Daily Transcripts

Jeremiah 26:1-27:22 ~ Thessalonians 3:1-18 ~ Psalm 85:1-13 ~ Proverbs 25:16
Today is October 15th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. Good to be here with you today. We have turned the corner toward the end of the week and some travel and some Periscoping tonight and we’ll talk about all of that later. Now, let's dive back into the book of Jeremiah. We’ve been traveling through Jeremiah's prophecies and frustrations for several days and we will move forward from there, reading from the International Standard Version this week.


Jeremiah has gotten himself into some trouble in today's reading. He goes into the Temple area and prophesies disaster and that, of course, is not good for business, is not good for the economy, is not good for the spiritual leaders, and it is definitely not good for the other prophets who are prophesying the opposite, so he gets grabbed and a mob forms. They want to do away with him. The only thing they heard was that he was prophesying some doom when actually he was prophesying that the way that they are going is going to lead them to doom. Doom is certainly upon them. It will not be a good picture, but there is a way out.

God says: If you’ll listen and turn from the way you're headed, repent from this evil way, then I’ll change my mind.

So repent is interesting because God is saying if you will repent, which means to change your mind or to change your inner person and the posture, to reframe it, if you’ll do that, then I’ll change my mind, too, about the disaster I'm planning to bring on them because of their evil deeds.

That is so fascinating because we can read the prophets and get all bogged down in judgment and imagery that is violent and not even see what God is actually saying, which is you have a choice here. You are a participant. You can choose the one way or the other. If you will repent or if you will change your mind about the direction you are heading in, then I’ll be changing my mind, too, about what is headed your way.

So they don’t hear that part, as it seems, and they grab Jeremiah and they are prepared to kill him for bringing them the word of the Lord until some of the officials show up. And they are like, hey, we’ve ironically heard this story before in former times. There have been other prophets, prophets like Micah who spoke very similar words, men like Uriah spoke very similar things in former times. And it gave them pause and spared Jeremiah's life and he promptly then tells them an unbelievably counterintuitive thing, which is:

The king of Babylon is coming. Surrender to him (essentially submit to him, serve him) and you’ll be able to remain.

That is really messy in all of their minds, not only for their nationalism, but for their identity as God's chosen people. They are now being told to submit to a foreign emperor, a foreign king, a very powerful foreign empire. They are being told this from their God, so they have to decide whether they believe that Jeremiah is speaking the word of the Lord when all the other prophets aren’t. It is a precarious position. God coming in his almighty power with the band of Heaven's Armies behind him to save Israel again, this is always the story they want to live into and hope into, and now they are being told by this prophet Jeremiah that there is going to be a counterintuitive way that things are going to get saved here if they repent and turn from the way that they have been headed. It is going to be different than what they think. It is not that they are going to be able to rise up in some miraculous way. They are going to win, but it is actually going to be through surrender, and that is very, very difficult for them to understand, just like it would be very, very difficult for us to understand, just like it is very difficult for us to understand, yet it is a foreshadowing because Jesus comes preaching the same kind of message and then doing exactly the same kind of thing.

We want God but we want him under certain circumstances. We want him to be the mighty warrior that beats up all of the things that are coming against us and if he can’t show up that way, well then it can’t be him. Yet from thousands of years echoing through until today, this has been the story – we’re not going to box God up in how he is going to accomplish his will. We don’t get to stand in judgment of the Almighty. We get to do exactly what he says – change our mind. Change our inner person. Repent. Come home. Come back. He will keep us safe one way or the other and it doesn’t have to make sense to us.

Tomorrow we’re going to continue this story because we’re going to arrive at one of the most popular, famous verses in all of scripture and I'm just inviting you in advance. I’ve already mentioned it once. I'm inviting you in advance to pay attention to the context because I would wager that all of you know this verse and half of you have it memorized and at least half of you have recited it into a situation. That's great. That's awesome. I just want you to appreciate it in its context. That is what we’ve been building up to. Jeremiah is in trouble because of what he is saying, but what he is saying is from God. It is just not computing. We have to allow ourselves to be disrupted in this. It is important that we do.


Father, we invite you to disrupt us. We invite you to do whatever you want to do because we trust you. You are good. You are God. You are almighty. We are your children, so we love you and we invite your Holy Spirit to do your work in us today and every day. We want to walk with you in fellowship, in intimacy and in relationship and we are learning how to stop putting prerequisites, to not be a controlling person in the relationship. We are learning to be life-giving to you as you give life to us. We are learning to walk in relationship with you and that requires quite a bit of disruption to our status quo. So we invite you into all of that. Come Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is home base. It is, of course, where you find out what is going on around here. Plenty. Tonight we will be doing the second Periscope and spending some together around Reframe and the Reframe message. Looking forward to that – 7:30 p.m. Central Standard Time, which is 8:30 p.m. on the East Coast, 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time, 5:30 p.m. on the West Coast, which covers the United States. You’ll just have to look it up wherever you are in the world because I don’t know all the different time zones in the world. Last week when we did it we had people from all over the world, so you figured it out. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.

If you don’t have the Periscope app, download it for your Android or iOS device and it is free, so just download it, install it, look for Daily Audio Bible, follow Daily Audio Bible and like magic, as soon as we start broadcasting, you will be alerted. So looking forward to seeing you tonight and talking about Reframe a little bit more.

This weekend we will be in Charleston, SC with the Reframe message. That is the 18th at Daniel Island Fellowship. Www.DanielslandFellowship.org is their website.

The next week, the 25th I’ll be in Richland, WA at Columbia Christian Church. Their website is www.FamilyFaith.com, so check that out. Looking forward to seeing you on the road.

Had a great time. I didn’t even mention this, but when we did Reframe here in Spring Hill, we had one person who flew all the way from Australia just to not only see some friends, but to be at this launch. It meant the world to me. Those of you who drove in from different places or were visiting Nashville from different places, it was great to see you. Enjoyed it very much. That is one of the highlights of traveling. Traveling can be a bit of work. Not can be. It is a bit of work, but to arrive somewhere and know that there are friends and have those moments together, I love it. So looking forward to seeing you on the road.

Okay, Reframe is 50% off at LifeWay Stores this week. If you have a LifeWay Store in your neck of the woods, Reframe is 50% off. Stock up. Or go to www.ReframeBook.com and click the LifeWay link and you can order it 50% off this week, so just a couple more days this week. We’re trying to encourage you to get Reframe into the hands of as many people as possible and even to maybe get some friends together and go through it because you’ll watch some things really unfold when you're able the bounce things off of each other and get to know each other's stories.

We have a small group resource. We created five films to take the message even deeper and that is available at www.ReframeBook.com. You can just order it on DVD and then you’ll get links to download the films. But you can get that free if you’ll get seven copies of Reframe. We will send it to you for free. If you get 10 copies of Reframe, we’ll send the DVD to you as well as a signed first edition copy of Reframe, postage paid to your door. With this LifeWay thing, with it being 50% off, man, I encourage you to stock up now. Thank you profoundly for your helping get this message out. This is a message from within the Daily Audio Bible. I mean, it is us. So as we get this message out, as we give these to people, we are offering not only ourselves, but some demystification about all it is we’ve been trying to do – figure God out. So definitely jump into that. Thank you so much, profoundly for your support of Reframe.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at www.DailyAudioBible.com. There’s a link in the upper right-hand corner. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi. This is Anna from Maryland. I was just calling to pray for the brokenhearted mom. She didn’t give her name, but I wanted to encourage her. I went to the prayer vigil today in Washington, DC, at the Lincoln Memorial. We were praying for the nation and truly the nation needs prayer when kids are going to school and shooting. There is something going on in the mind and I just right now want to pray for the kids and pray for the minds of the kids and encourage the parents. Before your kids leave to go to school, every day you wake up, pray for your kids and pray for the kids of the nation. O Father, in the name of Jesus, please encourage brokenhearted mom. Please strengthen her. I'm so glad that her child is fine. O Lord, for those who lost their children or those who lost their loved one in this shooting, Lord, O Lord, we need your prayer, Lord. O Lord, we need your strength to touch the minds of these young kids, Lord. O Father, help them to make the decision, Lord, to go to their parents, to go to the pastor, to go to their fathers, Lord. O Father, help us to be there, Lord, so that they will get the strength and the guidance that they need, Lord, to help in a time of need. O Lord, I want to also talk to the one who was ready to give up, to those who are ready to give up, look and ask God for the strength and trust him and never doubt. Don’t give up. He who endureth until the end, he who endureth until the end, Lord, help them to remember, help them, Lord. Strengthen them, guide them, Lord. O Father, in the name of Jesus, Lord, I thank you, Lord for your prayer for your people, Lord, for this nation, for our leaders, Lord. O Father, we need a foundation, Lord. They said that if the foundation be destroyed, what will the righteous do? O Lord, I thank you for this prayer for the people of God. O Father, and for your answer, Lord, to their hearts’ desires. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Hi family. This is Lauren in Tacoma, WA. I was calling because there have been a lot of calls lately about single people hoping for mates. I, too, pray that my 27-year-old daughter would find an amazing godly man to be her husband. I heard a preacher recently who said that young people are afraid to commit. They aren’t standing up to their rightful place. I just ask, family, that you would just pray that these young people, young men would learn how to seek God's wisdom and would rise up to be the men that God has called them to be, especially when it comes to relationships. Nobody is perfect but two are better than one, and that women would rise up to seek God's wisdom for their lives to be the mate that the husbands would need in God's perspective, seeking God's wisdom throughout the relationship because things happen and things change because people aren’t perfect, but just like it is in the Bible that two are better than one. I just pray that for these people who are seeking mates, that they would find the godly mate that God has for their lives. He wants to bless you with that. Just know that in your heart. Love you all. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Hey Daily Audio Bible. This is Tyler from __________, MA, still getting used to this. I went to church last Sunday. Asked to be saved. I'm going through a lot. I just got my son, my fiancée, going through a lot. Recently I’ve let Satan get to me and just giving me sin all the time. I just need to ask for a prayer request to keep me safe and be saved by Jesus. I want to be there for my son and my fiancée. Satan needs to go out, so I just ask for people for prayers over me this week, that everything goes good and that God goes over my body and heals me, in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible.

Hello family. It's Drew from the Bay Area. Hey, praise report. I got a reprieve. I got a part-time job. I'm going to be working at a warehouse store through the holidays and hopefully by next spring they may hire me back, but keep me in your prayers. Young Drew and I are doing well. We’re able to stay in the place that we’re at. Thank God for that. It is the 13th of October, a beautiful sunset here in the Bay Area. We are so blessed to be adopted into God's family. He is just an amazing God. So keep your head up. Reframe. Rethink. Surrender. Love you guys. Bye.

Hey y’all. It is Chris W. in Petersburg, VA. Just got done listening to the October 10th broadcast. Today is October 13th about 10:00 in the evening. Hey, I was just responding to what I heard James R. say on the October 10th podcast. Man, I know you have been through a whole lot in this past year and I really respect you for that and I really praise God for the good work he is doing in you. Thank you so much for reminding us that there is somebody in this community who is going through the exact same thing we are, because I'm really having to pay for some stuff from my past or some stuff from my past is really rearing up its ugly head and making some nastiness for me, so it has been real stressful. But when you reminded me that there is somebody out there who has been through the exact same thing and that we can provide that kind of support for each other, oh my gosh, man, I was walking through the grocery store and I got goose bumps overt. So I wanted to say to the rest of the community now that whatever you're going through now, you are going to get through it. You're family here at the Daily Audio Bible will walk through it with you. Unfortunately, we have to hold hands virtually. We would love to be able to sit down with you and talk with you and just hang out with you, whatever you're going through, in the same way God is there with you also. You're going to get through it because of the promises of scripture, because of what God says. You are going to get through it. He said never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you. For that fact alone, you are going to get through whatever you are going through right now. I’ll say it sure as I'm standing right here in my room, you will definitely get through what you're going through. You're going to be okay. God has your back. We have your back. It is scary. It is difficult. It is going to beat you up and beat you down, but you're going to come out of that more than a conqueror because that is what you are in Christ Jesus. So you're going to be okay. I just wanted to say that to somebody out there. I think there is somebody out there now who is just afraid that they aren’t going to make it through whatever their trial is. Let me come beside you and say you will. I love you all. Hope this blesses somebody. Bye.

Tamarie 10/15/2015 22:58