Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

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Ray 10/02/2011 13:42
"The regulations that follow might be imperatively needful in the then situation of the Israelites; and yet, it is not necessary that we should curiously and impertinently inquire into them."

These aren't the droids you're looking for. :)
Ray 10/02/2011 14:17
"Fifty shekels - Besides the dowry, as Philo, the learned Jew notes, which is here omitted, because that was customary, it being sufficient here to mention what was peculiar to this case. His wife - If her father consented to it."

At first I wondered if Wesley just made this up, but it does make sense in the culture. I think this kind of stuff still goes in Saudi Arabia, well in the cities anyway. That is, her father having the ultimate say, if she had to wed the creep. Not that that changes your inquiry. The culture is just not kind to women at all:
Women's behavior was extremely limited in ancient times, much as the women of Afghanistan during the recent Taliban oppression. They were:
- Unmarried women were not allowed to leave the home of their father without permission.
- Married women were not allowed to leave the home of their husband, without permission.
- They were normally restricted to roles of little or no authority.
- They could not testify in court.
- They could not appear in public venues.
- They were not allowed to talk to strangers.
- They had to be doubly veiled when they left their homes.

So, she can't go out unless dad says so, and if she gets attacked, it's on his watch. Seem like he should be the one who get's whacked, but then he's a guy. Case closed ;)

2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Bibleman 10/04/2011 09:55
2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is God - breathed and useful for teaching, for correcting, for rebuking and for training in righteousness."
how do we view these slightly disturbing verses in that context? Or was Paul mistaken in his views when he wrote Timothy and these law passages are sort of just laws that have lost their usefulness today?

above all else, nonetheless, I believe that faith and reason coexist, and that faith is actually a branch - out from reason. In other words, please do not view my questions as heckling. They are not.
I also don't like being Proverbs 3:5 bombed, I find it annoying...
Ray 10/04/2011 14:39
I guess my off-the-cuff response is that I find the bible alive, useful, and moving. Whenever I start looking at it as a rule book things go down hill for me. It's a representation of a very special person, the most special of all, an alive person. The person has to be primary in the mix of our lives or the words don't make much sense. If He is not primary for us daily, then yeah, I can see where the logic is flakey. Make the victim marry a rapist. God must be an terrible beast. But perhaps He is not the beast. Maybe He is just letting us have what we want (at that time). When we start wanting it to be a rule book the spirit of the person wanes.

I was reading at "Love Wins" last night and while I won't quote it exactly, it was the part where he changes the question, "does God get what He wants" into "do we get what we want." The answer is "yes."
Ray 10/04/2011 15:02
"I also don't like being Proverbs 3:5 bombed"

That's why I thought the commentary that said "don't go there" was pretty funny. As if to say God can't handle our questions. I didn't look at the history of the text, but you could probably date it by the posture.
Bibleman 10/04/2011 22:21
so I guess here we should look at the law as a whole, in eastern fashion, and not piece - by - piece, in western fashion? that the point of the law is to demonstrate how sinful we are? As the Pauline arguments go in Galatians? And therefore, point us to Christ?
Ray 10/05/2011 11:38
How do you read it?

Women are garbage to the world rather than the jewels they are in the kingdom. Each day in China, 35,000 baby girls are aborted and 500 women commit suicide, 400 million abortions since 1979. That from the article I was reading about a Chinese believer. It makes the point about how much grander we are in 2011, not to pick on China. We have our own style of abuse.

I'm no bible scholar. I guess I was thinking of the men in these lines. The dad failed his daughter. If there was a man in the wings you should whack the rapist. If not, then the rapist gets the girl, cause she is gonna starve to death anyway, since she was damaged goods. Points to the way men look at good. Points to the need for a revolution to me.

Maybe you're getting at why did fubar stuff get in the text in the first place? It's a good question. I wonder if it gets back to Bell, He gives us what we want and we want women to be garbage. I guess this since it clearly is NOT the way God looks at female people. Somebody in the mix felt like this was the right verdict. Did God ordain these words or did He let us get what we wanted?
TRWord 10/05/2011 14:31
Isn’t this an inevitable consequence of interpreting Eve as an our female, an after thought, “a rib” brought to being solely to prevent Adam from being lonely.
Bibleman 10/05/2011 17:35
TRWord, 'I shall create a helper suitable for him.' (Genesis 2:17) The word 'helper' is translated from a hebrew word pronounced like EZER KENEGDO. This word means 'help - meet' or more literally, 'lifesaver'. Much more respectable than an afterthought...

Bibleman 10/05/2011 17:37
female commentary would be great right about now...
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