The WindFarm has three main components.
1. An army of intercessors always on the alert 2. Community Prayer regarding specific Kingdom issues. 3. Resources that bolster and strengthen a life of prayer and preparedness.
If you want to be a WindFarm Intercessor go to your profile by clicking "MY AREA" at the top right of the navigational bar. This will take you into your own private place here at the Daily Audio Bible. On the left category selector click "MY INVOLVEMENT" and make sure that "THE PRAYER ROOM" is checked. This will allow you to receieve updates that are unique to the intercessory team. You're not going to get bombarded but you will know what's going on. In a real way you’re agreeing to intercede not only as a part of the Daily Audio Bible community but as a citizen and ambassador for the King and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Community prayer can happen at any time. As a matter of fact the end goal is that it's happening all the time! God is calling us to pray "around the world, around the clock," and that is where we're headed. The WindFarm is currently a virtual prayer room although over time we believe God will raise up WindFarm Prayer Rooms all over the country as the Daily Audio Bible Community answers the call to prayer. Nevertheless, the WindFarm virtual prayer room is always open and has a number or resources available. You can tour the Prayer Room by clicking it's link and immersing yourself in an environment of prayer.
LIVE Community prayer takes place once per month and announcements are made via the Daily Audio Bible podcast and this website. We meet for two hours in a moderated call in format where people from all over the world can be heard in realtime by those tuning in. A lively chatroom is a vital part of this experience and an afterglow chat follows the broadcast back here at the WindFarm chatroom. Click the "LIVE Community Prayer Link" to jump over to our technology partner BlogTalk Radio. You can sign up for a free account there and get to know the place so that you're ready the next time we come together to pray.
As a community of prayer we're committed to learning from those ahead of us on the path and from each other. Prayer resources are constantly being made available as the community develops around wherever it is the Holy Spirit is leading us. You can find these resources by clicking the "Resources" link at the top.
How do you get involved?
It's simple. Just jump in. There are no rules. Sign up for a prayer shift and come to the Prayer Room, launch the chatroom, play some music and pray. You never know who will show up in need of prayer and what new friendships await you.
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Sunday 1 December, World
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