May 18, 2008

I am in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It's Sunday night. I can't remember being this tired in a long time. My heart is full and I am totally spent. This is a good thing.

I've spent the weekend here leading a retreat for creative people. Not music people, not ministry people, creative people and as usual I probably took away a lot more than I gave. This retreat almost didn't happen. Every conceivable reason for it to cancel happened and yet for some reason we pressed on.

I told those who were coming of the ancient celts and how they referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Wild Goose." It's in so much of their imagery because following the Holy Spirit can feel like that sometimes. This weekend in particular.

The photo here is real. On Friday morning Brad and I (Brad is a ministry partner of mine) went for a drive into the nearby Sangre de Cristo Mountains to prepare our hearts to lead. We came upon this sign and went left. The road narrowed and wound it's way along the Holy Ghost Creek to a view of a gorgeous snow capped peak. It seemed as if we were being invited to follow and not lead and that's what we tried to do.

I think I need to process some of this and share it at the end of the month but I will say that it was my pure joy to have Angie, Jamie and Beth from the DAB family here. What a joy it is to watch this community become more than an idea. It makes my heart come alive to meet you all in person. Every time I do it is as if we already know one another and can just pick up wherever we left off the day before. I LOVE THAT.

Can I be honest? I am so tired right now that my head is going to crash onto the keyboard if I don't go to sleep. I have nothing deep left in me to share just the knowledge that we are friends and allies in our pursuit of Jesus and that gives me great respect and love for everyone here.

Onward Comrades,


Brian Hardin, 5/18/2008