Daily Transcripts

Jeremiah 2:31-4:18 ~ Colossians 1:1-17 ~ Psalm 76:1-12 ~ Proverbs 24:21-22
Today is the 4th of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you at the fresh beginning of another week. This is the first Sunday in October which will be a fun month of travel and seeing so many of you on the road. We’ll talk about that a little later. Our translation for this week is the Holman Christian Standard Bible. We’ll pick up where we left off in Jeremiah, which is right at the beginning. We just began Jeremiah and then when we get to the New Testament we’ll begin the next of Paul's letters, the book of Colossians, but first, Jeremiah.

Introduction of a New Book

We’ve come to the 12th book of the New Testament which is a letter or an epistle of Saint Paul to the Colossians. In other words, this is the apostle Paul's letter to the church at Colossi. Colossi was this city about 100 miles from Ephesus where Paul spent so much of his time. This letter was written as a response to some of the things Paul was hearing that were going on in the church in Colossi. This is a very similar motivation for the reason he wrote the letter to the Ephesians.

Colossians is another of what we know as Paul's prison epistles. Paul was incarcerated in Rome awaiting trial and the letter breaks down into two distinct sections, the first deals with a doctrinal issue. There were those who had come into the church who were teaching angel worship and other rituals that would lead a person to God. Paul reiterates Christ’s supremacy over all creation, that the universe itself was created by and through him and is sustained through his lordship. Then Paul deals with some behavioral issues—the circumcised versus uncircumcised issue was still going on and so Paul once again, for the church at Colossi, deals with this.

So having the benefit, as we do, of all of Paul's letters, we’re able to get a good glimpse of the challenges of the early church itself and ironically these challenges are still with us today in one form or another. Colossians serves us as a wonderful reminder of the lordship of Jesus in our lives. So we begin Paul's letter to the Colossians.


Father, we thank you for your Word and we thank you for the gift of life, every day this year that you have been involved in our lives. You are bringing life to us through the power of your Holy Spirit and through the gift of your Word. We’re grateful. Grateful is a lame word. We’re being transformed. We’re being made new by these gifts and we ask for your continued presence in them as we open ourselves and we become present to you. This is a relationship. This isn’t just about you giving everything and we taking it all. This is about us giving our lives back. So we invite you into this new week, ask you to come and we become aware of your presence and we become present to you as well. Lead us. We hold your hand. We crawl into your lap as our Father and ask for your guidance. Come Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website. It’s home base. It is certainly where you do find out what is going on around here and plenty of fun going on around here. So let's just kind of look at this month.

This Thursday, which is the 8th of October, is when we’ll start our large small group around Reframe. We’re going to us Periscope. If you don’t have the Periscope app yet, just go get it. It's free. Just go to your app store, whichever one you use and search for Periscope and it's free. Once you get it, just follow Daily Audio Bible, or search for Daily Audio Bible and click follow. You will be alerted when we go live and we’ll do that this Thursday sometime probably toward the evening and just talk through the first couple of chapters together. I’ll share some things, kind of how I arrived at some of these things. Then we will jump over to our Facebook Group and continue the conversation, so if you haven’t got onto the Facebook Group yet, it's killer. There is wonderful conversation. Everybody is posting pictures and I love it. If you haven’t posted your picture yet, do it. Just go to www.Facebook.com/Groups/ReframeBook and you can get into the Reframe group. So that will be this Thursday.

One week from today, the 11th, the Reframe Tour gets to come to my own hometown, so like I’ve said a couple times, Nashville, you’ve gotta represent because every other city does. Even though Nashville is one of those towns, it's time to come say hi. I’d love to meet you, love the opportunity. I’ll be speaking at SouthView Church here in Spring Hill, TN. Www.SouthView.cc is their website for more information, so check that out.

The following week I will be in the Charleston, SC area at Daniel Island Fellowship and I'm excited about this because the pastor of this church is a really good friend of mine and he is planting a church. I'm really eager to be a part of that story and really eager to see you in the Charleston area. So certainly do come out. Their website is www.DaneiIslandFellowship.org and you can get more information. I will be there the 11th and the 16th my whole family, all of us, including Zekey will be there and that will be fun.

The 25th, which is the next Sunday, I will be in Richland, WA at Columbia Christian Church and that will give us the next three Sundays in October and then we’ll talk about November when we get a little closer, but three of the Sundays in November we’ll be out on tour as well with Reframe. Looking forward to seeing you. t will come to Louisville. It will come to Chattanooga, TN, and it will come to San Diego, CA in the month of November. So looking forward to being out on the road, love to see you, love nothing more. Really, that’s why I travel. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I profoundly, humbly thank you. We exist because we exist together. We’ve built a community here that is second to none as far as I'm concerned. We are the exception to the rule. It is a loving community where we know we are shouldering each other's burdens and moving in the same direction. Thank you for your partnership in allowing that to exist. There is a link on the home page, upper right-hand corner of www.DailyAudioBible.com. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And that is it for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello DAB family. This is Rob S., worship dude in Nashville, TN. First, I just want to say thank you to everybody who listens to these prayer requests and prays for people. I don’t call in very often, but I try to listen and pray as much as I'm able. I just want to say thanks for all of you guys who are standing in the gap and praying for the people who do call in. Second, I wanted to say just a double thank you to everyone who does call in and offers a word of encouragement and lifts up your prayer requests. Just thank you. People like Joe the Protector and Sinner and Blind Tony. Man, your poems lately have been just really even more awesome. And Biola. So anyway, thanks to all of you. So I have two prayer requests. First, please everybody remember to pray for your pastors and your leaders, volunteers, people who serve in your churches. They really need our prayers, man. They are people involved in spiritual warfare. Pray that they would be strong in the Lord and they would be men and women of God, humble in his ways. Second, I wanted to lift up a situation I’ve got. I'm a choir director, music director and in my choir we have a dear member. His name is Jon and a couple weeks ago he was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. They gave him six months to live. I just want to pray. I'm believing for a supernatural, miraculous healing for Jon. I'm asking in Jesus’ name that he be able to sing with us Christmas 2016. So I'm just lifting him up and asking that you guys would just be interceding for him. Thank you so much. Love you guys. The Lord be with you.

Hi DAB family. This is Byron out in Florida. I wanted to give you guys a bit of an update on my wife’s kidney stone. It has been a bit of a rough time. We had to go back to the emergency room early this morning. It turns out she has two stones working their way through. Fortunately, both of them are small enough that they should pass on their own without any kind of external intervention. My wife is in a lot of pain and we’re just working through that and just waiting for those things to come out. So thank you guys so much for your prayers. We definitely feel them here. Please continue them on. We expect this thing to get resolved today, if not the next day. So thank you guys so much. Love you all.

Hello Dabbers. This is Sudie in the Valley. This is my second call. I heard Pastor Gene talking about the good that came from the trials that she and her husband have recently been going through. The good was the man in the hospital who came to Christ through John ministering to him and witnessing to him. So I just want to give God the glory and the praise and honor that he so richly deserves. He took what Satan meant for evil and turned it into something beyond our wildest imagination. So Pastor Gene, thank you so much for sharing that with us. I want all of you to know that I love you. I pray for everyone who calls in and I pray for everyone who __________. Thank you again to the Hardin family for blessing us all with your work in God's ministry. Goodbye.

Good afternoon Daily Audio Bible family and Brian. This is Shauna calling from Maryland. I keep on trying to record this message, but I'm just like so awestruck and it's been a while since I’ve had a chance to listen to the message and the prayer requests and I decided to just take time out for myself, do it, and everything is exactly what I needed. I know I need to get back involved in this family/community because I have been going through a lot, but just hearing the peace that is coming forth through the reading of the Word is just indescribable. I just ask that you guys continue to keep me in prayer. I'm getting a lot better, but I'm not there yet. I'm just holding fast to the Word of God and his promises and things of that nature. Please know that as I continue to hear the prayer requests that I'm praying just as much as I'm hearing it. Love you guys. Take care and God bless. Bye.

Hello DAB family. This is Chante calling from Detroit and I'm just calling in because I need everyone to lift up our dear sister Elaine in California. Her mother passed away this morning. She had a heart attack and Elaine is taking it very hard. It was so sudden and unexpected. Elaine is very devastated and distraught. Before all of this she had been dealing with a lot of different things—depression, financial issues, and there have been different health issues. So I'm just praying. First of all, let's just pray. Dear Father, we lift up Elaine to you today and we pray for peace and comfort in regard to the passing of her mother. Wrap her in your arms and let her know that you will be with her, that you care for her, that you understand, that you love her. We also pray for Elaine's healing in regard to the depression and health issues that she has. We also pray for financial breakthrough for her. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. My name is __________. I’ve called a few times and I'm just calling because I'm going through, I guess you’d say, a rough patch. I have a rare condition, a rare illness and I’ve had it now for seven years. I believe it is not just physical. It is also spiritual. I'm also going through homelessness. I'm going through a lot, Daily Audio Bible family, and I just really need you guys to pray for me because it is very depressing. I’ve been sick for a while and I don’t know, some days I question God. I don’t know what is happening. What my life…I'm young. I'm 30 and so there are a lot of things that should be happening and it’s not. I'm just struggling in every area. I don’t even have the zeal to pick the Word up anymore. I'm just very frustrated all the time. So I really need you guys to just pray for me. Thank you. Okay, bye.

Tamarie 10/04/2015 21:21