Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion

Evil Spirits - posessed and opressed
I would love to hear others experiences with evil. Rebuking in the name of Jesus and standing in victory becasue satan has already been beaten. Jesus's encounter in the church with eveil spirits that would not leave. Who can see, feel or discern eveil spirits.

Just checking the interest in the topic. :)
Regina 03/27/2011 20:24

Replies: (page   1   2)
John T 03/29/2011 14:26
I can't describe specific times. I guess temptation is a part of it, and sometimes it's hard to know if it's the flesh or the devil. Some of the most interesting books I've read on this are by CS Lewis and Randy Alcorn.
Sarajane8 03/29/2011 15:09
Well this one time I was in Barbados on holiday and I was asleep however I was awake if you get my meaning. So I saw this thing come into the room it was small with a hood up and blacked out face. It had the audacity to lean on the work top across the room and just look at me like. "Yeah and?" so I froze and didn;t know what to do. I started to visualise friends from Church and call them in the spirit to help me. I saw them but their mouths we not moving. I prayd for the Lord to help me then it was like it wasn't me, My hair changed to a golden brown colour and I jumped out the bed and roare " LEAVE THIS PLACE! the thing jumped back and was out that door so fast. I was with my ex at thetime and asked the Lord if I should tell him what had happened however the Lord revealed to me that I he wouldnt understand.

Thats one time, I've had others and plenty of dreams and stuff where I have encounterd dark forces its kind of hard to talk about as it sounds a bit weird.
purpleelsie 04/01/2011 17:17
recently I've struggled with believeing I belong to Jesus it seems to be a battle that every so often recurrs with me. Over the past few weeks I had been enjoying a closer relationship with him but I'm not part of a church and don't really have anyone to fellowship with so I had slowly been neglegting my time in the Word as I didn't feel worthy enough however after about a week I had had enough and felt drawn back to my bible. I spent a little time in it, but that night I had a weird dream, I was in this house that was supposed to be my grans and there was this room that was mine however it had a reputation for strange and unexplained things happening in it, a couple of times I went in it I was sitting on the edge of the bed when I glanced up I saw someones head disappear out of view one time I looked up it was like a poster on the wall with this person in human form talking to me I can't remember what they were saying to me but I'm quite sure I was uncomfortable with it so I started to tell "it" Jesus lives in me but it was like my mouth wouldn't open no matter how hard I tried to say it but "it" knew what I was trying to get out and started saying it back to me in a mocking voice at which point I woke up.
Sarajane8 04/02/2011 10:49
purpleelsie my love, DO NOT be afraid OK, Say it out loud, "I am not afraid for the Jehovah will take care of me"
a house symbolises your spirtiual or emotional and a head refers to the Kingship if your life so I guess we can say that this dream was to unerve you and make you question your spirituality and who is King in your life.

SO what do we do? 1st Not be afraid for a split second. The great thing is that you were responding with the truth and Jesus DOES live in you.

In regards to fellowship we can fellowship hun, where do you live? If you are not in the UK we can do it online.

memorise Psalm 27. Read it over and over until you know it by heart and say it to yourself throughout the day and night.

Love you loads

Sarajane8 04/02/2011 10:52
Also when those unworth thoughts come in don't listen tell yourself Straight away that you ARE loved and accepted and NOTHING shall separate you from the Love of Christ. Read Romans 8 and memorise verse 37.

Much love

deborah 04/02/2011 12:17
Laura, I had many similar experiences, dreams or half-dream states in which I would see, hear, and feel people, shadows, or animals on me or approaching me. I would try to cry out or move, but was frozen. I struggled and fought to cry out the name of Jesus until I finally could, then they would all disappear and I would be able to move again. This happened most recently to me (a couple of years ago) when I slept in one particular bedroom of my house. It is a room that I used to use for occult activity when I was a satan worshiper many years ago. Even though decades had passed, the room still had a mind of its own so-to-speak, still open to the demonic spirits I had once summoned of my own free will.

I prayed over this room for God to cleanse it. I sprinkled it with holy water. I slept with a Bible under my pillow or on my chest when this happened. It still kept coming back. One day during the time that the community was going through the Restored class, I was cleaning that bedroom and I found some items hidden deep in a corner recess of my wall, almost like a "cave" area of a built-in bookshelf, behind many books. They were items connected to my former rituals, books about that kind of knowledge and occult other items and information. I didn't know they were there. I cleaned out the room and destroyed them, and God told me to keep that area clean and holy for Him. That's when I realized that God was trying to tell me that I still had many dark secrets in my heart, many false idols I still held on to that I didn't want to acknowledge, things in everyday life that I just simply put before Him in priority. I had to clean out my heart and keep that space empty and holy for Him, and the corner in the bedroom was a physical symbol and marker to remind me of this every day. I obeyed Him, and the infestation has never returned.

Don't be afraid laura. God is greater than all things, even greater than satan. God alone is the Creator. Pray to Him to show you the truth behind these dreams and experiences. I pray God will surround you with His angel armies and give you peaceful rest.

Regina, I was not going to reply to this thread initially because I walk the thin but indelible line between Christ and the occult. The occult sings a siren's song to me daily. Every year or so this topic comes up and I eventually share a little bit more about it for the benefit of the community. Last time it was when vampires and specifically Twilight became the new romantic addiction from hell. Now I am drawn to laura.

Speaking of all this really drains me, and I will not glorify the great liar himself. I am free of him forever. I know it is all real. I was a satan worshiper for years. I did not deny Jesus existed or that He was the Son of God. I knew exactly who He was. I just hated Him. But for the mercy and grace of Jesus' love for me, the most horrible of sinners, I would still be lost today. I still see the demonic in people's eyes when they are under the influence. I see the demonic on people's faces. I used to beg for God to let me talk to the dead again until He revealed in a dream that they were still pursuing me but He had bound their mouths shut forever by the blood of Jesus - and they were furious. Even though I still fought subconsciously to re-immerse my feet into the cemetery dirt, it was time for me to walk away completely. They were not spirits of the dead. They were demons from hell. There are no ghosts. The dead do not return. It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement. They may long to return but just as Lazarus was denied, so are all the dead. These are demons pretending to be spirits of our dead, that is what people are actually glorifying and seeking, not ghosts.

The night before my son attacked me and tried to murder me about a year and a half ago, I had a dream. Satan came to me in that dream in all his disgusting writhing presence, laughing at me with his demonic entourage. The scene changed to my front porch and I was entering my house with a man entering behind me. I could not see his face clearly because it was blue and cut into moving mosaic pieces. That is exactly the scene that took place the next day, my son walking in behind me through the same entrance in the same clothes with the same look on his face with one purpose - to murder me. Too bad I did not understand the dream in time. When I woke in ICU 3 days later, extubated finally, the first thing I heard, loud and clear, was satan's voice saying to me - I am not through with you yet. And I answered out loud - bring it on - God is MY Father and Jesus my Redeemer! I am alive by the grace and mercy of God alone!

Let the fools say there is no literal satan. Let the ignorant declare there is no personification of evil. I know better. I worshiped him.l I invited him. I married him. We allowed ourselves to be possessed by demons. I still hear and literally see his presence in every day life. I see it in every occult movie, TV show, ghost hunter/vampire/werewolf seduction there is. I KNOW that call. God showed me the spiritual warfare over Iraq during the campaign in Baghdad. It was so horrifying that I had to look away and ask Him to stop. It is all very, very real. But all powerless over me unless I chose to grant it power again - which I WILL NOT. I have been redeemed and am a child of the KING of Heaven! God really loves me just the way I am!

The good news is that Jesus has won the victory for all of us. The battle has already been fought and He redeemed us. HE WON! When we give ourselves to Him fully, when we surrender our hearts and lives to Jesus, when we tell God to take over our lives and do with us what HE wants to for His plan, then we have no worries. No worries at all. He is in control, and He wrote the owner's manual of our lives. He is the owner! Satan is a bully. Give him to God. Throw him at the feet of Jesus, His master. Rebuke him, speak only scripture to him, and then walk away. Do not engage in whatever thoughts may enter your head. Just start praising God out loud. Look at the face of Jesus and let yourself be totally consumed with His beauty! Praise GOD! :)
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