Daily Transcripts

Job 23:1-27:23 ~ 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11 ~ Psalm 41:1-13 ~ Proverbs 22:5-6
Today is August 27th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian, it's great to be here with you today as we take another step forward through the book of Job and through the Scriptures this year. So we're not just reading from Job obviously, we read from the New Testament too and we’re in 2 Corinthians, but before we get there, we will dive back into the discussions taking place in the Book of Job and read from the New Living Translation.


Thank you, Father for another day in your Word, another day in community, another day of life. Thank you for the gift of life that you have given us. Sometimes we take that for granted, that we are alive, that we are here. Sometimes we focus only on whatever struggle that we're going through, not realizing the gift of your presence, the gift of breath in our lungs, the gift of your Son, the gift of an eternity with you. And so we thank you for these gifts that are so exquisite and lavish that it would be impossible to name them all. You are good and we love you and we worship you today and invite your Holy Spirit to plant the words of the scriptures deep in our hearts. We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.


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Of course, Reframe is still available for preorder at www.ReframeBook.com and thank you very much to everyone who has jumped onboard early for this grand adventure of Reframe that we are on together.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at the website: www.DailyAudioBible.com. There's a link and it lives in the upper right hand corner of that page and thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's all for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello, this call is from North Carolina. I'm calling... I've been up all night long because I've got some things on my spirit. I've called once before about the trouble I've had in my marriage, been married 22 years. Seven years ago, my husband had an affair. We separated for six months, then we came back together and we've been struggling for the past 7 years we've been back together. My problem is the struggle I have. We have absolutely no intimacy in our marriage now. We're best of friends, we love each other, we take care of family and home, we both love the Lord, but we have no intimacy whatsoever! Not for the lack of my desire, but he has no desire for me, not even to the point of kissing me, and it's really difficult for me to deal with. I don't know what's going on in his head, but I know it's to the point now where I'm causing myself to want to fall out of love with him because it hurts so much and I think I'll be happier alone than I would be in this marriage, crying every night, wanting to be held and cared for like a husband should do for a wife. He's a good man but he just doesn't have a desire for me and I've asked God to fix it but it seems like it is not turning around and I'm trying to keep my mind and my heart staid on the Lord, but it is hard when I struggle with this __________. I just ask for you to pray for me and my marriage and I appreciate…

Morning family. This is Biola from Maryland and I hope you're all doing well. God bless each of you. Brian and Jill, thanking God for journey mercies and after all that tour, praying for the success of your Reframe project in the name of Jesus. I want to pray for that sister, the one who freaked out and ran away after she went to the hospital. Sister, you won't go to jail. I just want to assure you of that. Again, like everyone has been saying, call them and work out a payment plan, whatever you have tell them that's what you have and God will give you favor and they will accept it, and I come against every open door that has allowed any evil spirits into your brother's house, I bind them in Jesus' name. In the name of Jesus I release even the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon that home, I come against the spirit of fear in Jesus' name. Brandon from Colorado, I'm praying for healing for your sister Francesca and her daughter, that the Lord will touch them both and they will respond to treatment in the name of Jesus. Brad from Livingston, brother, I heard your story. Father, Lord I pray that you will comfort your son in the name of Jesus, that you would step into this situation, O God. Lord, I suppose Brad's stepson is probably hurting which is why he's acting out in so many ways. I pray that you would touch that boy also, that you would heal him, touch Brad's wife, O Lord God, also in the name of Jesus, and let her, O God, even let her eyes be opened and let this situation be resolved, O God. Let love be restored back into that marriage in the name of Jesus. Bonnie from Virginia, I'm praying that Neil will have an encounter with Jesus, that God will use this trip as a catalyst in Neil's life so that he will give his heart to Jesus and live for him. Keep up the prayers, sister. We parents are the first line of defense praying for our children, so keep it up. God bless you. Mike from New York, I'm praying for unity in your medical missions team. I silence and bind every contrary spirit at work in your midst in Jesus' name. God bless you.

Hi family, this is Pastor Gene calling from Bradenton, FL on this beautiful Monday morning. Let's pray. Father, I want to start by praying for my own family. I am grateful that my husband, John is out of the hospital. You know that he is still very fragile, that he is still recovering. You know that he had lost his subcontracting business and his other job and although we prayed for a long time that he would be able to have an easier schedule, this certainly was not the way we had hoped for. We feel overwhelmed financially, with a vehicle that doesn't run very well and with a lot of obligations financially that we can barely if meet. Father, I give you all of this, together with my brothers and sisters I ask for your mercy. I ask for your provision according to your Word that says that you would provide all of our needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I believe that you are our Father and that you provide for all of our needs and I join my brothers and sisters in believing that for my own family and in believing that for anybody that may be listening to this prayer request that is going through a financial situation. Father, in the name of Jesus we break the chains that bind us in the area of finances and we pray that you would help us to pay all our bills that we may be witnesses to this world, that we may shine your light as Christians. And I, of course, pray for the complete recovery of my husband. Father, I pray for my sister Lisa. I thank you that she was able to be an effective witness for her family in Canada for the whole of her vacation. I pray for her mother and the rest of her family, that the blindness that
impedes her from seeing God and seeing her spiritual condition...

Hi, this is Callie from Pennsylvania. I'm calling because I'm really frustrated with myself right now and I
need prayer because I'm starting back at school again tomorrow and I haven't gotten all my paperwork in and I let things slip and I'm frustrated and I've just been running into walls everywhere, every step I've been running into walls. I'm excited for this program, I just need to get it all in straight away and I just don't see that happening by the deadline, and I'm trying. I know it's mostly my fault for just not getting things together on time. So I need prayer that I will start picking myself up and just do what I can do and get it together and do better next time. I also want to pray for all the teachers who are getting ready to go into classes and teach the students. And I'm praying for strength and guidance and that God's Word would steer you all. And I pray for all the students who are going into classes now, and that all of plans, both the teachers and the students, that all of our minds would just be ready to learn and absorb the information and we'll be challenged and will hold fast to our foundation which I hope for all of us is in Christ Jesus. And, please pray for me. I really need it, and I've been praying for so many of you all as I drive and listen to the community prayer. I've been praying mainly in agreement with all of you. Thank you all. I'll talk to you later.

Hi guys, this is Tito from southern California. I was calling, it's the 24th today and, it's evening and I was kind of just driving to the store and I heard the prayer request from Walta from Liberia. Walta, I gotta tell you that I remember when I first started listening to the DAB years ago, it was before you went to Liberia and I remember that transition and hearing you call from there. What's been so interesting to me about this entire community, is that I can honestly say I really love you guys, you know. I said before on the prayer line that I spoke with Tony one time over the phone, a couple of times actually and it was a tremendous blessing and it amazed me that I really had strong feelings for this community and for these people and I think that's an act of God, and I'm calling for you specifically today because I am going to pray for you and I don't want you to ever feel, or anyone else to ever feel like it's a burden for us to pray for you when there's a real need, because the truth is it does a lot for me in my life to be able to pray for somebody else. It does a lot for how I feel about myself because, I don't know, I just feel better that in some way I'm helping and it feels good because I love you guys and I want to do something and I don't have any money to give anybody, there's nothing I can do except for this. And I think God made us so that we feel better when we do loving, kind things for other people like pray. So please call in when you're struggling, any of you out there in the community. This community is so filled with love and that prayers are going to go up on your behalf. That's just the way we are as family and I love it. So that's all I want to say. Love you guys, bye.

Hello and good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Jay from New Jersey calling in to let Joe the Protector know that I hear your prayers, brother. And Liberian Walta, I hear you. I'm praying for you as well with the situation with your car and the money that you have given the person that you trusted to get this vehicle for you. And Candice from Oregon, I'm also praying for your son and his positive change of mind. You know, I don't do this often enough, thanking Brian and Jill for their continued dedication to this community. This community is something like nothing else in the world. I can't think of any other group of people that I can reach around the world to ask for their prayer and also pray for them and their family, so thank you Brian, thank you Jill for this awesome and amazing opportunity to help one another through Jesus Christ. Mighty God, we thank you now for this wonderful day, this opportunity to live, to love and stand fast. Father, we thank you for this Daily Audio Bible family, which Brian and Jill so tirelessly commit their efforts and time to. We thank you because it's uplifting, we thank you because it strengthens us. We thank you because it's comforting. Father, we thank you now for all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. God bless each and every one of you and continue to pray... I love you.

Morning Daily Audio Bible community, this is David from Kansas. I'm calling... I called twice...I called on Saturday, then I had to go to the doctor on Monday, it's Tuesday now and I found out that I have to have surgery. I've never had surgery before, and I'm pretty scared actually. I know that I shouldn't be and I'm really, I don't know, I'm really... I just really am. I'm trying so hard to be strong. I'm trying so hard to just, you know, keep faith and not let it overwhelm me. And here I am and at 6 in the morning I'm the only one awake in my house. I'm so scared of going for this surgery, but I'm asking for you all to pray for me. I'd really appreciate that. My surgery is tomorrow, Wednesday the ... I don't even know what the
date is. It's on Wednesday 20 something. Please just pray for me. Thank you. I love you all, goodbye.

Tamarie 08/27/2015 19:30