
If you have a devotional thought that you've heard or want to share this is the place.

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Created: 12/05/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 06/23/2024 20:45 by Kareem Howell
Created: 05/24/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/02/2023 05:55 by ameron Diet
Created: 08/23/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 11
Latest comment: 12/30/2022 06:27 by Neha Jha
Created: 12/21/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/22/2015 12:07 by JT
Created: 12/11/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 12/07/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 12/07/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 12/03/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 12/03/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 11/11/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 10/22/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/22/2015 04:53 by JT
Created: 10/19/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 10/18/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 10/10/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 10/07/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/08/2015 14:03 by CaribRose65
Created: 10/05/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 10/04/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/04/2015 20:49 by Davidwayne Lackey
Created: 10/02/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/04/2015 05:19 by Helga
Created: 09/23/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/21/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/14/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/11/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/10/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/09/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/07/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/26/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/26/2015 09:21 by JT
Created: 08/25/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/24/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/24/2015 04:02 by JT
Created: 08/23/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/22/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/21/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/20/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/19/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/18/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/17/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/17/2015 20:32 by JT
Created: 08/15/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/16/2015 07:37 by JT
Created: 08/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/14/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/12/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/12/2015 03:51 by JT
Created: 08/11/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/10/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/01/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/31/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/30/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/27/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/26/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/25/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/24/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/11/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 07/23/2015 20:17 by Davidwayne Lackey
Created: 07/23/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/22/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/18/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/21/2015 17:19 by Donnie
Created: 07/17/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/16/2015 04:12 by JT
Created: 07/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/09/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/04/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/04/2015 11:17 by JT
Created: 07/03/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/20/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/20/2015 04:01 by JT
Created: 06/18/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/18/2015 03:57 by JT
Created: 06/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/15/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/06/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/02/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/02/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/31/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/21/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/20/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/19/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/19/2015 04:37 by JT
Created: 05/17/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/17/2015 16:33 by JT
Created: 05/17/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/14/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/13/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/12/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/10/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/11/2015 16:48 by JT
Created: 05/09/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/09/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/02/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/30/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/29/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/27/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/24/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/17/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/15/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/16/2015 03:20 by JT
Created: 04/14/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/13/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/12/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/11/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/10/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/07/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/05/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/05/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/03/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/02/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/30/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/29/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/29/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/29/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/23/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 03/26/2015 06:13 by Jayne
Created: 03/20/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/19/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 03/19/2015 07:14 by Sheri
Created: 03/18/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/16/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/15/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/13/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/13/2015 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 01/21/2015 by anthony bradford
Comments: 0
Created: 11/08/2014 by Tom B
Comments: 0
Created: 10/04/2014 by Jim Roberts
Comments: 0
Created: 09/10/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/04/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/04/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/02/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/01/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 09/01/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/29/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/30/2014 05:17 by JT
Created: 08/28/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/26/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/17/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/25/2014 10:49 by JT
Created: 08/10/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/25/2014 10:38 by JT
Created: 08/25/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/22/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/18/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/16/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/13/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/13/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/10/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/07/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/09/2014 04:53 by JT
Created: 08/09/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/09/2014 04:47 by JT
Created: 08/07/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/05/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 08/04/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/04/2014 07:40 by JT
Created: 08/02/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/03/2014 08:53 by JT
Created: 08/03/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/23/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/22/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/19/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/19/2014 10:09 by JT
Created: 07/18/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/17/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/15/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/14/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/12/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/11/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/10/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 07/02/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/04/2014 22:28 by Davidwayne Lackey
Created: 07/05/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/30/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/29/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/26/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/24/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/21/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/20/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/12/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/11/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/08/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/07/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/07/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/05/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/04/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/03/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 06/02/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/31/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/30/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/27/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/25/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/22/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/17/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/16/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/15/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/10/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/05/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/03/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 05/02/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/29/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/27/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/27/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/27/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/25/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/22/2014 by Bonnie
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/24/2014 21:15 by Davidwayne Lackey
Created: 04/20/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/23/2014 13:58 by pam
Created: 04/19/2014 by Bonnie
Comments: 0
Created: 04/19/2014 by Bonnie
Comments: 0
Created: 04/19/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/15/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/13/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/13/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/08/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 04/05/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/29/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/28/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/27/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/25/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/24/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/24/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/22/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/21/2014 by Tamarie
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 03/21/2014 23:45 by Davidwayne Lackey
Created: 03/21/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/20/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 03/19/2014 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0