Half Way

We reach the tipping point this week. That is to say that since January 1 we've been climbing to this point and now we'll be coasting down toward the end of the year. WE'RE HALFWAY THERE! Congratualtions on six months in the Bible every day. We're also jetting our way into July where we celebrate a really big date for the DAB Community. Three years ago on July 7 everything seemed to shift around here. We participated in an event here in Nashville called The Call but it was much more than that for us. Somehow we went from community to family overnight. I can't explain that really. Perhaps more years need to go by so that there's a little more hindsight but it's pretty much what happened.

07-07-07 for some reason catapulted us forward. Rather than falling into a Summer slump we surged forward and haven't slowed since. Since then we've called this day, The Long Walk and we set it aside as a community to walk with God. As simple as it sounds our lives are actually so busy that we find it difficult to take a day, set it aside and walk alone with God, listen for His voice and enjoy His presence. July 7 is just something we do to remind ourselves why we're here in the first place. If you haven't made your plans yet.....Do it. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

On July 7 we will launch the WindFarm Radio Network. This is the first component from the new site to launch but it's also the initiation of prayer and worship around the world, around the clock. This is it! I could write pages on this but I won't just yet. Suffice it to say, we're stepping into the next season of our growth as a community and I'm so excited I could pee my pants. Well, not really. Just seeing if you're paying attention.

If you want to lead the community in prayer there are two numbers you can call. Toll free in the United States (877) 634-3337 and local in the UK 0203-318-4217

Onward Comrades,

Brian Hardin, 6/30/2009