Daily Transcripts

Jeremiah 12:1-14:10 ~ 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8 ~ Psalm 79:1-13 ~ Proverbs 24:30-34
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Today is October 9th. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we take another step forward in our journey through the scriptures this year. We’re working our way through the book of Jeremiah, but we concluded Paul's letter to the Colossians yesterday which will bring us to Thessalonians when we get there. But first, from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, Jeremiah 12:1 through 14:10.

Introduction of a New Book

As we wind our way through the letters of Paul to the different churches that he established, we’ve come to Paul's first letter to the church at Thessalonica. The story of this church's planting is found in the book of Acts. Paul had previously been in Philippi where persecution broke out so he moved to Thessalonica where in a very short and intense time a church was planted and then flourished rapidly, but a mob was stirred up against them. Persecution broke out and Paul and his traveling companions were spirited away in the night. This all happened on Paul's second missionary journey.

A few cities later, Paul finds himself in Corinth where he stayed for a year and a half. This is probably where this letter we’re about to read was written and probably around late 51 AD or early 52. It was Paul's heart to go back to Thessalonica to encourage and bolster their faith, but he was unable, so he sent Timothy. When Timothy came back to Corinth and reported to Paul the good news of the health of the church, Paul was exhilarated. He was relieved and his joy was over the top. It is from this place that this letter is written.

It is very encouraging, a very personal letter from the apostle to the church he established. Since he didn’t get to spend a lot of time in Thessalonica and since the rising of the church was so intense and under duress, some of the early believers began to question what it was they were to actually believe, what it was that Paul was actually teaching them, especially in the area of the afterlife for a believer. Paul addresses this in the letter as well. He is providing them a more solid theological foundation from which to grow since he didn’t have a whole lot for time to spend with them in the first place.

So Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians is fascinating. It is a glimpse into the early church, one that was striving to do things right and be right with one another and be passionate for God but were also under the pressures and the marginalization of their culture and under persecution. So we begin 1 Thessalonians.


Father, we thank you for your Word. We thank you for the ability to look back in time and see spiritually how it is that we got here, to look back so long ago to the time of the prophet Jeremiah and see what you were saying and what people were doing, what they were after and how they were trying to manage things in their own strength and departing from you and breaking your heart. But then to zoom forward and look into the early church and its formation, the struggles of people, the things that we can relate to because, although we’re wearing different clothes and have 2000 years of technology advancement, our hearts are still after the same things and we’re still trying to manipulate people and you in so many ways to get what we want. You continually remind us through your Word to orient ourselves to you, that it is you within us that will bring peace and nothing else. So we thank you for your Word and we thank you for this beautiful family that you have given to us – the Daily Audio Bible community – that we can do what we’re doing, that we live at this particular time where we can do what we’re doing, journey through the scriptures and process them together, no matter where we are on this planet. So we ask for your blessing, Father, over each and every person listening today and blessing over the community as you plant your Word by the power of your Holy Spirit in our lives today. We love you. We adore you. You are the Most High God and you are our Father. We love you and invite you into everything that transpires this day. We pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is home base. It is the website. It is where you find out what’s going on around here and, man, we had a fun time last night kind of getting our large small group underway. Live streaming technology isn’t something that is new to us, but this is a new one and so it was great fun, and then to have some further discussion at the Facebook Group, which by the way is www.Facebook.com/Groups/ReframeBook, we get emails about that every day, so there it is. That is where you jump in and discuss Reframe. So that was fun. Looking forward to next Thursday when we will do our second Periscope about Reframe.

Yeah, so we’ve released this week the Reframe Films which is intended to be done in a group, certainly can be done alone, but intended to be done in a group. It is a DVD. There is a leader's guide with it and you can order that at www.ReframeBook.com, but for the month of October, if you're willing to kind of get in and start a group together or just get enough copies of Reframe to give to people that are in your sphere of influence and have time together to process a little bit, there is a way to get the Reframe Films free. If you’ll get seven or more copies, enough for a small group, at one of the retailers at www.ReframeBook.com or just go to your local Christian store or your Barnes & Noble or whatever, if you get seven copies of Reframe, we will send the DVD with the leader's guide to you free – no postage, no nothing. We’ll send it to you free and then we’ll email you a link where you can download the films and get started. If you end up getting 10 or more copies, we will send you the DVD and give you access, but we’ll also throw in another Reframe book, only this one is a signed copy, a first edition copy of Reframe. So check that resource out. There is a trailer where you can dive in and see a little snippet of each of the five films just to see what I'm talking about. It is really beautifully done. We worked really hard on it. I think it will help you take the message deeper and process deeper. So check it out: Www.ReframeBook.com.

This Sunday, which is just a couple of days from now, Reframe Tour stops here in Nashville, right here in Spring Hill where I’ll be speaking at SouthView Church. If you're in the Nashville area, you gotta come. So rarely do I get to do this in our hometown, so www.SouthView.cc is the website. It is 10 a.m. Looking forward to seeing you.

Next week we will be in Charleston, SC, Daniel Island Fellowship, www.DanielIslandFellowship.org is their website. Then rounding out October, the 25th I will be in Richland, WA, at Columbia Christian Church. Looking forward to seeing you there out on the road.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at www.DailyAudioBible.com. There is a link in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. I am profoundly grateful for your partnership. Thank you for allowing Daily Audio Bible to exist. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN, 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello, it’s Blessed Like Me. Hello DAB family. Just want to encourage everybody to __________. God answers so many of our prayers __________ and we forget the answered prayers and that kind of relinquishes our faith or diminishes our faith when we don’t remember the good things that God has done. Dear God, thank you for your presence. I thank you for your power, your goodness, your grace, your love, your consideration, your empathy, your healing. I just want to thank you for all of these things that you are in my life, Lord. You are the Alpha and you're the finisher of our faith, Lord. You're so great and you're so present, Lord, and I want to thank you for that. I want to ask you to cover those that are in need and those that have joint ailments, those that it is hard for them to wake up in the morning and get out of bed. Lord, I want to pray for a direct healing for those all in earshot of this prayer, Lord. I want to pray for peace for those who are in situations of abuse, those that are in situations where they wish they could get out but they can’t get out, Lord. I want you to put a hedge of protection around them, Lord, and do a new thing for them. Lord, I want to pray for Chante, Lord. She has such a voice of faith, Lord. Don’t let that faith be hindered, Lord. Help her. Do a new thing within her situation, Lord. Let it be known that you are the God, you are the way maker when there is no way, Lord. I want to pray for Thomas, Lord, our brother Carolinian. Lord, just stay in his faith, stay in his eyeshot, do a great thing within him. Lord, we thank you for these things. You're such a great God and we love you. We honor you. We praise you. We hold you in the highest regard, Lord. We love you and we thank you. In, Jesus, your name we pray. Amen. Amen everybody? Thank you, Brian and Jill, for this ministry.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. This is Vanessa from Arizona. I'm calling for a specific prayer request tonight for some people I just met. I was actually just at the park and just kind of having a long walk with God and I was reading __________ and there has just been a lot of healing going on in my heart, but I was walking to my car to go home and I met a couple and she was pregnant and they were homeless and they are like recovering meth addicts or heroin or something and she is five months pregnant. Anyway, the police stopped us. We were walking to Wal-Mart because I didn’t have any cash on me and they took the guy. His name is Cody. As they were getting ready to take Danielle, like I said, she is five months pregnant and they were just being really mean to her and I just want to pray for her safety. If you guys could just keep them in your prayers, I'm sure it is not going to be an easy night for them. I just pray that Jesus comes to them and that they would feel his presence. I'm sure that a lot of things need to take place, healing of old wounds and addictions and things like that, but I gave her a sheet of paper with my name and my number on it so maybe she’ll contact me. But I'm just asking you guys to keep them in your prayers. His name is Cody and her name is Danielle. She wants to name the baby Caden. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible. This is Orelli calling from France. I’ve been listening to the program for a few years now and never had the opportunity to call, but this message goes especially to Sarah who called for her sister, Candace, who is currently pregnant. It really touched my heart because I gave birth to a young baby girl. Her name is Raphaele and doctors used to say from the very beginning to interrupt the pregnancy because they said the baby would come with great abnormality with deformation in her body, in her organs. She was very likely to have these, according to them, and this would be the “best” but also they said not only that, but also the pregnancy wouldn’t finish. So with my husband, we stood in faith. It was very, very disturbing, but we remained in faith. God is the one who gives life. Not doctors. Not circumstances. God is the one who fashions a baby, who shapes the baby inside of her. So Sarah, I really wanted to encourage you to remain in faith with your sister that you love so much and trust God that he will carry this baby through. Start to confess on the baby. Start to say that she or he is in good health, that he or she is very nice, very beautiful, very intelligent. Start imagining baby in your mind and give this faith to your sister.

Hi everyone. This is __________. I wanted to call because __________, I don’t know if I'm saying your name right, I rewound it a couple times and I don’t know. This is what I'm getting, __________ from Maryland, I liked what you said about speaking positive. We have to speak everything into existence. So if we say it is going to be a bad day or I'm going to get sick or whatever because my kids are sick, it's going to happen. I’ve learned that over the 40-something years, I’ll be 47 in November, and it is funny that you said that because you're so right. Who was the other person that I wanted to call about? Oh, the lady, I don’t know what your name was, and I'm still trying to catch up, her child is a drug addict and I think there was jail involved or some type of sentence or whatever. I just want you to know I have been there. I haven’t been there as far as jail time, thank God, but he did overdose twice, so I did go through that. All I can say is, besides prayer, advice for you is to get into a Nar-Non family group. They helped me tremendously and I know God was on my side, right beside and with me, because he's always with you, because they always said the Serenity Prayer. So I hope that helps and gives you comfort, but I have been there. My son, we talked the other day and he was like, ‘hey mom, I'm not smoking anymore,’ and I'm like…

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Sinner Redeemed. Lord, these words you have given to me I give back to you. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we lift up Jolene of Richfield, WA. We pray that you would provide a home for Jolene and her children. Help them trust in you and endure this trial with grace and peace. Father, we pray also for Jolene's daughters who seem to be struggling with their faith. Help them trust you, Lord. Help them hear your still small voice and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Give them understanding and patience as they face these difficulties. Father God, we lift up Alex, the seeker from Florida. We pray for Alex’ faith, that you would meet him where he is, that you would open his heart and mind to an understanding of your Word that will draw him closer to you. We pray for guidance for Alex as he decides whether to introduce his wife to the Daily Audio Bible. We ask that you would strengthen and grow Alex’ faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, we lift up Shannon of Texas and her 17-year-old son. Lord, you know what issues and problems Shannon's son is facing right now. We pray that you would arrange for her son to encounter Jesus in his life and that he could be brought to a place where his heart is transformed and he embraces a life following Christ. We pray that you keep him safe, turn him away from drugs or self-destructive behavior, and bring him home to his mother and to you. Heavenly Father, provider, and restorer, we lift up Todd from North Carolina. We pray for your divine touch upon his life and that of his family. We pray that you would bless Todd with employment that serves and glorifies you and provides for the needs of his family. We ask that you continue to strengthen Todd's faith through this trial, that he might lead his family through your strength and endurance. We ask all these things in the mighty name of Jesus.

Hi, this is Tara from Toronto. I __________ to see you. __________ called the other day about her struggles __________ going through __________. I'm praying for you and I think I agree that singleness is a calling and I can be used especially in small churches where everyone are __________ getting married and having kids, so if you want to reach out to me on Facebook, my name is Tara __________. I __________ friends and __________ single people out there. Love you. Bye.

Tamarie 10/09/2015 21:12