February 24, 2008

She said , "I wasn't ready to consider the wounds in my life. It wasn't what I was expecting and it took my breath away." She told me the next day that she had a daydream almost like a vision where she saw herself pulling thorns out of her skin. Some of them were a foot long just coming out of her body and she was surprised at how deep they were.

I think that might stick with me forever not because of something I said but because of something God did. I have become increasingly aware of places in my own life where I've made agreements with wounds and allowed them to be true when they were well placed lies. The irony is that the lie has no affect unless we believe it. We have the power to make it true or to dismiss it and force it to the cross of Christ for it's judgment.

The artist retreat this weekend was a time where God showed up in ways that only He could. There is just no way to manipulate that sort of thing. We'll do the next one in May. I'd love to see you there. In the meantime I have to keep everything running here in Nashville and prepare for India. This is scary stuff in that the deeper more risky waters that sound so romantic from the shore are actually deep and powerful when you're out in them. My dependance on God has never been more pronounced and my utter inability to make it on my own are before me everyday. I suppose this is how it is supposed to look and I pray that you are swimming toward the open water in your own life. If not, you will. It is the way of faith and it's exhilarating and terrifying but there is the grace for whatever we're called to do and it's beautiful.

Onward Comrades,


Brian Hardin, 2/24/2008