February 22, 2009

If these walls could speak! It's been one of those weeks for me. Disruption of the highest order. We moved this week. I'm still reeling. Moving is nothing short of torture for me. I can't hate it more than I do. I swore last time I did this that I wouldn't do it again without a moving company. I reaffirmed that commitment again this week and this time I mean it! Moving. Ugh. Everything you own in this box or that. All the heavy stuff up and down the stairs. Will this look good here? Or there? Thank God for the words, "Release and Complete," over this year. I threw away a full moving truck of stuff. I think I could do another one if I put my mind to it.

I have much to process over the last few weeks. Things are percolating. Shifts are taking place inside me. When the earth shifts because of an earthquake or something similar a lot of times what is underneath is exposed. This has been my prayer over my life and over this community this year but true to form that's a lot more sexy to say than to do. Exposing what is underneath requires a look see at what's there and it requires some honest assessment. But what else can we do if we're going to move? Moving may be a difficult experience but it's more or less what we're called to do almost all the time. I don't mean that we shift from domicile to domicile but we are really instructed to be mobile like the wind and able to shift at the whim of the Holy Spirit.

I hate moving but moving has exposed a lot of things in my life that I can do better. It's shown me yet more that I can let go of also. This week we begin the first WindFarm class: The Hope of Prayer. I can't stress how important I believe this teaching is to the DAB community at large and each of us in particular. Move whatever you need to in your life to make time for this. I'm serious. It will change much. And much has to change if we're going to be a people of Word and Deed. We spend time in the Bible every single day. Now it's time to pray together to get things done.

Moving is no fun but move we must for anything less is standing still.

Onward Comrades,

Brian Hardin, 2/22/2009