WindFarm Prayer Requests
Please Pray for me???
I have been a Christian since I was a child, I am from South Africa woman, currently living in the United Arab Emirates for the last 11 years. The Lord allowed me to drift away from Him in my twenties for which I am very saddened and ashamed, but He loving pulled me back in my early thirties and I am deeply deeply thankful, I do not carry guilt and know that I have been fully forgiven for my past life. The last 5 years has been an amazing journey with the Lord, true Jesus style He removed all my negative influential friends out of my live and even my toxic 10 years relationship to a man came to an end, very very painfully. At that time I did not yet know the Lord very well and fell back in one of my old ways – drinking, probably to get over the pain of the breakup. I have been single ever since, for about 5 years now, but I know that the Lord has a plan and probably needs to get me ready before He brings another man into my life, I have accepted that fact and are actually enjoying the single life with Jesus, but I will be lying if I say I do not get lonely at times and are constantly praying for a Godly man to be sent to me directly from heaven. I kept on searching, reading, doing Bible studies, seeking the Lord, through all the drinking. The drinking became really bad and the hangovers got soo bad that I thought I was going to die. I was trapped in this alcohol addiction for a good few years, crying before the Lord, then the guilt trips, then round the same mountain again and again. Then one day, while listening to my Daily Audio Bible while battling a massive hangover and once again crying in front of the Lord – He answered me. He gave me His word through the Bible and took away my alcohol addiction right there and then. He healed me and broke the chains of alcohol addiction that day, and I have been stone sober ever since, well over 14 months now….I have not craved a drink since that day & I know for sure I am healed from alcohol addiction – PRAISE the LORD! I had to suffer the consequences of my sin by going through at least 8 months of horrendous alcohol withdrawal, called PAWS (Post-acute withdrawal symptoms), but that is over now and I am healed!!! My mind is now clear and open and I have soo much more energy. Over the last 14 months the Lord has given me a front row seat to sooo many miracles, mind blowing miracles that I can only stand amazed. One such miracle is that Jesus healed my friend who was in hospital for 8 months and had 8 lifesaving operations, who was in a deep coma with multiple organ failure with a prognosis from doctors that he was not coming back. When my friend went into the coma I immediately sent out a prayer request to anybody willing to pray and all the major Church organizations across the globe. The very next day my friend woke up out of that coma and is fully recovered and fully healed, living a normal healthy life – the doctors here in the Arab world where we live could not believe it!!!! Hallelujah… Many more miracles followed. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Lord is real, alive, powerful beyond comprehension and ready and willing to help us, because He loves us. I am doing daily Bible reading, prayer, Bible study, I am a deacon in our church, I do online searching & studies, constantly praising the Lord with Gospel music and podcasts etc., anything I can to learn more about the Lord to get more of Jesus into my life. Experiencing all this sober is indescribable…. I am still struggling with one thing though…. Smoking…. I cannot seem to get this out of my life…. I know I have to change and I know I want to change….I honestly feel that cigarettes are blocking my progress in my walk with the Lord, it is ruining my witness to the world and is just a horrible horrible thing to live with…. I also KNOW for a fact that the Lord can, wants to and have the power to also break this cigarette addiction in my life, I have seen Him do it once before in my own life…..but I am still smoking. I have prayed about this hundreds of times, I have given my cigarettes and the whole addiction to the Lord, I believe fully that He can change me, I have read countless articles and testimonies – what on earth am I missing??? ….I have faith, I do believe, I have the head and heart knowledge, but I cannot get rid of these cigarettes. I know I cannot do this on my own, the very same thing as with the alcohol. I want and need these cigarette chains broken. Please pray for me. I know in my heart of heart that the Lord wants to use me right here in the Arab world where I am living, but I feel stuck and cannot seem to move forward. Again this feeling of being trapped is sometimes causing slight depression and despair – both of which are a lie from the devil, but it still creeps up. Please, please pray for me. Thank you. Cindy Coetzee
Cindy Coetzee 09/22/2015 11:36 |
Davidwayne Lackey
09/22/2015 19:29 |
09/23/2015 04:55 |
Great post Cindy. Praising God for all that He has done in your life and praying alongside you with the cigarette addiction.
09/25/2015 07:21 |
Cindy ek glo jy gaan verstaan. Here ons kon na u toe in die naam v Jesus Christus, die een wat ons vrygekoop het. Here ek vra dat die lig v haar sal deurbreek en dat alle duisternis sal wyk uit haar lewe en dat sy totale vervulling in U sal vind. Wys haar asb of daar enige iets is waaraan sy vashou en bring haar op die punt van volkome, algehele, vrywillige en onvoorwaardilike oorgawe aan U. Neem alle lus weg en gee dat slegs 'n gedagte aan die verslawing haar met weersin sal vul. U het dit van te vore gedoen, doen dit weer. Verbreek ook elke houvas wat Satan oor haar lewe mag he en vul haar opnuut met Uself. Dankie Here u hoor. Word U verheerlik en mag sy vir baie tot groot seen word.
jane marie
09/25/2015 15:04 |
WOW....thank you so much for sharing the wonderful works of our Father!! keep praying, the cigarette addiction has to go IN JESUS NAME!!! We bind ANY attempt of the enemy to keep you enslaved any longer..AWAY with those horrible disease causing cancer sticks..AMEN and AMEN!!!! PRAISE YOU GOD, we know you will answer our prayers!!