Daily Transcripts

Ezra 8:21-9:15 ~ 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 ~ Psalm 31:1-8 ~ Proverbs 21:1-2
Today is the 9th of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, as usual. Most days I feel like myself and today is one of those days. I do. So I'm Brian. It's great to be here with you at the threshold of this brand new week that we get to spend together and I'm very much looking forward to. We’re reading from the New American Bible this week and picking up where we left off yesterday.


Father, thank you for bringing us to this point, a new week, a new day, and as we look back over the vista, the horizon, the valleys and peaks that we have traveled on our adventure together with you through the scriptures this year, we are grateful, grateful for all you have spoken, grateful for all you have done, grateful for all you are doing in changing our orientation and giving us the eyes and ears of the kingdom. So we consecrate this week before you. We give it to you in advance, all for you. We worship you. We need you. We love you. We invite you. Come Holy Spirit, we pray, into all that is ahead of us. Come, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website. It is home base. It is, of course, where you find out what's going on around here, and plenty, but I am looking forward to this coming weekend where I will be spending some time at the Heartbeat of Plymouth at the Penn Theatre in Plymouth, MI the 15th and 16th, so this coming Saturday and then Sunday, a week from today. If you are in the area, I’d love to see you. Visit www.HeartbeatofPlymouth.com for more information and we’ll look forward to that.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, then I certainly can’t thank you enough. This is how we take steps forward every day. It is how the light stays on and I appreciate it so very much. There is a link. It is on the home page of www.DailyAudioBible.com in the upper right-hand corner and you can click that or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And, of course, as always, we are a vast community here and we are a praying people. If you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's it for today. I'm looking forward to this week with you. I'm Brian. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hey guys. This is Alleah from Waxahachie or God's Beautiful Butterfly. I'm just talking to…well, not talking, but I heard a prayer request from today from, I'm sorry, I didn’t get your name but know you're from Virginia. You said you were being threatened by your husband that he would leave you and the family and in a way I'm in kind of the same situation. My dad isn’t living here right now, but I just pray that you just stick to God. Just run to him and just keep praying and keep seeking counsel from people around you, maybe from your church or good friends. I just pray that God would speak to your husband and that you all can be a family again the way God intended it to be. Love you guys and that's it for today. Bye-bye.

Good morning everybody. This is A God-Fearing Soul in Sebastian. I'm calling because I want to remind everybody of God's glory and grace. May it rain upon each and every one of us, removing every hurt, every pain, all of our shame and our guilt, healing all of our illnesses and replacing these things with his glorious promises of healing, peace and joy. You see, Jesus died on the cross to set us free from our sins and give us the fullness of life. This community is a reminder of that gift. I want to encourage all of you listeners who are only spectating from the sidelines to become active participants in this global community as well as your local community. Why? Because you matter. There is no prayer, no concern, no hurt that is too big, too small, too silly that can’t be lightened by sharing with this community and inevitably released to God for his complete healing and restoration of body, spirit and soul. So may his abundant love shine through and in all that we do this day and forevermore. I love you all. This is A God-Fearing Soul from Sebastian.

Hi family, Pastor Gene from Bradenton, FL. Let's pray. Father, I thank you for Amy who lost her husband, the police officer, around a year ago. Father, I pray for blessings upon her and for peace as she starts to rebuild her life. I pray for her twins. Losing a dad is never an easy thing. I pray for complete restoration and comfort and I pray you will help Amy to know that there is no condemnation because she is in Christ. Strengthen my sister and fill her with hope. Bless her new relationship. Give her peace and may they both be centered in you as the glue that holds them together. I pray for my sister, Shannon, who doesn’t want to leave the house, but is facing it and who questions her intelligence and has had a lot of thoughts that have bombarded her about her competence. As someone that can relate to that, I pray that you will help my sister. O God, be with her and let her know that you are close to her and that you have everything under control even if things seem to unravel around her. Thank you for my brother, Jason, from Los Angeles. He suffers with depression and anxiety and he says life is too hard to bear. I can relate to that, too, Lord. The apostle Paul can relate to that also, but it is written that the plans that you have for my brother, Jason, are to bless him and not to curse him, are to give him a hope and to give him a future and I declare that word over his life. I'm praying that a spirit of stick-to-it-ness will be with my brother and that he will know he needs to stand because you have not left him. Father, I thank you for Irene and Hubert, friends of my brother Drew. I pray that you will restore their faith in you. Father, I pray that you will draw them to you. Father, I thank you for my brother Drew's new job with Uber and for his successful experience at the graduation of his son. I pray all these things in Jesus’ mighty name.

Hey everybody. This is Eddie from Vegas. How you all doing today? Just calling in for a prayer request that I need. Right now I'm dealing with some real heavy financial burdens. My bills are just like more than what I'm bringing in from work and I’ve got the IRS that I owe a lot of money this year to. I just need help with finances. Pray for me that I can overcome this somehow because every month I'm just…my savings is gone and I'm just like dipping into credit cards and it is just getting really tight and I don’t know. It's getting pretty bad. Also dealing with a little heartache. A girl I was seeing, she moved away. I don’t know when I’ll see her again __________. She's gone. It's just me and my son, so if you could pray for us, keep us in your prayers, lift us up. Just need a lot of help right now. I'm just dealing with a lot of stuff right now. Also, my nephew, he OD’d and he's back to drinking. I don’t know if he's using the drugs anymore. His name is Vinnie. If you could lift him up. And I just thank you all. I’ve heard some of your prayers, the people that have responded. I listen to everybody and I’ve been listening for like 4 years. I pray with you guys. I can’t think of a lot of people, but Alleah, every time you call, I am happy to hear from you. I pray for you. Slave of Jesus, Blind Tony, all you guys. Sinner, need to hear from you. And Jill and Brian, thank you.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Nathan, spray paint artist from Illinois. A few weeks ago I called in with a prayer request regarding a family vacation. We hadn’t been together since 1977 and I'm calling to give a praise report that it was an absolute wonderful time together. We had just a lot of sharing, a lot of laughs, a lot of tears, but it was joy that we shared. It wasn’t just happiness. So thank you for those who prayed. I do have another prayer request. I was reminded listening to the Old Testament readings that Brian is going through that when you don’t honor God, when you don’t serve God, then you end up serving other things that don’t please God. I just want to lift up (no names) my family, my wife's family and my own family, those family members who seek other gods, that they just don’t experience that joy that we say that we have in our lives. And I don’t mean to sound judgmental by that, but it is apparent when people don’t have that joy of God and the peace that we feel during struggles and difficult times. So I just ask that you lift up my family and my wife's family with some of the evils that are going on, that they be resolved. But thank you once again for all your prayers. I'm praying for many of you. Thank you. Have a great day. Make it a great day.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. This is Billie from Texas. I wanted to call and first I wanted to say that I am lifting up Joe, the police officer, and James, the teacher from LA. I want to let you guys know that you're being lifted up, brothers. We love you guys and we have got you guys lifted up to the Lord. I also am calling because I have a prayer request for a coworker of mine. She just started on Monday and her name is Virginia. I was in conversation with a friend when she sat down near us and I thought I would introduce myself and then I asked her if she had any kids and I felt so horrible because I had no idea that she was going to tell me that she has a 9-month-old baby and also she just lost her 5-year-old son, Matthew, to a drowning in his pool in their neighborhood that Saturday before she started her job. My heart just sunk. I ask, family, that you guys please lift her up and her fiancé and her family. I thank you guys. I thank you, Brian and Jill and I just love this family. Love you guys. Alright, have a blessed day.

Hello family. I hope you're all doing well. This is Biola from Maryland. Brian and Jill, as always, God bless you and your family. Baby Zeke, you're no longer a baby so we’ll be calling you Toddler Zeke. Happy birthday, sweetie. Karen from Florida, now this prayer has been a while, I think from March, between March and June, but know that God has not forgotten you and I have this prayer at the forefront of my mind, but I want to speak them out. Karen from Florida, I'm praying that God would step into your situation and give you an overhaul. I pray for healing for you and provision of a job for your husband. If he has gotten that job already, sister, please call in and let us know. I pray that your son will be delivered from drugs, in Jesus’ name, and I'm praying that God would preserve your daughter, in the name of Jesus. Jesus said peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you, Sister, not as the world gives do I give to you, so let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid. That is John 14:27. I pray that God's peace would envelope you as you trust him, in Jesus’ name. Rod from Illinois, I am praying that God will touch your brother and deliver him from alcohol abuse, in the name of Jesus. I pray that God would do it in such a way that when your brother sees alcohol, he will go in the other direction. God would completely take the desire to drink away from him, in the name of Jesus. Edgar from Canada, I'm praying for favor upon your business, that God would give you breakthrough and because of you, every partner and you will find favor and your light will shine through, in Jesus’ name. Carlton from Saskatchewan, I'm praying that God will help you as you climb back up and have a solid relationship with him. I am praying that you and your wife will be in unity, you will abound in love. I'm praying that your youngest son would come back home and there will be forgiveness all around, in the name of Jesus. Walta, I want to give you a shout-out, sister. You are in the spirit. Keep praying for me. And I am praying that everything that I'm trusting God for will come to pass.

Good evening Daily Audio Bible, all my Dabber friends. This is Darrell from Depew. I haven’t called in a few months now. But anyways, I need a prayer request sent out for a very, very good friend of mine, a church friend of mine. Her great granddaughter is 8 months pregnant and they did a sonogram this past week and the sonogram shows that the baby has a brain aneurysm. So with the help of God, I want this baby to be safe. I want this baby to be healthy, so can you please, all my prayer Dabbers, everyone that is out there, please say a prayer? The grandmother’s name is Rachel and the daughter's name is Nicole and the baby's name is going to be Caden. So with the help of Jesus, pray for this little boy and may he be watched and may all the doctors take exceptional good care of him. And I want to send another prayer request out for actually a friend of mine, Bernie, who I called back a couple months ago. She is doing fine. She is getting nutrition again. She is getting healthy again. She is looking wonderful. So everybody in our prayer community, may you be blessed and may God watch over you this night. Thank you so much and I love you all. And Brian, thank you. Goodnight.

Tamarie 08/09/2015 08:16