January 6, 2008

YIKES! So we have this years first little snafu and wouldn't you know it? I'm 1200 miles from Nashville.

It looks like The 5th and 6th broadcasts are not downloading and we're working on it and asking for your grace in this massive time of transition behind the scenes. You can see a new website being put into place but what you cannot see is that the DAB has gone through a massive re-configuration behind the scenes onto a completely different platform and a whole new way of producing it. Why? Portability.

I travel a lot as you know (I take you with me) and to produce the DAB from the road was a real chore involving racks and bags of gear. During the Holidays I put a new system in place and tested it for roll out in the new year with the website and all the other stuff that's going on. Somehow the last couple of days just aren't working and I'm figuring that out. I'm totally certain it will work Monday (7th) and if I can't get the 5th and 6th up tomorrow it will have to wait for me to do on Tuesday night when I get home to Tennessee.

The good news? Now that I see how this can happen it's not likely to happen again. The bad? It might be Tuesday night before those days appear.

What's the spiritual parallel in all of this? I'm not certain. I did a photo shoot in New York today with a great group of artists one of which is very anxious in places with lots of flashing lights and commotion. That made it really interesting when we told her we'd be going into Time Square after dark. Although she was a little panicked, she gritted it out and got it done. I respected that.

Following Christ isn't without it's obstacles and advancing the Kingdom rarely happens without a fight. Sometimes you have to grit it out and get it done and when you do, there is always a measure of grace over you to get through whatever the struggle might be. I was so hoping for a perfect year this year with no late days and missing files. That's a pretty hard thing to do when you have to broadcast 7 days a week. Alas......... but we'll grit this out and get it done. And the reality is, we might be a little late but we won't miss anything. God will still use His word in our lives as He intended.

I love you all. Thanks for your patience.


Brian Hardin, 1/6/2008