Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

Proper tolerance! What is non - denominational, really?
with the whole charismatic church movement across the country, a lot of people in the church have an aversion for formal churches. Heres a little piece on rituals and what tolerance means to us, here in this interdenominational gathering we have here at DAB, but also for the church at large!
with my buddy John (who has left for good for Slovakia now, ah well...)
Bibleman 02/25/2011 16:35

Replies: (page   1   2   3)
TRWord 02/27/2011 05:10
Hi Bibleman

You asked: “What is non-denominational really?”

To answer your question; to be non- denominational one must be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Today a christian can be a Roman Catholic, a Baptists, a Jehovah’s Witnesses, or a Methodists etc etc. When we read the Bible we find that the disciples were first called christians in Antioch. (Act 11:26)

Therefore a christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ; a disciple of His teaching.

(Mark 7:7) Jesus said that those of us who have exchanged His teaching for doctrine; (the commandments of men) worship Him in vain, which is plain when we see the confusion of beliefs and when we look at the differences in the interpretations of (Mark 7:7) provided below.

Christianity today with it’s multitude of denominations, many with their own version of the Bible have brought utter confusion to our understanding. The only solution is a return to the source; the teaching of Jesus Christ.

(Mark 7:7KJV) Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.


(Mark 7:7NIV) They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.

(Mark 7:7NLT Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God. )

(Mark 7:7YLT) and in vain do they worship Me, teaching teachings, commands of men;

You might find a better answer to your question here:
MikeCincy 02/27/2011 19:57
I think they got the basic point: there are core doctrines we must hold and defend to be Christians, but there's also a healthy diversity in secondary issues that Jesus ultimately uses to build His Church.

And TRWord: The Jehovah's Witnesses aren't Christians. They're a cult that teaches a false Jesus Christ, denying that He is God.
Craig from Illinois 02/28/2011 14:53
I noticed that too Mike regarding JW's. Not sure how that got put into the mix TRWord, but it makes the whole blog post suspect. Is that you blogging on that link or someone else?
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