Daily Transcripts

Song of Solomon 5:1-8:14 ~ 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 ~ Psalm 51:1-19 ~ Proverbs 22:24-25

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Today is September 7th. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today again. Always an exciting time of the year for me because I get to invite Jill in with me to the studio where we read through the Song of Songs, the Song of Solomon together. It only lasts two days, but it is such a beautiful piece of literature, such an inspired picture of life and such a beautiful gift that we’ve been given from the Lord. So, we began yesterday and we will conclude today the Song of Solomon by reading chapters 5 verse 1 through 8:14.


Father, once again we thank you so profoundly for your Word and for the way that it penetrates us, for the way that it is constantly about the work of transformation inside of us. We look back throughout the months of this year that we’ve spent in this rhythm and we see you at work. We see the way that we have begun to shift. We see the way that our orientation has changed. We see what you are doing and we are grateful. Because this is change and transformation that we cannot possibly accomplish on our own. Yet, methodically, slowly, patiently, carefully, lovingly you have been at work in our hearts, pulling us toward you. As we’ve just completed the Song of Solomon, we have much to think about in our own relationships and in our relationship with you. We see clearly just how passionately you want to be with us and that sparks something in us because we want to be with you. So, we invite you, just as the psalmist said, “Create in us, create in me a pure heart, O God. Put a new and loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence. Do not take your Holy Spirit away. Give me again the joy that comes from your salvation and make me willing to obey you.” We pray this in the name of the risen Christ. Amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website and that’s where you go to find out what’s going on around here. What’s going on around here right now is that Jill is here with me. Hi Hun.

(J) Hi.

(B) We’ve just finished up another year of the Song of Solomon.

(J) Yes, we did.

(B) Which is always fun for us.

(J) It’s a little weird.

(B) Why?

(J) I don’t know. It’s just weird talking about sensual things in code, in Bible code.

(B) I like it.

(J) I’m not surprised.

(B) I enjoy reading it with you.

(J) Yes, likewise.

(B) Thinking of breasts that are like gazelles or like palm branches or stuff like that.

(J) I can remember the first, I think two or three years we read this together, we couldn’t get through it without giggling like middle-high school kids, but I think we’re kind of past that now.

(B) Yeah. We’re going to be grandparents, which that’s got to be done now.

(J) Yeah. True.

(B) So, what do you think about being a grandma?

(J) Very excited. There was a period of time where you and I kind of thought maybe we should give Ezekiel a sibling because 12-year difference between him and Max. You know, at one point, he’ll probably be raised like an only child. But, I’m really glad that I don’t have to bring forth another 11 pound baby. So, this is really actually perfect that we get to have a grandchild and… That just makes us sound old.

(B) I know that’s the only thing about it that I don’t like is what it sounds like. Wasn’t it funny when Ezekiel cried because he was absolutely not going to be an uncle?

(J) Yeah, because the crazy thing was before that, he was so excited. He said, “I gonna be a good Zekey because Jocy is going to have a baby.”

(B) Yeah. Then he decided he didn’t want to be that.

(J) Yeah. Silly boy.

(B) So, what’s been going on with you? You’ve got this next women’s conference coming up in the spring in April. Man, you have been downloading a lot of new focus and new information and writing a lot and dreaming a lot. Bring everybody up to speed on that.

(J) Well, would this be the time to announce what it is going forward?

(B) It’s your department and I try not to get into that department unless I’m needed.

(J) That’s very wise. So, yeah, I guess… Last February I attended a conference that I was just going to kind of go and check it out, the top speakers, female speakers and bloggers in the country. I was really excited to go. Got there and I just found that I wasn’t really excited to be there and I was kind of mad at myself for not, because I know that there are people even here in my hometown that were like really envious that I was there and wanted to be there. I couldn’t process why. I couldn’t put my finger on it then it was the Monday morning after being back where I was just kind of sitting and writing and, literally, it jumped off the page. This one word just jumped off the page. I had already been the whole weekend exploring, you know, “God, why am I wrestling with this and being here and this content?” Just really felt like the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “Because you are a woman that longs for more.” I think there’s a whole slew of women out there who long for more. There it was, like the word, literally, jumped off the page. Not only did it jump off the page, but I realized how much it had been there for years. Like, it’s so obvious, but it wasn’t until that moment I really believe that God was like, “Now, you’re ready for this going forward.” So, we’re going forward, eliminating Daily Audio Bible Women’s Conference with the year because that’s a lot of words for a conference. We are going to dive into More.

(B) Yeah and as we’ve talked through the idea of More over several months, it’s a big word. It really touches every part of your life because everybody wants it, but it means different things to different people at different times.

(J) I think that’s the beauty of it, is every woman’s More is different. I think, well, there’s just so much to explore when you start thinking about it. But, if you just… Maybe this is all we should do right now is just present it and leave them alone with it and they’ll start thinking about, “Wow. What does my more look like?” Because that’s really the premise of the conference, what does your More look like? Who has God created you to be? There’s More, there’s just so much more. But, so many times we want more and it’s attached to guilt and condemnation and fear and really dismantling all of those things and saying, “No. You know what? God has absolutely created and designed us for more and now it’s time to go after it.”

(B) Yeah, and I think we settle for a smaller more. So, we’ll attach it to things, stuff, security, things that we think are more, but they’re unfulfilling because they end up not being more. There’s more to More...

(J) Right.

(B) …than we can possibly know and certainly talk about right now. But, I’m excited about what the Lord is showing you and where you and the team and all of us are headed in the conference in this coming year.

(J) Yes. One thing I’m just really excited about is, you know, we usually don’t start planning the conference until January-ish. Then, there’s the huge Israel trip and it’s kind of hard to dive in feet first. You’re gone, and not only are you're gone, you’re like really far away. I just really felt like the Lord said, “You know, you’re giving birth to something every year and it’s something new and different. It’s new life.” I started meeting with the team now. I’m really excited about that, just nurturing this thing that we have. One of my friends that’s on the team is currently a new doula. She just kind of recognized it and said, “You know, it’s kind of like what we’re doing is what a woman who is giving birth would do. She would meet with a mid-wife or a doula, nine months in the process and she’s start meeting once a month. Then, as it gets closer, amp up your time together, which is what I shared with the women. That just resonated with me. It was like, yes, in the irony… irony, but the God thing about it is we’re exactly nine months away. We’ve started the birthing process. It’s really beautiful of what just women getting together, being very intentional and having that time of worship together and prayer together and breaking bread together. I’m just thinking there’s something there that might be applicable to the community as well. I’m just really, really excited about everything God is doing and showing and moving and…

(B) Yeah. Me too. Speaking of Israel, because we get a lot of people asking, “Are you not going in 2016?”, since we haven’t talked about it. We are. We are planning to go in November of 2016.

(J) Yeah.

(B) So, more details to follow. Nothing more to say, other than that. We’re not set up for it other than we’ve selected some dates and are planning on it. But, we’ll bring more information as we get there.

(J) I wasn’t going to drop that bombshell, but what I wanted to say is I’m actually kind of relieved you’re not going this year so that there’s not this huge break-up of events. It can just kind of flow a little bit better.

(B) Yeah. Every year we get back, start praying, asking, “Do we do it again?” And if we do it again, then when? This is what felt right. That was decided a long time ago. But, boy, do I see some wisdom in it now. There’s just a lot going on with Reframe and the women’s conference and just makes so much more sense now. But, excited about it. Alright, well, we can talk a long time and bore everyone.

(J) To tears.

(B) Or, we can let them go and do a private reading of the Song of Solomon.

(J) Yes.

(B) That’s all for today.

SONG played on today's DAB concluding Song of Songs. "Only Love" Audra Lynn http://apple.co/1JWCW8Q.

Tamarie 09/09/2015 10:41