Daily Transcripts

Isaiah 60:1-62:5 ~ Philippians 1:27-2:18 ~ Psalm 72:1-20 ~ Proverbs 24:11-12
Today is September 30th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Alright, alright, here we go! Last day of the month of September. My goodness!! Where did the year go, right? But it's not over, far from it. We’re completing the third quarter of the year today and we will move into the final quarter of the year tomorrow, but we are here in September, ending the month well and strong and, man, it has been a journey and the journey has beautiful moments out in front of us where God completes the work he has intended to do in our hearts for this year as we immerse ourselves in the scriptures. I love it. I love it that we can be here. So, we’re reading from the Easy to Read Version this week. We began the book of Philippians yesterday, which we’ll continue today, and we are rounding the corner, still several days to go in Isaiah but we’re rounding the corner.


Father, may we take that to heart. May we understand that as your acting agent in this world, as your hands and feet, as the body of Christ, it is our duty to represent you, to be you to the world. That it is you within us, your life bursting out of us, touching everyone within our sphere of influence. And so we must be those who rescue people in danger or facing death or being killed. Help us, God, to understand that we can’t just hoard this beautiful gift of salvation that you’ve given us and these bountiful blessings in relationship with you that you’ve poured out on us. They’ve been given to us so that they may be given away. We are the great distribution system of salvation, the body of Christ. And when we hoard, may we finally realize that that is limited to only what we can grab and try to hold onto, but when we give away, ah, that’s limitless. We are not only a conduit for your kingdom resources and this gift of salvation, the good news of the gospel, but we will never be without what we need and we will never grow stagnant as a pond with no outlet. So come and help us give away the good news, give away what you’ve given us to give, live this out. You are watching, as you say in the Proverbs, and we want to do all this in collaboration with you, in relationship with you. So come Jesus, we pray in your precious name, amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website. It’s home base. It is where you find out what is going on around here. Of course, today is the last day of the month, which means this is the last day you can go to www.ReframeBook.com and get the unabridged audio edition of Passages, which is my first book and this voucher for the Promised Land: Essentials Pilgrim’s Edition. We were only able to do that for one month and this is the end of that month and tomorrow is the official launch date for Reframe. So go to www.ReframeBook.com and, if you haven’t already, grab a copy or grab a copy for someone that you think could use this message to reframe their own lives.

I’m looking forward to, well, getting into this new month, getting together, kind of doing a virtual small group together. So in preparation for that, you can certainly join the Reframe group on Facebook by just navigating over to www.Facebook.com/Groups/ReframeBook or if you like using the Facebook app or something like that, just look for groups and search for Reframe book and you’ll find it. And jump into the conversation that is already underway and vibrant and fun.

And then the other thing that you should probably do, if you want to really immerse yourself in this, is download the Periscope app. Periscope is like a live-streaming app, but it’s free. You just grab it and we’re going to get on Periscope and talk. We’re going to kind of do a small group in the coming weeks. We will announce the start date for that, but certainly do grab it and once you do, just open it up, search for Daily Audio Bible, follow it and you’re done. Pretty simple. It took longer to explain those two things than it will take for you to do them, so jump into the Reframe conversation.

Okay, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, investing into this community that we are, this grand family wrapped all around the world that we are, then thank you profoundly for your partnership and support. This is how the servers run. This is how the electricity stays on. This is how we do what we do every day in building community so that no one has to feel alone because they’re not. So thank you for your partnership in that. There is a link, home page of www.DailyAudioBible.com, upper right-hand corner. Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, next month. Have a great day.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hey family, Jim calling from the central coast of California and it’s September 26th. Just got done listening to the podcast and Brian, thank you for your beautiful words and you’re absolutely right, scripture is a long cold drink of water. Is it not? Thank you for the song at the end. It’s replenishing our storehouses of God’s good grace. Family, I’m also calling because, as I said in on the prayer line a couple of weeks ago, I’m kind of rebooting the marriage prayer list and I put out the email out there. I’m was kind of disappointed that there’s only 4 or 5 emails that came in and I’m wondering how many people are actually listening to the community prayers. So I’m just going to try to keep blasting the podcast here until people kind of get the message. So the DAB marriage list which can be emailed, your marriage request to DABmarriagelist@gmail.com. I’ll get you guys on the email blast and you’ll also get the blessing for praying for other people, which is probably the best part of being on that prayer list, is praying for other marriages as your marriages are being uplifted. So God bless everybody. Love you all. It’s wonderful to be connected with all of you. Bye-bye.

The Lord has redeemed his servant, Jacob. The Lord has redeemed his servant, Maliyah. The Lord has redeemed his servant, Jenny. The Lord has redeemed his servant, Joe. Put your name in there. You who are God’s beloved. This is Candace from Oregon and I’m just so inspired because of the podcast of Saturday, I believe, the 26th of September, when Brian was reading again from Isaiah. It was just so good and, as Brian said, carried such a weight of authority that God has claimed over us. In Isaiah 48:10-11, it talks about how difficult, though, the whole experience is. Because this is relationship, this is really intense. “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this. How can I let myself be defamed? I will not yield my glory to another.” And then down on verse 17, “This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”

I’m now outside my comfort zone, headed places, Lord, unknown. I’m trusting you to lead the way, trying to focus not to stray. Yet looking back with longing, Lord, all your warnings I ignored. Like Lot’s wife, I’m stuck again. I love you Lord, but I often bend. Your will for me, I don’t now know. But my love for you can only grow. You comfort me in times of stress, the more I stray, the more you bless. Help me, Lord, to give you all and though I stumble, not to fall. Help me do the things I say, hear me, Lord, each time I pray. I’m now outside my comfort zone, headed places, Lord, unknown. I’m trusting you to lead the way, Lord please hear these words I say. And let me not be lost in sin, I know your way is right, please bless, amen. Blindtony1016@gmail.com. Looking forward to the Reframe. Thank you, Brian, Jill and your entire family. I’d like to give a shout out to SarahJane and Mike G. who do a lot of behind the scenes things and I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do. Love you. Keep the faith y’all. Blind Tony, bye-bye.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, its James, teacher in L.A. calling to respond to Richard from Albury–Wodonga, in Australia. Brother, we love you. We love you and that doesn’t bring your kids back, but we love you and we suffer alongside of you. Brother, I just want to encourage you. I’ve had two folks in my life who had their kids taken away by child protective services or some other part of our legal system, unjustly, unfairly and put in the care of people who were really awful and hated God. And you know what? God’s justice has come through for them. In both cases, there were times going through it with them where I thought, where I had lost hope and also said to myself, “Is God really going to do anything with this?” But he does. He knows. God is the God of the fatherless. He will take children who have no families and he picks them up and puts them in families with the righteous, with people who love him, who are redeemed by his blood. Don’t give up. Don’t give up. We love you. God, please bring back his kids. Put them in his care. He loves them because of your Spirit is in him. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family, this is Marni from Maryland and boy have I had trouble to debate whether I was going to call in or not. It’s one of those things when it’s like every time you go through something, you want to call because you want everybody to pray for you. But I just want to say this is one of the most amazing communities I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. But just to know that so many people are praying for you and they don’t even know your name makes me feel amazing because every day we go through. It’s been a while since I’ve called, probably June, maybe even May. But I just want to call to be of some encouragement to somebody today because September was very weird for me. It was a hectic month and one of things I realized is it was hectic because I said it was going to be hectic. We hear and we read that passage all the time that life and death really does lie in the power of the tongue. So I want to say, we have to watch what we say and we have to watch what we think. And if we wake up grateful and with a positive mind, always, then we’ll be okay. So, regardless of what our situation looks like, for one we need to be still, but for two, we need to watch what comes out of our mouths. We need to be saying literally on a daily basis ‘no weapon formed against us shall prosper.’ ‘I am more than a conqueror.’ ‘I have what God says I can have.’ ‘I am the head and not the tail.’ I want us to remember that because everything will come to us as much as it can. I record myself because I want to do this photo journal because I have a children’s clothing line. So I log my progress.

Hello everyone, this is Donna from New York. Oh, I love to hear everyone’s prayers. I want you to know I pray along right with the prayer requests. This is my prayer today for all of us from Isaiah. The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructive tongue. May he give us all instructive tongues so that we can know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning. Wakens, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears. May all of our ears be opened to His will. My heart goes out to Richard, who has the foster boys who have been taken away from him. Praise God that you have such a love for these boys and I pray that all the doors will be open in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray for everyone. I think of Cherry, whose daughter, I believe it’s her daughter and her grandchildren that she does not have a relationship with and there seems to be so many who are longing for relationships with their children and their grandchildren. I pray for all the doors to be opened in the name of Jesus. I have a similar situation with my daughter. There’s just a stronghold in her life and I ask that you would all pray that in the mighty name of Jesus that stronghold will be taken down and that she will know what true forgiveness is and what true obedience is to the Lord. So pray with me that in the name of Jesus...

Tamarie 09/30/2015 07:56