Daily Transcripts

2 Chronicles 1:1-3:17 ~ Romans 6:1-23 ~ Psalm 16:1-11 ~ Proverbs 19:20-21
Today is the 20th day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you, back in the rolling hills of Tennessee. I love that we can come together in community like this, centering ourselves, orienting ourselves to God through his Word. So that is exactly what we’ll do.

Introduction of a New Book:

We’re reading from the International Standard Version this week. We finished 1 Chronicles yesterday, so we’ll begin with 2 Chronicles today. And there is not really a new breakdown for 2 Chronicles, like “this is what this book is.” It is the same as 1 Chronicles. They were just broken apart for ease of looking things up, but in their original manuscripts they were all one book. So what 2 Chronicles does begin with is the reign of Solomon, so 1 Chronicles kind of brings us up through David and now we begin with 2 Chronicles in the reign of Solomon.


So we encounter one of the most famous verses in the scriptures today: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in union with the Messiah, Jesus, our Lord. Paul's says that as he is continuing to juxtapose or contrast the life that we had without God and the life that is offered to us through Jesus. Paul is showing us that it is actually a death of a person that we once were and a resurrection into a life where our former selves have no mastery over who we are becoming. The things that we lived under prior to Christ no longer have mastery over us.

He is describing the benefits, the changes that occur when we receive that grace and are transformed, but he is pre-empting an argument which essentially is like “okay, yes, if this grace is available, yes, that is awesome. So now I'm under grace and now I can go continue to do whatever it is that I want to do because now I just don’t have to worry about it anymore.” Paul is saying, yeah, but that is not how it works. How can you be alive to something you're dead to? Why would you want to try to resurrect that? You get paid what you earn, essentially. The wages of sin is death in that scenario. Why would you want to do that? Or, as Paul's says, “what benefit did you get from doing those things you are now ashamed of? Those result in death. But now that you’ve been freed from sin and have become slaves to righteousness, to God, to the process of sanctification, being set apart as holy, washed completely free of that life, the benefit you reap is eternal life. Why would you want anything else? Why would you settle for something less?”

May we consider that today as we go through this day making choices, making decisions, taking courses of action. Why would we settle for anything less than the eternal life that is offered to us freely as a gift of grace from the Father?


Father, that is a good question. It is a good question. Why do we do the things we do sometimes? It is revealing because it is filleting us. It is opening us wide to what we truly believe as your Word always does. So we invite your Holy Spirit into this place. Why would we settle for less? Come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website. That is where you find out what is going on around here and there is one festival left in this summer tour that has… man, I should count up the states. A lot of states were visited in the last month and it has been a good time. One more happens in Washington State, so looking forward to that at the end of this month.

Right now what is on the radar is what I’ve been talking about for the last four days. We are about done gathering everything, so I'm not going to be talking about this but maybe another day or two - Global Bible Read, this ambitious project that we’ve got going, that we’re just beta testing. Two years behind the scenes development, just kind of putting this thing together, we had done a number of tests, internal tests and now we’re doing this stress test, basically throwing it open and really, really testing.

The project's ultimate goal is that we get the whole entire Bible, that we read, each of us contributes a verse and that we read together the entire Bible, but right now we’re just focusing on the book of John. You can contribute a verse. It will take you just a couple minutes. We’re collecting this unbelievable thing – I haven’t got my elevator pitch together yet. We’re going to read the Bible as the world and it's going to be amazing. But right now we’re reading the Bible as the world, the book of John, so contribute your verse. Go to www.beta.globalbibleread.com and contribute your verse. It's not only fun to do, but you’ll get to see a few of the other windows open up. You’ll be able to see a few other people who have done it as we kind of crowd source, making sure everything is right. You’ll see. It will take you just a couple minutes. I'm grateful for all of you who have gotten involved all over the world and if you haven’t yet, please. Please contribute a verse at www.beta.globalbibleread.com.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at the website. There is a link on the home page. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

As always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praiser Reports:

Hi friends. This is Sofia from Antalya or Antalya Sofia calling from Washington. I'm calling in with an urgent prayer request today. My brother is bipolar and he is currently in a manic episode and it is pretty bad. He is pretty uncontrollable. I would just like prayer that we, his family, my mom and dad and his sister, myself, would just trust God and remain calm through all of this and also that we would just really know how to best release this to the Lord and what our part is __________, so if you would just keep my mom, Claire, and my dad, Shane, especially in your prayers as they are really struggling under stress and not getting sleep and just the nightmare that we’re in right now. So I would really appreciate your prayers. I love you all. Goodbye.

Hey Dabbers. This is Forgiven from Michigan and I need your help. I’ll try to make this as short as possible. My mom has stage IV cancer and has for a couple years now. She is a strong survivor, but my wife and her do not get along and now she is threatening not to go to funeral or anything. My daughter is getting married August 8th and she is threatening to just boycott talking to my mother or my sister, everything. She is just in a deep grip right now, hasn’t been to church for several months. We’ve been married for 25 years. She is a believer. She is just mad at God right now, so please, please pray. Okay? Thank you very much.

Hello everyone. Good morning. This is Jay from New Jersey. I'm calling for Geo from Okinawa, Japan. My brother, we hear you. We hear your pain. We hear the struggle that you're going through right now. A lot of things that God does sometimes don’t make sense to us, but we know that everything he does is perfect in every way because he is God and he is incapable of failing. So I pray for you, brother, with my Daily Audio Bible family. Heavenly Father, we come before you now, understanding and knowing that you are perfect in every way. You are everywhere all the time and we thank you for that, God. And we thank you for your perfect will. We thank you for your perfect action. We thank you for your perfect power, your perfect mercy, and your perfect salvation. Father, we just thank you for being God. We thank you for loving us the way we are and loving us in our imperfections. Father, we pray now for Geo. We pray for his wife. We pray for his friends. We pray for strength for his family. We pray, Father God, that you will touch their heart, God. We pray that you will touch his wife's heart especially with a finger of comfort. We praise you now, God, for this wonderful thing that you're already doing. We thank you, God, for the love you're already showing and the comfort you're already providing. We love you for it, mighty God. We praise you for it. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Geo, I hear you, brother. We’re with you. We love you. Stay strong in the Word. God bless.

Hello Daily Audio Bible. Love to my brothers and sisters. This is Randolph from Rocket City. Today is July 16th. Lord, I lift up Geo from Okinawa in the loss of their 13-week baby inside the mom, the unborn. I just lift up Geo and I lift up his wife to you, Lord. Also lift up the global reading that Bible launched today, Lord, and I just praise you so much for that. Lord, I just lift up Brian and Jill and this entire ministry, Lord, that you would protect it and flourish it and keep it strong from the attacks of the enemy that there might be victory in the ministry as well as all other Christian ministries, Lord. I pray against the attacks of Satan that are increasing in all ministries that are being maligned and attacked. Lord, I just pray against it. I pray that we, as brothers and sisters, would be united in you, Lord, that we would be one under you, Jesus. Lord, I lift up a brother. His name is Chuck, going through a lot of stress here dealing with anger issues. I pray that you would be with him, that he would have victory in that and that he would have peace. Lord, I pray for just all those that call in, Lord. I'm just so grateful for this community. I'm thankful for your Word, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hello, calling to reply and pray for Geo in Murphy Station, Okinawa. You don’t have to be strong all the time, brother. You can be broken too. I’ve been through this. It is so hard to lose a child at any age and miscarriage is far too often unrecognized and not seen for what it is – a loss, a real loss of a real person and a real life and it is not to be dismissed. Rumbii, praying for you and your struggles. Continuing to pray for you, lift you up. We’re with you. Thank you for those who prayed for me. I heard my prayer request today. I'm very thankful to be feeling much more back on track again. Reaching out to you, to my Daily Audio Bible community was helpful to me in refocusing and getting me back into a healthier recovering state of mind. Thank you. This is Carlton, @exreverend on Twitter. Take care all. Bye.

Hi everyone. It's a beautiful day here in Lexington, KY. I'm praying that you all are having a beautiful day wherever it is you may be. Brenda in Southern California, I want you to know that I have been praying for your brother-in-law, Tony, praying that he did not have a stroke and that he is feeling much better. Bert in Michigan, praying for your upcoming heart surgery, asking the Lord to remove that scar tissue and restore you to perfect health. Blind Tony, I'm praying for those drops to work, brother, and just thank you so much for all of your beautiful poetry. You’ve touched my heart. Kim in California, I'm praying for your puppy, Wally. I'm praying that this sweet little rescue dog is well today. Caroline in Colorado, praying for your children, Zachary and Ronald, asking God to give them direction, asking the Lord just to bring someone into their lives that will speak life into them. Matt in Illinois, praying for Donnie K., asking the Lord to touch and heal his stomach. Brian, thank you so much for your traveling. We are praying God's protection on you and pray that you have a wonderful time. I am so excited about the global read, the Bible read. It is going to be so much fun and I can’t wait to go on the website this afternoon. Alright, guys. I love you guys. I hope that you are having a blessed and lovely day and I’ll talk to you soon.

Tamarie 07/20/2015 08:48