WindFarm Prayer Requests

Prayer for grandsons former employer
Man who has spent 20 years in prison for things that hapoened when he was in his teens is now back in because hus device wasnt working and so was put back in for 10 more years due to what they are considrring as violation of oarole. He is not the sane man he was when he went to prison and his whole life was turned around to serve Jesus. He was the only one willing to give my grandson a job last time my grandson got out. My grandson gets out in Jan 2017 or earlier (Dec 2016) if he is able to continue to work off his time. I want prayer that this man of God who was the only positive male influenxe in my grandson's life will be able to apoeal his sentence in order to be out in time for my grandson. Also that the courts will understand that the man behind bars right now is not the same man that was serving time before...that his life has changed and he can be trusted never to repeat the things of his past life because he is a new creature in Christ! That he will be granted favor with the courts!
Katherine White 12/28/2015 05:06

JT 12/29/2015 23:02
Praying alongside you Katherine.