WindFarm Prayer Requests

Need to get a steady job
Don't really have a steady job, please pray for me
Jose Chaves 10/20/2015 04:25

JT 10/20/2015 04:53
Praying Jose
Jose Chaves 11/03/2015 02:06
Thanks JT, I went on an interview and there was another person there as well going for the same job. I felt terrible about it, the sad thing is that I didn't get it but the other person who I thought was much better suited for the job didn't get the job either.
I just need to come up with more income, thank you DAB family for all your support. Jose
JT 11/03/2015 03:51
I'm sorry to hear Jose. I'm going to keep the prayers going for you. Don't give up God will guide you
Marina 11/03/2015 06:49
Dear Lord you closed this door, please open the right door and do more than what we think or pray. You know what we don't know. Provide in your own way and we praise you for it.