Discussions on Prayer

How do you pray?
I'm wondering how others pray. Do you kneel? Speak out loud or to yourself? Do you do it at the same time every day, or just whenever the feeling strikes you? Do you follow a program, like always praying for certain things or people at the beginning or end? Do you find a quiet or private place to pray in, or does that matter to you?
Charles 12/27/2009 15:12

Replies: (page   1   2   3)
RAHope4All 12/27/2009 21:20
I try to get in a quite state of mind , which these days can be the greatest challenge, then I try to remember to bring my will in line with God's will.... If you have not listened to "THE HOPE OF PRAYER" 4 part series by John Eldridge I highly recommend you do...... It has entriely changed what I thought about prayer and had been instrumental in many recent victories in my life and the Kingdom of God. Prayer the right way does effect change..... I'm a brand newbie at this but have allready seen dramatic changes in the atmospher of our small group as I began to pray for the group ahead of time...... Like a couple days before each meeting and with specifics that I submitted to God and He must have aggreed because BAM the dynamixs of the group has been radicaally changed upside down...... For the better and more effectual ushering in of His Kingdom..... Isn't it great to be a live and be blessed with being a part of this Advance in 2010..... I am so excited with what God is teaching me,,,,, Let me know what you thin of the 4 part prayer series you can find it on the resources page of this web-site and download and listen over and over , there is so much too it, for me anyway..... I honestly never knew how to pray, what to pray, etc until I started applying whats in the series...... Jesus Best to you...... Rick
Joe468 01/03/2010 20:53
It really depends, Charles. I prefer to be alone to pray. I try to focus. Depending on the circumstance I may speak aloud or whisper (or either in my head). I think prayer is really a moment thing. It comes in different ways, depending on the circumstance a person finds them self in.
Lynn 01/04/2010 08:45
Since I have knee problems and back problems it is very difficult for me to get on my knees to pray. I am always praying. I pray when I am sitting in my chair, when I lay in bed at night before I go to sleep and when I wake up.

I have a conversation with God. I ask him for peace in the world. To comfort the lonely and the people in the hospitals and nursing homes. I ask him for guidance in my life. But I always finish by saying "but if it is not in your will God please give us patience and understanding in why things are the way they are"

I do have a prayer book and I say my prayers from that. But when I am walking my little Yorkie I am praying. When I use to mow my lawn I would pray. Neighbors always knew that Lynn is praying because I would be mowing, trimming etc.

Now that my health isn't that great I pray and talk to God. I ask for wisdom I ask for HIS guidance because I truly need it.

God Bless
Brent Green 01/14/2010 20:12
Hi Charles -

Thanks for your honest question.

For me, prayer has changed through the years. I've learned more about myself...my personality...how I connect w/ God best, etc. And - I try to build my prayer life in a way that fit's how God has made me.

Much of the time, I write a prayer journal (on my computer)...because I can express myself well through writing. Other times, I go out on walks and pray out loud. I've recently begun using a digital recorder to record some of my prayers while I'm walking. I love reading (or listening) back on things I've prayed through in the past...to see how I've changed...to see how God has answered prayers, etc.

More than anything, prayer to me is developing my relationship w/ God. I think He pretty much accepts however You want to pray. I think that He just really enjoys it when you talk to Him....no matter what format it's in.

In Him,
muudda 01/16/2010 06:08
note: prayer is not an attempt to change God, but it's about us being changed. Since I learned this, my focus and ways of praying from my heart have been freed. I listen alot, waiting upon the Holy Spirit to lead my heart in God's direction. This is difficult but, over time, becomes honed by practice and God's work in me. Richard Foster's book Finding the Heart's True Home at http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=62846 is an invaluable tool to learn more. Renovare' at http://www.renovare.us/ also has fabulous teaching on the subject.
TerrieB 02/08/2010 18:55
Thanks everyone for sharing. We can all improve our prayer life by finding out what works for others.

I pray when I hear something during the day (or on the forums) that moves me to immediate prayer. I also pray at night before bed. I do get on my knees, to humble myself to God. I put myself in his presence, and through the principles in the Power of Prayer as mentioned earlier, just follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is sometimes surprising where the spirit leads.
muudda 02/08/2010 19:52
I've since read The PAPA Prayer by Larry Crabb. A must read!! Has moved my walk with God to a deeper level. I love Him!!
Tam Tommy 04/13/2010 07:28
Hello, I am relatively news to all of this too. I have been going to church for over a year now and am very happy with the one which I have found and love going there. I pray to God when I feel I want to, but I make sure that I it every day. For a few years now, myself and my husband are having much trouble trying to conceieve so we ask God to help us in this and to give us the strengh and to fill us with Joy as we have been in such a dark place for so long. I also pray for my family and friends and ask God that he helps them with every aspect of their life. Please dont think that I am trying to do a deal with God. I have always believed but have found it hard to go to church as my parents are of split faith.
I prayed a few weeks ago for a family friend who was in intensive care and only had a 30% chance of recovery; the next day no lie, we heard how he had woken up!
Mimi 04/13/2010 19:15
Praise God!! It's so true! I have a friend Karen who has been fighting lung cancer for a couple of years now. She is in Mexico at a clinic and has a Christian doctor. She went for a walk before 9 am yesterday am with her husband and was feeling terrific! Now I have the courage to continue!
Daniela Dong 05/12/2010 10:07
I have to say I'm sometimes reluctant to pray, I know it's not good...I pray every night before going to bed and every workday before I step out to work. Sometimes I don't know what to pray,so I just ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in the day and God to open my eyes when I read the Bible. Although i don't pray enough-far off....but I do have had the experience when prayer works instantly and amazingly.
I just finished listening to Hope of Pray series 1. I feel the night prayer works better since I am usually calm and relaxed, and not in a rush.
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