ve been diligent with my finances, so I trust that God will take care of me. Thank you for your prayer and I’ll keep you updated as my health situation is coming on top of my other problems that were again my relationship and all the other things in life, but I know that we all have to go through something in life. Thank you for your prayer and I ask you to also pray for me so that I do not fear or doubt during this difficult time.

Hey Daily Audio Bible. This is Geo from __________ Station in Okinawa, Japan. I started listening about a year ago. Yeah, August 1st so coming up on my year mark soon and I love the program. I love what you guys are doing here. You're really, truly beautiful __________. It has definitely changed my life. The reason why I'm calling today is because my wife and I have been living here in Okinawa for about 3-1/2 years and pretty disconnected from all the Christians. They do have Christians in churches here, but none like you see in stateside, so you have to kind of really dig into finding the Word. To get to the point here, we don’t have family out here really and yesterday, as of 3:54 p.m., we lost our child. My wife was 13 weeks pregnant and she had a miscarriage and this is our second baby that we were trying to have. Our first one, she is good. She is 2 years old now. Yeah, my wife is just truly broken and I'm trying to be strong for both of us. If you could just say a prayer for her please, and thank you. God bless.

Tamarie 07/16/2015 23:10