
The Message
I hate the message. This is my opinion. The message at best is a paraphrase not a translation. But it is the worst kind of paraphrase, it plays fast and loose with the scriptures, speaking the authors opinions and prejudices. I must admit I almost decided not to listen to the podcasts this week because of it. I find the Message bible offensive. That's my rant take it for what it is,... my rant. Love Ed
Ken Richards 07/27/2010 11:59

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Tom B 07/27/2010 20:21
I actually love the Message, but I don't use it as my only Bible. It is probably my favorite reading Bible though.
Ian Barton 07/28/2010 10:02
I have to agree with Ed on this one. I've been listening since January and I've been dreading the Message coming round again (if I'm correct we've only had it once this year). Last time it was on, I did some research on it, and you don't have to look far to see that it's pretty flawed. Here's one review, for example:

I'm running about a week behind, so I haven't started on Romans reading from The Message yet. Not looking forward to it.

Enough negativity. The Daily Audio Bible is a fantastic resource and the effort that Brian and his team put into this every single day is amazing.

Thanks to all of you.

Garry J 08/11/2010 11:27
I remember when it first came out, our youth pastor gave our 'the message' new testaments to some of the newly saved youth. Mostly those who didn't grow up in church, didn't relate to the bible very well yet. I think it served that purpose fairly well, an intro.
It is a paraphrase for sure, not for theological study but more for a general 'soaking it in' (but i do acknowledge and tend to agree with your statements). It's a little 'flowery' in spots which makes it hard for me to just sit down and read. But once in a while it hits the nail on the head and inspires and makes me smile.
Think about it, though, the Wyecliff Bible folks translate the bible into languages for people groups, and some situations they have to first create the written language for the people and then teach that to the people. Amazing. The bible those folks are reading must be a lot like the message. Written in plain language, trying to explain the truth of things in the best way possible. But agreed, if those tribespeople want to get into intellectual studies they might have to learn english, hebrew, greek, etc. not sure where i'm going with that so i'm stopping now and going to lunch :)
Garry J 08/11/2010 11:28
But I'll add that Brian makes 'the message' sound great with his reading style. I personally I like kind of 'soak' in the word on the way to work, so the poetic and descriptive nature of 'the message' works great for that.
Kelley 08/11/2010 15:39
I love the Message. I look forward to it coming around. I don't study from it, I relate to it, and it makes me see things in different ways that have deeply impacted my life. When I study I use a different version.... but ... I know some of you guys will gasp at the thought, the Bible is for more then just your mind ;), and Eugene Peterson IS both a scholar and poet and someone who actually has to speak the Word in a living way to others, so he isn't just a regular guy out there spouting off his opinion. So, in my opinion anyway, it has a wonderful use if used for what it is created for, and it impacts many many people. I find it refreshing, invigorating, earthy, and because it doesn't say the same things in the same way that we've heard so often that we don't really hear them anymore, it can come up with ways of presenting things that we actually HEAR. (I will admit though, Ephesians 6 in the message does not even touch the power of the whole armour of God thing.) Anyway, I for one, would be deeply saddened to not have it on the line up. :(
Kelley 08/11/2010 15:55
Garry you actually said something very true there. The power of the Bible in reaching unreached people is in its translation into their usable language. Wycliff people would be doing the same thing Eugene Peterson did, to the best of their ability. We can be very studious about it all and there is nothing wrong with that, but the Holy Spirit can take any humble words from any mouth who knows Him and through those words introduce others to His thoughts and ways and Self. It is beautiful beautiful to think about. Have any of you guys done the devotional exercise of takeing a portion of scripture and writing it out in your own words? it can be a HUGE impact. Not that your words are better then scripture but that they have just become YOURS. The Bible and the power of it, coupled with the Holy Spirit... well it just profoundly completely fascinates, inspires, and amazes me. I cannot get enough. It is something to study to the scholarly. It is praise and prayer to the worshipper. It is the life of God reaching out to the unreached. It is a devotional fire to the seeker. It is a portal and a doorway where a space is created for God and humanity to meet and communicate. While many people would like to sift through Greek and Aramaic (I like that too) I still LOVE just lighting the fire and letting it burn while I simply meet with Him there.
Davidwayne Lackey 08/11/2010 21:23
I loved The Message. It is not a Bible. Eugene Petterson made it plain when The Message first came out that it was a companion to The Bible and not a replacement. Eugene made no bones about it. It was intended to open up the spirit of the original meaning in an everyday way with everyday language. I believe Eugene did a masterful job of it. It has reached many who would not have read The Bible ordinarily.
Helga 08/11/2010 22:48
Ed, I think everyone sees things out of his perspective and you just seem to dislike the Message. I think though inspite you disliking this version God's Spirit still uses it to teach you from it. It reminds me of going to a church and you do not like everything and then decide to go to another one. I also think out of fairness Brian uses different bible versions and the main thing is that you stay with DAB because in the end it is God who works in you in His way.
God bless you
Jenna in Austin 08/11/2010 23:12
Ed, I agree with you... I'm not fond of the Message personally. For me, because I read along with my bible (NIV) I have to often stop and re-read what I just heard. With other translations I don't have to do that.

On the other hand, I'm sure a few years ago when I was far from God, if I had known of The Message, maybe I would have related to it sooner...

So my conclusion is that it's a good thing, even if it's not my favorite. And I do love hearing Brian read, whatever the translation! :0)
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