June 22, 2008

I woke up this morning not really knowing what to write about. Sometimes I have such clarity and other times finding something meaningful to say is hard for me. The past week was one of breakthrough in my life and family. God's favor was with us and mostly I worked on music and seminary studies. I guess I could talk about theological things I've wrestled with but it's just not important right now.

This morning I got an email from India. The School of Music and Ministries there has just completed their 2 month outreach and have graduated. I am so proud of these guys. They've lived their last two months playing in malls, parks, street corner, churches and marketplaces sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a culture that is not particularly friendly and in some places openly hostile to it. Thanga shared one story of two Hindu women who came to a concert at a pool. They were there to swim but left Christians.

I know this sort of thing floats around all the time and it's easy to find emails of what God is doing around the world but these are OUR kids. This is a class that WE went to teach and WE prayed for and WE worked for! This is our DNA. We sowed here and this is partly OUR harvest. When I got the news this morning I knew I had to share it with you because these are missionaries that we helpted raise up.

I have also recieved word from Ayhulio and Prakash that DAB Hindi production has begun and is progressing! I am supposed to go back to India in November to teach and to check on our progress on those recordings for launch next year.

These things show me the hand of God. It's not that we don't have to contend for things in our lives. It's not that we don't have a battle to fight but inside the will of God there is peace and even genuine joy. God provides whatever we need inside His will and nothing can thwart His will and it feels literally like someone is going before us clearing the path. Congratulations to you for stepping up and helping this happen. This has always been a community effort and where we're going we go together. Big or small, far and wide we go together and no matter where this road leads we will always be family.

Onward Comrades,


Brian Hardin, 6/22/2008