Daily Transcripts

Isaiah 15:1-18:7 ~ Galatians 1:1-24 ~ Psalm 58:1-11 ~ Proverbs 23:12
Today is September 14th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is my deepest pleasure to be here with you today to take another of our steps forward, one of 365 steps that we take each year, journeying our way through the entire Bible and a grand adventure it is, right? We’ve been at this for months together and we are quite the family and been on quite the journey this year. So to take our new step forward, we will read from the English Standard Version and continue in the book of Isaiah in our Old Testament reading and then when we get to our New Testament reading, we’ll move into a brand new of Paul's letters, the book of Galatians.

Introduction of a New Book

Next up on this adventure that we’re on through the Bible in a year as we move further into the New Testament, we come to the book of Galatians which is an epistle or a letter of the Apostle Paul to the churches in Galatia as you might have imagined. There are five churches in Galatia that we know of from Paul's first missionary journey – the churches in Pisidia, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derby.

Galatia was a province in the Roman Empire of the time that finds itself sitting where modern day Turkey now lives. It was a pagan culture and Paul wrote this letter to defend the true gospel of Jesus Christ that he had preached to them in person. What happened was that Paul went to these places and shared his life and shared the gospel of Jesus and in the process established churches in these cities. After he left, people came in behind him with another gospel, or a variant gospel, a gospel that told these people that they had to convert and adopt Jewish culture, that the men had to be circumcised and that they had to obey the Mosaic Law to be Christians. Paul uses this letter to dispel that as incorrect.

This issue is also addressed in the book of Acts at the Jerusalem Council. We’re not clear whether Paul wrote Galatians before the Jerusalem Council or after. He doesn’t refer to it in this letter. If he wrote it before, it may be his first letter written to any church. Either way, it reiterates what the early church believed to be true and that was that non-Jewish believers or Gentiles did not have to convert to Judaism in order to be saved. This was a big deal. This was a really big deal at that time because it opened up the whole world, everyone in the world to salvation through Jesus Christ.

So the subject matter in the letter to the Galatians becomes foundational in New Testament theology – the gospel of freedom, of grace, of justification through faith. These are found in the book of Galatians. So we will reacquaint ourselves with these truths as we read Paul's letter to the churches in Galatia


Thank you, Father, for your Word. Thank you for another step that we’ve just taken in your Word this year. We thank you, God, for our community that you have established and breathed life into. We pray, Father, that the winds of life, the life of your Holy Spirit would flow throughout this community today. We pray your blessing over every single person that has committed themselves to making your Word a part of the daily rhythm of their lives. And we invite you fully, not only into this community, but into each of our lives, each of our spheres of influence, everyone that we touch, whether that be someone we’re in relationship with or whether that be passively, whoever we touch today, whoever we speak to, whoever we interact with, may it be you who lives with us and within us and not of our own doing. May everything that we do today represent your kingdom and may we honor you well in all of our thoughts, our words, our deeds, our postures of heart, our ambitions and motivations. Everything that we are we lay before you. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is home base. It’s the website. It's where you find out what’s going around here, what's on the itinerary, what people are praying about, and certainly Reframe is there, Promised Land – The Essential Pilgrim's Edition is there, so check that out.

Man, it is getting to be crunch time. If I'm understanding correctly, all of you who have ordered from Amazon, they are about to ship your Reframe books to you within the next few days. And if you haven’t yet, certainly do check that out. We’re giving you my first book, the unabridged audio edition of Passages in exchange for you grabbing the second book, Reframe. We’re also knocking $10 off Promised Land – The Essential Pilgrim's Edition. So just check all that out at www.ReframeBook.com. And thank you for your support of these efforts and these resources.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at www.DailyAudioBible.com as well. There is a link in the upper right-hand corner of the home page or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942 – 4253 is the number to call.

That’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Sinner, Matthew 6:6. Lord, these words you have given me I give back to you. Let's pray. Responding to Donna of New York, Heavenly Father, we lift up Donna’s daughter, Elisa, and we pray for any strongholds Elisa is tempted with to be broken, that your Holy Spirit would come to meet her and transform her heart. We pray that you would move in her life and cause her to turn away from those things that work to separate her from the love of Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, we lift up Richard C. of Albury-Wodonga in Australia. We pray for a resolution to the situation with his foster children and that your will would be done and these boys can be returned to Richard who loves them. We pray that you would grant Richard the wisdom to navigate this struggle, the peace to accept the outcomes and the faith to trust in your divine plan for his life and the lives of the five boys. Responding to Byron of Florida, sovereign God, we lift up Alyssa and we pray that you would clear obstacles that might keep her from going to church to worship you, that you would make her path straight and level. We pray that she finds a place of warmth and love, of peace and acceptance when she goes, that her faith might be like mustard seed. Father, we also lift up Byron, that he would be given patience and humility to learn from his more experienced colleague. We pray that through this relationship and through Byron's learning you would be glorified by the hearts that point toward you, Almighty God. Father God, healer and redeemer, we lift up Chris in the mountains of Colorado. We pray for his faith to strengthen as he pushes through his challenges __________ drugs. We pray that he would keep his eyes on you, Lord, that you would fill his heart and life with your Spirit and your Word to push out anything else that does not glorify you. There is nothing on earth or in the heavens above that you cannot accomplish and there is no one outside your power to redeem, for in Jesus all our sins are forgiven and in his blood, Chris stands clean before your throne of mercy. Give him this assurance. Give him scripture to read.

Hi Daily Audio family. This is __________, also known as Gina from California, __________. I'm calling today to thank you for the prayers of the one-year __________ of my son that passed one year ago. It was great to hear your prayers and so appreciated, but today I'm calling for my cousin's son who is 22. He got shot last night, shot in the head and he needs a miracle. He was on his way back from church, went to a bus stop to take the bus to work, his name is Joey, and somebody tried to rob him and there was an altercation and the suspect shot my cousin's Joey in the head. He's only 22. He's fighting for his life. He's on life support right now, so we need prayers. I know that God passes all through time and this will be played later, but I believe in the cover, tent, and we need your prayers, Daily Audio Bible family, a miracle. I know that God is a good God and he is the God of all miracles. As always, I pray for all of your prayers as I hear them, usually when I'm walking or when I'm getting ready for work. I just love hearing your voices. Slave of Jesus, I'm praying for that job, that it comes. Becky from Orlando, I heard your voice the other day. It was so great. Pastor Gene, I'm thankful that your husband is recovering and he is out of the hospital and the __________ that took place while he was in the hospital. I thank you that the job is replaced and that new doors are opened. I just want to thank you, all the community…

Hello saints. This is Teri from Toledo. I just appreciate each and every one of you. I just wanted to tell you that. Especially Brian and Jill. I appreciate you guys so much. I need prayer. My parents died a couple years ago. They left me and my brother as executers. They have a little bit of money and now the family is torn apart. I know it is the devil. I know it is the devil. I'm just asking, can you help me and pray with me for my family? The spirit of division, the spirit of criticalness, the spirit of hate, it just has to go, in the name of Jesus. I thank you for your prayers. God bless you. Goodbye.

Good morning DAB family. This is Larry H. from Fort Worth. I just wanted to call and say I love you, my DAB family and also add when you call in, don’t feel remorse or sad or sorry for you calling in. You called in because you needed help, you needed extra support. When Jesus sent them out by twos, he sent them out one for one sweep, the other one can encourage and empower. __________ be that family to encourage them, now __________. DAB family, I love you. Larry H. from Fort Worth. Have a good day. Bye.

Morning family. This is Marcus from Washington just calling in this morning, September 11th. Just remembering Bradley who called in, the divorce that is going on and his stepson causing violence. You're still in my prayers, Buddy. I’ve been praying for you every day. I also want to update everybody that my situation has progressively gotten worse. However, I am at peace. I slept very well last night even though it was a very traumatic day with my soon-to-be ex-wife. I just pray that you would pray for her and pray for my kids, that the relationship between them would remain. It's very stressful right now. My children are not pleased with their mother and how she is living. I’ve been trying to be encouraging to them to love their mother and to lift their mother up in prayer and to be respectful, but there is a lot of hurt hearts on what is going on. I also wanted to give a word of encouragement. Somebody called in today or the other day and mentioned that we have great listeners and I would like to say that we have great doers. This family is a doer of the Word and the Word, when you listen to it, apply it to your heart, gives you action and I hear it in your voices, how you pray for each other and it is so encouraging. I just wanted to lift all of you up in prayer today and Lord, I just pray that you would be with the Daily Audio Bible family and just give them blessings beyond all measure and to protect them in their walk and not necessarily take away trials, Lord, because that makes us the people you want us to be. Help us to be doers of the Word. Thank you, Brian, for bringing that to us. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Hi family. It's Drew from the Bay Area and a praise report. I wanted to let you know I had a great interview. You’ll probably hear about my call earlier. God is amazing. So I was up against the rock and a hard place. The hard place is the world. The rock is Jesus and I’d rather be standing on the rock and against the rock than anywhere else. The good news is that I had a very good interview with a man that is in charge of material handling for Northern California, Central California and I may be Drew from the Central/Northern California area, but it is all good. Young Drew is ready to go and things are going much better. Played some ping-pong with young Drew, but anyway pray because I have several more interviews and a big test to take, a profile test which, God willing, I’ll pass and everything looks great. I'm down to the wire and I really need your prayers. I'm praying for all of you. Brad, I'm still praying for you. I'm praying for everyone as the prayers come up. I’ve been up in the middle of the night and sound confused and it's the enemy that is trying to stop me from what happens next. So anyway, I love you guys. Keep praying. Keep believing. It's going to be great. We’re all going to be together soon. Love you. Bye.

Tamarie 09/14/2015 14:20